View Full Version : Rico fears for George

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17/04/2006, 8:51 PM
Cork boss Damien Richardson has urged other clubs to stop roughing up “flamboyant” players like George O’ Callaghan or face losing them from the Irish League.

O’ Callaghan was forced off during Cork’s 0-0 draw with Bray with the midfielder suffering a swollen ankle. Richardson has since called on greater protection for the player. He said “George got battered. I warned him before the season started that the type of player he is, he would get that attention. To be fair he has handled it well, he hasn’t reacted badly.”

Richardson has warned that this rough house approach will be to the detriment of Irish football. “The point I’m saying is that we have to be careful that we don’t drift back to the days when it was a physical league where quality players were sorted out. We need flamboyancy- we need quality players. Every team has them. Bray have Zayed and Robbie Doyle. We have George, Joe Gamble, John O’ Flynn and Neal Fenn. But we have got to protect them.”


Conor H
17/04/2006, 8:53 PM

17/04/2006, 8:54 PM
:rolleyes:We agree then?:D.

17/04/2006, 8:56 PM
I second that :rolleyes: what a crock of ****! You cant tackle him cos he'll dive and to prevent him diving dont tackle him cos hes such a gem of a player he might get hurt lol :D

Conor H
17/04/2006, 9:02 PM
We agree then?:D.
:rolleyes: Absolute crap!

17/04/2006, 9:06 PM
:rolleyes: Absolute crap!Ah sure he's only looking out for poor Georgie. We wouldn't want him getting hurt in such a friendly game, I mean, football is not a physical sport at all is it?:rolleyes:.

17/04/2006, 9:13 PM
It is quite simple - ramble on enough and people will stop listening. I have stopped taking this senile fool serious as he A) lacks respect for opponents and B) is a crazy crazy man. Give it up Rico!

17/04/2006, 9:37 PM
It is quite simple - ramble on enough and people will stop listening.
It's true.
Don't stop now lads, ye're almost there.:)

17/04/2006, 9:55 PM
It's true.
Don't stop now lads, ye're almost there.:)

First of all :D

But jesus lads everyone needs to give a rest about the delicate flower(georgie) who cares about him! Except cork and drogheda fans.

But i laughed when i seen this, it happens in football, its a physical game and who gives a **** what Rico says!!

17/04/2006, 9:57 PM
First of all :D

But jesus lads everyone needs to give a rest about the delicate flower(georgie) who cares about him! Except cork and drogheda fans.

But i laughed when i seen this, it happens in football, its a physical game and who gives a **** what Rico says!!

did anyone catch the setanta final ads on setanta? "damien richardson's beloved cork city" :D

hate to burst the setanta/cáwkies bubble, but the man is a rovers fan...

17/04/2006, 10:01 PM
Poor little Georgie...

17/04/2006, 10:13 PM
To be fair he has handled it well, he hasn’t reacted badly.
He actually injured himself Friday night fouling Foxy and he clearly handles it well as he makes obscene gestures to the crowd. And before that he dived and got up seconds later to take the free-kick. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

17/04/2006, 10:36 PM
Lads in fairness the point hes makng is a fair point.Our league owes a lot for the improvement of the last few years to the return of talented players from england but why will they want to stay here if every week they're getting paid "special" attention.

While I agree that its not as extensive a problem as Rico makes it out to be it is a problem.The way forward for the league is to have teams playing football on the ground and not hoofing it with 10 men behind the ball

Its no co-incidence that Longford have failed miserably in Europe when you look at the style of football they played in it,we have to get away from the attitude of qualifying for europe is everything but what you do in it means nothing(a little bit off topic i know but i think its relevant!)

17/04/2006, 10:52 PM
No offence to all the Cork fans, but where George is concerned you can accept little sympathy from the rest of us.

The reason that George gets the "attention" that is he does is that he is a gobby player. He doesn't know when to shut it, both with refeeres and opponents.

I believe that in general the referees are fair enough towards flair players.
Alan Kelly's branishing of numerous early cards to the Boreford players on Saturday night was evidence as to this.

However, yet again clear mind games by Rico. Anyone offering odds on Cork getting frees every time they are tackled on Saturday?

17/04/2006, 10:53 PM
He wants the players to let him run rings around them so??.. but I do agree with him! all the players in Irish football are holding back their skills because of our rough nature :) no wonder we have a plane league ;)

17/04/2006, 11:25 PM
Rico is turning into a real bore on this subject.Georgie gets kicked more to do with his diving and his general attitude towards other players,He makes himself into a target ! And this bull**** about the leauge loosing players like him to england ? Like he has a choice....

A face
18/04/2006, 12:27 AM
We should just scrap the football and have games of kickshít ..... far more entertaining.

Having the league improve in standard is just .....

Idealistic Búllshít

We are getting well above our station even thinking our league could play at a higher standard. We should listen to the likes of Pat Devlin and Dermot Keely, they know best, they know the dangers of ambition.

18/04/2006, 1:20 AM
We should just scrap the football and have games of kickshít ..... far more entertaining.

Having the league improve in standard is just .....

Exactly, there's a difference between being physical and just coming out to hatchet people. Linfield are imo a hatchet team. Not pretty to watch and devoid of ideas. The amount of times we see good players beat average ones and get cynically taken out of it is farcical. Remember was it Bradleys cynical kick on a city player in the Setanta cup, seen way too much nowadays for a league trying to improve the standards.

18/04/2006, 1:49 AM
The reason he's gets no sympathy (apart from the obvious reasons Maribor outlined) is that every succesful club has had a flare player in this league who got the **** kicked out of him and nobody else cried about it. It happens Ronaldinho in Spain, to Rooney and Henry in England and to Kaka in Italy. They just get on with it.

A face
18/04/2006, 2:02 AM
They just get on with it.

Búllshít ..... and bare in mind its not just Georgie, its any player trying to raise their game. Any player that might give a fan value for the money he pays at he gate.

Mr A
18/04/2006, 2:03 AM
Jebus you'd think to listen to some of this that the lower leagues in England are some sort of fairyland were nobody tackles hard..........

A face
18/04/2006, 2:10 AM
Jebus you'd think to listen to some of this that the lower leagues in England are some sort of fairyland were nobody tackles hard..........

Good point well made ......... If we were in the lower leagues in England that is.

Just cause they kick the shít out of each other over there, it should be fine for us here too ?? This inferiority complex that some fans have its getting all too much for me i think.

How dare we even think of progressing. Any player that shows any slight bit of promise, we should get Pat Devlin to ship them off to English and be rid.

Mr A
18/04/2006, 2:28 AM
Hold on a minute here- if these players are lost to the league they will be going to where exactly? Will Georgie be going straight to the premiership- I don't think so! Even there there's plenty of teams that will kick the oppositions flair players around the park.

18/04/2006, 8:18 AM
Quite simply brilliant from Rico ! What an idiot ! he fcuking did it to himself, while commeting a foul himself and not before trying to smash Pip open as well.

18/04/2006, 8:34 AM
I have heard it all now... :rolleyes: The scary thing is he probably believes it all himself! :eek: :D

18/04/2006, 9:36 AM
I have heard it all now... :rolleyes: The scary thing is he probably believes it all himself!

Scary :eek:

Are we running a book on how many dives he makes on saturday? :D

18/04/2006, 9:37 AM
I don't think that i have ever heard such sh1t in my life.What a joker Rico is and what's even funnier is that some people are buying into his crap.Football is a contact sport and always has been.If poor Georgie can't take it perhaps it isn't the life for him.Chess may suit him better.I can just see all the talented players making an exodus to the lower leagues in England because they get knocked around over here.

18/04/2006, 9:43 AM
Whats he on about ???

Sure Weso spent plenty of seasons getting kicked up and down the pitch. It always goes on and all you can do is hope the ref gives out some cards.

It's not against the rules so I dont see his problem. I would be more worried about the culture of diving and trying to get players sent off. If you ask me he is putting the word out there to people who will listen that Cork are being roughed up and all the while the diving at Cork continues to grow. You now have a few players willing to con the ref into booking opposing players and I thnk these outbursts by Rico are part of an overall plan.

Fenlon has spent seasons saying teams up their game against Shels and get stuck in so its just a fact of winning. Theres a couple of players at Cork who like a dodgy tackle or two so he could begin by clearing up his own team first if it annoys him that much.

18/04/2006, 9:52 AM
I believe that in general the referees are fair enough towards flair players.
Alan Kelly's branishing of numerous early cards to the Boreford players on Saturday night was evidence as to this.


NUMEROUS EARLY CARDS! Would you ever go and ****e!

18/04/2006, 10:05 AM
Theres a couple of players at Cork who like a dodgy tackle or two so he could begin by clearing up his own team first if it annoys him that much.

Just like poor little Georgie here (http://www.irishfootballonline.com/news_story.php?newsid=4426) :rolleyes:

Mr A
18/04/2006, 10:10 AM
Now, now, Roo, O'Callaghan isn't kicking that Bray player, only someone with a massive inferiority complex who doesn't want the league to move forward would even dare to think such a thing.

18/04/2006, 11:13 AM
Just like poor little Georgie here (http://www.irishfootballonline.com/news_story.php?newsid=4426) :rolleyes:

the same poor boy george that went in with his studs on some shels players ankle in the setanta cup the other week? :rolleyes:

18/04/2006, 11:34 AM

This thread is hilarious. Fair play Rico you sure know how to get a reaction. :D

Roll on saturday

18/04/2006, 11:56 AM
Lads maybe we should let our feelings known here,


:D :D :D

18/04/2006, 12:06 PM
Lads maybe we should let our feelings known here,


Im pretty sure George doesn't read that :D

Good attempt but they could've at least spelt the name right

18/04/2006, 12:08 PM
Just like poor little Georgie here (http://www.irishfootballonline.com/news_story.php?newsid=4426) :rolleyes:
Roo, you better be careful or you will incite A Face to be composing more classic lines like this one which he sent to me in a PM (or a PR = Private Rant) earlier today:

'Bray Wanderers is an anagram of Insular Narrow-minded Thinking'

I shouldn't laugh 'cos it only encourages him but Bray/Devo has really stirred him up and taking the pi*ss out of a 'great player' (A Face's words, not mine) like George (yes he did mean that George!) will only get his imaginative juices flowing faster!!!!

18/04/2006, 12:10 PM
Glad to see ye're all in agreement that players can get hoofed around the park to satisfy the physical aspect of the sport.

18/04/2006, 12:39 PM
Im pretty sure George doesn't read that :D

Good attempt but they could've at least spelt the name right

That was on purpose so that noone gets sued :rolleyes:

18/04/2006, 1:02 PM
Glad to see ye're all in agreement that players can get hoofed around the park to satisfy the physical aspect of the sport.

Rico was refering to last Fridays game when Georgie Boy came off injured thou, he he did to himself while commiting a foul and getting booked in the process.

He's trying to pass the buck and blame one of our players when it was Georgie himself, bit of a thick thing to do. What about O'Donavans Aussie Rules style (http://www.corkcityfc.ie/gallery/displayimage.php?album=164&pos=0)challange on pip keogh ? were he was almost on his shoulders, no mention of that was there ? Or Murphy's thugish language to the lino when he was booked, should have been sent off for the stuff he was calling the lino..... Wonder will the great Rico release a statement about these :rolleyes:

Every league is the same, every player gets fould, thats part of the game, it's a contact sport, next Rico will want basketball rules brought in. Anyway, i thought Georgie was supposed to be a big tough burley hurling player in his day ?

18/04/2006, 1:12 PM
Búllshít ..... and bare in mind its not just Georgie, its any player trying to raise their game. Any player that might give a fan value for the money he pays at he gate.
How is Bull****? Who else has moaned as much as george. Don't think for one second he got anything worse than Hoolahans, Bakers, Rutherfords, Molloys or anyone else like that at the peak of their powers. Its not easy when its your teams players but some of the Cork reaction here is shockingly OTT. Same guys probably didn't mind Kelvin Flanagan kicking the hell out of Trevor Molloy about 8 years ago

18/04/2006, 1:26 PM
there's a video on the bohs board of jason mcguinness's "tackle" on Paul Keegan at the weekend.....check it out!

and keegos only an oul fella - hardly a flare player - he doesnt deserved to be singled out like that!

18/04/2006, 1:31 PM
Every league is the same, every player gets fould, thats part of the game, it's a contact sport, next Rico will want basketball rules brought in. Anyway, i thought Georgie was supposed to be a big tough burley hurling player in his day ?

I wouldnt say he was a big tough burley hurling player but he was handy enough!!Plays for my club and scored 1-4 after coming back from england 4 years ago in the senior championship,even got a call up to the Cork intermediates but he had to pull out as he signed professional contract with City shortly beforehand

18/04/2006, 3:21 PM
Same guys probably didn't mind Kelvin Flanagan kicking the hell out of Trevor Molloy about 8 years ago

The same Kelvin Flanagan who was sent off in Richmond for his brush with thin air? Glasshouses people.

The overall point has been pushed onto George but its a league wide problem. Average player sahck and get away with it.

18/04/2006, 3:33 PM
just curious, but can many people remember how many serious injuries have occured in the last season or two to back up the 'hacking' accusations about the league in general. i would say that it would not be any lesser or greater than the likes of the premiership or spl (but that is my own wild guess).

if rico wants to see the end of dirty tackles etc from the league in order to protect the better players - he should discipline the dirty players in his own team first (o donovan and even o'callaghan himself) - and then lecture to the rest of the league.

18/04/2006, 3:54 PM
The same Kelvin Flanagan who was sent off in Richmond for his brush with thin air? Glasshouses people.
So he never hacked nayone on his career? Anyone down there have any sense of logic?

The overall point has been pushed onto George but its a league wide problem. Average player sahck and get away with it.
The point I made earlier is that its not confined to this league. Watch tonight's game and see how hard Milan players go into Ronaldinho. Every skilled player gets kicked. Its a football fact, its not a LOI thing

18/04/2006, 7:04 PM
This thread is so funny... like Georgie will ever amount to anything

The Sheliban
18/04/2006, 7:41 PM
Is this more Rico mind games?
Putting it in ref's minds that George is somehow a victim who needs protection?
Like the moaning about teams coming to the Cross for a draw (as if all top teams don't experience this) saying its holding back football etc.
Is he modelling himself on Mourinho?

18/04/2006, 11:05 PM
Is this more Rico mind games?
Putting it in ref's minds that George is somehow a victim who needs protection?
Like the moaning about teams coming to the Cross for a draw (as if all top teams don't experience this) saying its holding back football etc.
Is he modelling himself on Mourinho?

Cork have had a sluggish start to the EL season. The press will only give any Irish team so much coverage, so Rico is looking to drive the agenda on how that coverage will be filled - i.e. stoping it form being questions about why his team is 4 points off the pace after only 6 games, and deflecting the coverage onto other issues. He's been watching too much Ferguson and Mourinho on telly..

Or that's my theory anyway.... :D :p

19/04/2006, 12:22 AM
A thread full of jealousy...and started by a Sligoman of all people...who cares about Sligo Rovers anyway..now if that was Galway fan i would take him a bit more serious..

And i see the usual jealous bunch with a mixture if Derry fans/Pats fans(dodge who else) and the new Drogs fans who have appeared from thin air...oh and even a Limerick fan :D

Georgie is a genius lads...i mean it...:D

19/04/2006, 6:53 AM
Well Rico has come out with such gems in the past
Like when Bray and UCD went to the Cross in successive weeks and held City to draws. He was disappointed both sides didn't roll over and let City win the games....