View Full Version : Another feckin thesis!

13/04/2006, 12:46 PM
Afternoon all,

Just wondering if you could please help me out with a bit of research on my thesis. The thesis is entitled "Do the media influence the path of footballers careers". I've ran the questionairre past a few football writers over here and am now looking for fans point of views.

I am looking as players such as Jason Lee, Justin Fashanu, Robbie Savage and George Best and the effects that media exposure has had on their careers.

If you could please copy and paste and fill out the below questionairre and send it onto aido.buckley@gmail.com it would be much appreciated. Its a tick the box jobbie so it'll only take a minute or so.

Also please let me know any thoughts you may have on the matter.



for some reason college account wouldn't let me attach the file so apologies for having to copy and paste!

Thesis Title: “Do the media influence the paths of footballers careers”

Please mark an (X) beside your answer
If you have any further comments on any of the questions below (which being soccer fans I presume you will) then please add them to the relevant question.

1. When you now think of a premiership footballer does the word celebrity automatically come to mind?
Yes ( ) No ( )

2. Do you think it’s right for footballers to have to deal with the amount of media exposure there is in the game at the moment?
Yes ( ) No ( )

3. Do you think that in recent cases where the media have attempted to portray players such as Ashley Cole as homosexual is genuinely in the publics interest?
(Read more: http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/legal/article348966.ece)
Yes ( ) No ( )

4. Have you as football fans ever taunted a player during a game with revelations that have come out in the media? (Example: David Beckham caught with the nanny)
Yes ( ) No ( )

5. Do you think the media picks on “hard” players such as Robbie Savage?
Yes ( ) No ( )

6. In your opinion, are the media accountable for the demise of footballers such as Jason Lee?
(more on Jason Lee: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Lee_(footballer)
Yes ( ) No ( )

7. Do you think that court cases such as that of John Terry and Lee Bowyer would have received as much press as they did had the incidents occurred ten years ago?
Yes ( ) No ( )

8. If you observed a premiership football player taking drugs whom would you approach first?
The player himself ( ) The media ( )
His club ( ) Turn a blind eye ( )

Please return to aido.buckley@gmail.com cheers for your help!

13/04/2006, 1:40 PM
Just sent on my answers.
Best of luck with it.

19/04/2006, 1:41 PM
cheers all for sending the surveys through, I only need aonther four so if theres any takers it would be much appreciated! cheers folks!

Raheny Red
19/04/2006, 2:25 PM
Done and dusted!