View Full Version : Weetabix

07/04/2006, 9:48 AM
I have become deeply vexed by a most important issue these past few days, and urge you to help me resolve my dilemma. In your honest opinions, what is the correct number of weetabix in one serving?

07/04/2006, 9:49 AM
I have become deeply vexed by a most important issue these past few days, and urge you to help me resolve my dilemma. In your honest opinions, what is the correct number of weetabix in one serving?
2 if its the morning for breakfast and 3 if you are having it for lunch or dinner :D

07/04/2006, 9:52 AM
what is the correct number of weetabix in one serving?

4 if you're a bloke and 2 if you're a bird!

07/04/2006, 10:05 AM
39 if you're my mate who tried to eat 48 in one sitting for a bet once.

07/04/2006, 10:27 AM
Weetabix for dinner, Eire06? Are you a student?

07/04/2006, 10:41 AM
Weetabix for dinner, Eire06? Are you a student?
Nope but just sometimes you don't feel like cooking or you aren't in the form for a big meal..:o

07/04/2006, 11:14 AM
39 if you're my mate who tried to eat 48 in one sitting for a bet once.
Here's an experiment:
Put 39 weetabix in a bucket with, oh, say 2 litres of milk.
Slosh it about a bit, and leave it go semi-solid.
Now, try and push it through 23feet of flexible tubing. You'll find things won't budge.

That's why 6 should be any normal person's limit.

07/04/2006, 11:20 AM
Yeah but he was gonna win a lifetime's supply of wheatabix if he did it...

well not really....we just dared him.

Pauro 76
07/04/2006, 12:45 PM
kinda off topic but used to love the Weetabix ads on tv when i was a kid. Was even a member of the Weetabix club!!!! There was Brains, Bixie, Dunk, Brian and some other one...

07/04/2006, 1:21 PM
kinda off topic but used to love the Weetabix ads on tv when i was a kid.

I'm not sure there was much of a topic in the first place, but from the enquiries I've made there seems to be a fairly even split between people who have two and those who correctly have three. I fear a Treaty/Saipan style split may soon develop. Curse those two-er's, and the rogue biscuits they leave behind.

07/04/2006, 1:25 PM
2 should be enough for one sitting for a man or woman. It's fairly filling and any more than that and it starts to taste a bit cardboardy.

07/04/2006, 1:31 PM
I rarely have weetabix, but if I did, I'd have 3;).

Pauro 76
07/04/2006, 2:08 PM
I know a guy who used to eat them without milk as a kid.. Urrghh. Reckon 2's enough to start the day!

07/04/2006, 2:31 PM
i once saw a man with a dose of munchies resort to dipping weetabix into a jar of ragu and gnawing on the end of it like it was KFC, while clutching the jar of ragu protectively for fear he would have to share his prize..................and yes, he was a student.

07/04/2006, 2:53 PM
Weetabix with vanilla ice cream mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

07/04/2006, 3:06 PM
Chuck Norris eats three minimum.BTW not trying to be controversial but is adding sugar a sign of weakness?

Bald Student
07/04/2006, 3:22 PM
I know a guy who used to eat them without milk as a kid.. Urrghh. Reckon 2's enough to start the day!Coming up to exams in college when we were particularly poor it wasn't uncommon to try to eat weetabix for lunch by buying a pint of milk and pouring some of it slowly onto the top of an upright weetabik (if that's the singular). The weetabik would soak up the milk and you could then eat it a a sort of dry bar-like snack. A pint of milk would do about 15 weetabix, so you would need a large group of people to make this practicle.

09/04/2006, 11:15 AM
Weetabix? You wus... try eating 3 Shredded Wheat ! :D

09/04/2006, 11:57 AM
3 Shredded Wheat is nothin really. Shreaded wheat can be lovely and if your in the mood only four will do. Not a big weetabix fan but would be a 3er...

10/04/2006, 7:20 AM
4 for a bloke, and sugar is a sign of weakness.

10/04/2006, 5:43 PM
4 for a bloke, and sugar is a sign of weakness.

i wish to dispute that ......... strongly. sugar is a must on that sh1t. sugar is, in my opinion, all that seperates it from animal food.

10/04/2006, 7:54 PM
My claim to fame.... the weetabix factory is a stones throw from where i live.... the smell coming from the place would put you off weetabix for life!!! bl00dy floor sweepings :D

11/04/2006, 12:07 PM
i wish to dispute that ......... strongly. sugar is a must on that sh1t. sugar is, in my opinion, all that seperates it from animal food.

Here here! I wish to be a dissenter also! Siucra is a must too! Plus I'd be a 3-er.

11/04/2006, 1:52 PM
Please good people, I am in haste. Do not trivialise such a serious debate with meaningless waffle about the presence of sweeteners. We need to strike a decisive blow against the heresy of dualism, and ensure the trinity of 'bix reigns supreme.

11/04/2006, 3:02 PM
Bunty, my gay dog, LOVES Weetabix.:)

11/04/2006, 3:10 PM
Bunty, my gay dog, LOVES Weetabix.:)

Yes, but how many at a time?

11/04/2006, 3:15 PM
Yes, but how many at a time?
Lovers or Weetabix?:D

11/04/2006, 3:15 PM
Yes, but how many at a time?

One in her mouth and one up her.......oh, never mind.;) :)

13/04/2006, 12:16 AM
Weetabix with fresh cream, custard and strawberry syrup. Absolutely orgasmic!!!:) :D ;) Number of units of weetabix is left to the discretion of the consumer.

13/04/2006, 7:23 AM
Weetabix with fresh cream, custard and strawberry syrup.

Congratulations. When's the baby due?

13/04/2006, 10:29 AM
when we were particularly poor it wasn't uncommon to try to eat weetabix for lunch by buying a pint of milk and pouring some of it slowly onto the top of an upright weetabik (if that's the singular).

You would have to be quite, quite poor indeed...:D :D

Yep, a 3-er here as well, though sugar is required to differentiate the glorious biscuits of wheat from milky sawdust..:cool:

13/04/2006, 1:02 PM
Weetabix with fresh cream, custard and strawberry syrup. Absolutely orgasmic!!!:) :D Number of units of weetabix is left to the discretion of the consumer.
Are you eating or using it?:D

14/04/2006, 11:29 PM
Congratulations. When's the baby due?
:D :D :D

Are you eating or using it?:D
Sumptuously eating it in front of some beautiful birds.:p :D

15/04/2006, 12:15 AM
I would like to put the motion forward that compared to Porridge,Weetabix
is an overhyped big girls blouse.

15/04/2006, 12:20 AM
I would like to put the motion forward that compared to Porridge,Weetabix
is an overhyped big girls blouse.

I second that

15/04/2006, 10:04 AM
Actually, how DO they get the figs in a fig-roll??:confused:

15/04/2006, 10:06 AM
I would like to put the motion forward that compared to Porridge,Weetabix
is an overhyped big girls blouse.

you are on the right track.... but is that porridge with milk and sugar or with water and salt ? i ask you.

Actually, how DO they get the figs in a fig-roll??:confused:

its all done with mirrors.

15/04/2006, 10:42 AM
its all done with mirrors.


And all these years here's me thinking it was Jim Figgerty:D

"Many over the age of 25 will remember the famous TV ads where Faker Baker tried to get his hands on the recipe for Jacob's Fig Rolls. The company also ran a teaser campaign looking for Jim Figgerty - the one man who knew the secret baking process" (Dublin Forums.com)

I remember that advert - Janey, it had the whole country gripped to the series of adverts - of course, this was in RTE's early days when people were transfixed by the test card.:D

15/04/2006, 12:06 PM
Fig Rolls and weetabix. Sounds nice to some but not for meeeee!!!

15/04/2006, 8:47 PM

And all these years here's me thinking it was Jim Figgerty:D

"Many over the age of 25 will remember the famous TV ads where Faker Baker tried to get his hands on the recipe for Jacob's Fig Rolls. The company also ran a teaser campaign looking for Jim Figgerty - the one man who knew the secret baking process" (Dublin Forums.com)

I remember that advert - Janey, it had the whole country gripped to the series of adverts - of course, this was in RTE's early days when people were transfixed by the test card.:D

ahhh, faker baker, thats jogging a memory bank from fado fado

was there a trench coat involved regarding this individual?

15/04/2006, 11:29 PM
ahhh, faker baker, thats jogging a memory bank from fado fado

was there a trench coat involved regarding this individual?

That's right CTP - a kinda whitish one and he also wore a Sherlock Holmes type cap/hat as far as I can remember. Can't remember Faker Baker though but, then again, I can't remember what direction to take getting out of bed each day.

Green Tribe
17/04/2006, 3:23 PM
2 weetabix, no sugar and some warm milk. I had forgotten about your gay dog hamish :rolleyes: :D

Red&White Rover
17/04/2006, 4:05 PM
1 wetabix and,wait for it...rice krispies on top...absolutely beautiful even if it does look like puke!

19/04/2006, 11:32 AM
[QUOTE=CraftyToePoke]you are on the right track.... but is that porridge with milk and sugar or with water and salt ? i ask you.

i Water and salt CTP with a few rusty nails to add some flavour.Just the thing before a spot of bear wrestling.