View Full Version : New el website project

06/04/2006, 9:54 AM
I'm working on a new eircom league website and looking for help.

My idea is that all 22 clubs will have at least one administrator, and that person will be responsible for inputting the details for their team, squad players and photos, fixtures, results, goal scorers, team sheets etc. Each admin will be responsible for submitting info about their HOME fixtures only. With this info, stats will be calculated such as tables, top scorers, discipline records, appearances, form guides etc. I already have the database built and an administration website done. To get the info up is a case of logging into the site and filling out forms - no web programming knowledge is required.

There's no main site to see yet - I'm waiting to see if I can get at least one admin for each team before I invest anymore time in it.

Also, each team can have more than one admin, so you could choose to manage the squad details of a team while somebody else handles the home fixtures for that team. You can also choose to admin more than one team if you want.

So, if your interested then send an email to info@goalmad.com with the following details:
- Team(s) you want to manage
- Email address you want to use on the site
- Password you want to use on the site
- Nickname you want to use on the site

A face
06/04/2006, 11:09 AM
Its being done .... in the pipeline !!

06/04/2006, 11:21 AM
but this is done, and ready to go :)

check out www.droghedaunited.ie for a site that i've already built.

06/04/2006, 11:25 AM
Is there a URL where we can have a peek?
If you enhance your app so that people can create leagues you might have a nice little app there for people running school/college/business leagues.
Just an idea.

A face
06/04/2006, 11:32 AM
Just on some aspects of the site though .... the fixtures and result etc. .... www.soccerbot.com does an excellent job of it already.

What i'd be suggesting is that instead of doubling work, that people who are interested in helping out, that they put themselves forward and help out there (i dont know the situation there but it makes sense) and make the job easier for all, instead of doubling up on work.

The reason i'm saying this is because people stop doing it when they have too much to do, so if it were a problem shared, they'd stay at it.

I'll be totally honest with you, but will be the first to admit it if i'm wrong. You wont get 22 admins .... it wont happen. You might even get 22 names but you wont get 22 people actively doing the job for a sustained period of time .... and man, you dont actually know how much i hate saying that to you.

06/04/2006, 11:34 AM
The main site needs work - I don't want to publish it until the stats are uploaded into the database, and I don't want to put too much work into the main site until I have admins for each team as the project won't work otherwise. The database can already handle multiple leagues and any type of league or cup competition.

06/04/2006, 11:38 AM
soccerbot dont do that great a job it hasnt been updated since last weeks games .

06/04/2006, 11:46 AM
I understand what your saying Face. I had a lot of code available to me to re-use after doing the drogs site, so this is something I want to try. soccerbot's a great site, but its pure stats with no real team or player profiles, and it isn't dedicated to the el. I've got some cool ideas for this site, but whether I get all the admins I need remains to be seen.

Most of the work involved is setting up the player profiles at the start. After that, admins only need to manage their team's home fixtures. What's the average number of home games per season - 22/23?

A face
06/04/2006, 11:49 AM
soccerbot dont do that great a job it hasnt been updated since last weeks games .
Exactly ..... thats my point !!

I understand what your saying Face. I had a lot of code available to me to re-use after doing the drogs site, so this is something I want to try. soccerbot's a great site, but its pure stats with no real team or player profiles, and it isn't dedicated to the el. I've got some cool ideas for this site, but whether I get all the admins I need remains to be seen.

Most of the work involved is setting up the player profiles at the start. After that, admins only need to manage their team's home fixtures. What's the average number of home games per season - 22/23?

Have a look here aswell .... good format !!


dufcweb, i'm just playing devils advocate here (send ya pm) .... my concern is there are resources out there already and my opinion is that maybe it is best to support them and make the function, rather than have another few admins exhausted in 2-3 years time.

There clearly is a need for a site, theres no question of that but maybe its best to organise it ....

i.e. www.pfai.ie (http://www.pfai.ie) .... there are no team/player profiles ..... it would be a great addition to their site. They have all the info already ..... if you could approach them and offer to help then it would save you leg work trying to chase 22 admins and colate info.

That is the kind of thing i am suggesting !!

And people ... i am NOT pouring cold water on this .... if you are reading, sort yourself out and email the bloke.

The details again incase you missed them

So, if your interested then send an email to info@goalmad.com with the following details:
- Team(s) you want to manage
- Email address you want to use on the site
- Password you want to use on the site
- Nickname you want to use on the site

Dont be shy ..... email the guy !!

06/04/2006, 1:40 PM
my plan was to build a site that promotes the league, as well as provide a resource for existing fans. sites like soccerbot do not promote the el, nor do they try to. a site that is professionally presented and stylish, with the latest stats and player profiles is what we need and it must be an el dedicated site.
i'm not trying to re-invent the wheel here because something like this does not exist at the moment for the el. and it will be a long time before the fai provide a site that the league deserves.

06/04/2006, 1:52 PM
If its anything I do the Shels website as everyone knows and I record all the scores and goalscorers of all games in a season. I also record the opposition squads verses shels. I record all the cards given against Shels and for Shels. The only reason I dont record the teams/cards for all games is I do the Shels site and you need the level of dedication we at Shelsweb give a Shels game to even attempt to do the entire league. The entire code base and datasbase structure as well as an admin is capable fo doing the entire league, but all I will say is miss one or two games in a season and your stats are pointless!! So you are looking at 11 games a week, and I am just talking league. I go to the Shels games and its still a job to get all the info!!!

All I can say is best of luck!! I think a project to record all the stats is going to require full time work!!! You will have no free time!!! :)

We have already got all the players in the premier league (well almost) and have assigned them penpics and shortly pictures. We have all the fixtures etc too. But jesus, its a mammoth job to start.

A face
06/04/2006, 2:02 PM
If its anything I do the Shels website as everyone knows and I record all the scores and goalscorers of all games in a season. I also record the opposition squads verses shels. I record all the cards given against Shels and for Shels. The only reason I dont record the teams/cards for all games is I do the Shels site and you need the level of dedication we at Shelsweb give a Shels game to even attempt to do the entire league. The entire code base and datasbase structure as well as an admin is capable fo doing the entire league, but all I will say is miss one or two games in a season and your stats are pointless!! So you are looking at 11 games a week, and I am just talking league. I go to the Shels games and its still a job to get all the info!!!

All I can say is best of luck!! I think a project to record all the stats is going to require full time work!!! You will have no free time!!! :)

We have already got all the players in the premier league (well almost) and have assigned them penpics and shortly pictures. We have all the fixtures etc too. But jesus, its a mammoth job to start.

You said what i want to say, you're a better man that me Gar !!

Thats exactly why i said helping out people like soccerbot is a good idea .... i know its not eL dedicated .... but there is an eL page and it covers the eL prem and first for the last few years. I think its a brillinat resource ..... i'd love it to be emblazened with all thing Irish etc. but for now its got vital stats with someone painstakingly logging the info every week ..... vital ..... priceless .... and deserving of support !!

06/04/2006, 2:06 PM
A Face, you are far too kind.

I think anyone has the right to go ahead and attempt to do any site they want. But as you said A Face, its a hefty mission and if your dedication to the cause can assist current projects better then do. I know I was EXACTLY the same when I was in college. I was constantly trying to think up EL website ideas but then realised, why start from stratch, so I took over the Shels site.

However DUFC, your energy and desire to promote the league is very welcome. Its all about doing and not just talking :)

A face
06/04/2006, 2:15 PM
A Face, you are far too kind.

I was lying !! :p

I think anyone has the right to go ahead and attempt to do any site they want. But as you said A Face, its a hefty mission and if your dedication to the cause can assist current projects better then do. I know I was EXACTLY the same when I was in college. I was constantly trying to think up EL website ideas but then realised, why start from stratch, so I took over the Shels site.

That is it in a nutshell .... its about resources and pooling them as a means to an end.

However DUFC, your energy and desire to promote the league is very welcome. Its all about doing and not just talking :)

Agreed .... Welcome isn't the word for it !!

:thumbs up:

06/04/2006, 2:22 PM
DUFC, I pretty much stopped drinking so I can do more stuff this season :) A Face, I had to expect that denial :)

06/04/2006, 2:29 PM
Its all about doing and not just talking :)

like i said gareth, i've already built the drogs site, and i've already built the admin site for this new project. it's ready to go.

this is an experiment - if i can get the admins to handle the stats for each team then it will work. otherwise, it won't. one person alone can't run a site like this, i know that. but i know after building the drogs site that there is not much work required to put up new players, fixtures and match stats for just one team, if the admin site is user friendly. as an example, when you upload a player photo it is automatically scaled down and quality reduced for web use - no need to edit images in other software (sorry for getting nerdy!)

gareth, if you're runing the shels site yourself (technical & content) then I know how huge an undertaking that is. but you can't compare that to entering data for player profiles and home fixtures only for one team.

A face
06/04/2006, 2:45 PM
like i said gareth, i've already built the drogs site, and i've already built the admin site for this new project. it's ready to go.

this is an experiment - if i can get the admins to handle the stats for each team then it will work. otherwise, it won't. one person alone can't run a site like this, i know that. but i know after building the drogs site that there is not much work required to put up new players, fixtures and match stats for just one team, if the admin site is user friendly. as an example, when you upload a player photo it is automatically scaled down and quality reduced for web use - no need to edit images in other software (sorry for getting nerdy!)

Sounds good !!

gareth, if you're runing the shels site yourself (technical & content) then I know how huge an undertaking that is. but you can't compare that to entering data for player profiles and home fixtures only for one team.

But thats it ... Gar is saying that it can be consuming for one team at times, with 22 teams, its gonna obviously be more.

06/04/2006, 2:51 PM
Exactly A face, to do shelbourne alone, its very time consuming and I have a nice happy admin section amongst other things. Plus I have full access to the club. I can only imagine that times 22 with no club backing.

06/04/2006, 2:59 PM
But thats it ... Gar is saying that it can be consuming for one team at times, with 22 teams, its gonna obviously be more.

not quite. there's a huge amount of features on the shels site, and credit to gareth for that. if i've picked this up right, he has to take care of news articles, results and players for the other clubs as well as shels, live match updates and all of the techical details. there's just no comparison between that and inputting players for one club, and one match result with teamsheets every 2 weeks or so.

06/04/2006, 3:00 PM
Guess so :). Well best of luck DUFC :)

06/04/2006, 3:12 PM
well with all this negativity i probably won't be beating back the queues of wannabe admins (or maybe just nobody wants to do it :) ), so I'll try and salvage the project by saying this:
I took me about 20 minutes to upload the drogs squad, and thats a one off. any other changes would only come about as players come and go. It takes me about 10 minutes to put up a result with goal scorers and teamsheets, and that would be done every 2 weeks or so for each admin.

A face
06/04/2006, 3:13 PM
there's just no comparison between that and inputting players for one club, and one match result with teamsheets every 2 weeks or so.

I hear ya .... and you're right the data entry side of it is fine if the interface is good.

Just one or two questions on it if i can, does it track player history, and club past players, what kind of searching functions is there on it?

Sounds alright, fair play to ya fella. As you spotted yourself, its the actual data and upkeep of it that will be the biggest practicing problem. The easier you have access to that data, the more successful it will be.

06/04/2006, 3:26 PM
Fair play DUFC, I reckon your project is eminently viable and I personally would be willing to contribute details and stats for Dublin City.

06/04/2006, 3:29 PM
I hear ya .... and you're right the data entry side of it is fine if the interface is good.

Just one or two questions on it if i can, does it track player history, and club past players, what kind of searching functions is there on it?

Sounds alright, fair play to ya fella. As you spotted yourself, its the actual data and upkeep of it that will be the biggest practicing problem. The easier you have access to that data, the more successful it will be.

Yeah, full history is stored, so you'll be able to view previous seasons. Players are transfered/released from clubs (never deleted) and previous club is recorded against the player.

As it stands you can only search by a player's name, but I'll be including position & nationality search and of course would listen to any suggestions. Other features are list of upcoming live games, seperate info for stadia, high quality club crests, match attendance figure, seperate info for referees, seperate info/photo for managers, profile and action photo for each player, team form, player stats etc.

06/04/2006, 3:49 PM
fair play sheridan,

just send me an email to info@goalmad.com with the following details:
- Team(s) you want to manage
- Email address you want to use on the site
- Password you want to use on the site
- Nickname you want to use on the site

i can then setup your admin account.