View Full Version : Luxury!

pineapple stu
04/04/2006, 4:44 PM
Myself and my 4 siblings was raised in a 2 bed house and we had an old banger of a car on one and a half salaries (my mother worked part time as a nurse).
I can see this degenerating into the Four Yorkshiremen Monty Python sketch fairly quickly!

Bald Student
04/04/2006, 4:48 PM
I can see this degenerating into the Four Yorkshiremen Monty Python sketch fairly quickly!How does that go?

04/04/2006, 4:48 PM
I can see this degenerating into the Four Yorkshiremen Monty Python sketch fairly quickly!
Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.

pineapple stu
04/04/2006, 4:50 PM
How does that go?
Link. (http://bau2.uibk.ac.at/sg/python/Scripts/HollywoodBowl/hollywood.html#yorkshireman)

04/04/2006, 4:52 PM
How does that go?
Bascially decends into an argument you might have heard between your parents and their friends of a similar age,
"When I was a nipper, we had to walk six miles to school in the snow in hard , old, holed, hand-me-down hobnail boots and no socks."
"Shoes? You had shoes..."
"Try telling that to the young people today"

I'm sure the actual script can be googled.

pineapple stu
04/04/2006, 6:22 PM
Bascially decends into an argument you might have heard between your parents and their friends of a similar age,
Your parents? And what are we doing now?!:)

pineapple stu:
You were lucky! We used to have to go up every morning at seven o'clock, 'ave a bowl of Cornflakes with boiling hot milk, get driven to school in an Austin Metro, come home and do t'washing up and t'drying up for £2 a week, do two hours of homework in Third Class doin' a project on our family 'oliday in France by reading an encylopaedia and then sit down in front of t'Olivetti 386, load up a game on floppy disc and try and guide blocks neatly into a 10-wide grid!

Bald Student
Luxury! We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, 'ave a bowl of porridge, get driven to school in a Morris Ital, come home and do t'washing up, t'drying up, cut t'lawn and lick t'shower clean, all for sixpence a month, do four hours of homework in Senior Infants doin' a project on our family 'oliday in Wales by taking to people 'oo spoke strange and then sit down in front of t'Amstrad 464, load up a football game on tape and bump a letter "o" into a letter "H"!

Well, of course, we had it tough! We used to have to get up in middle of t'night, 'ave a bowl of porridge oatlets, get driven to school in a bright orange Citroen ZX, come home and do t'cooking, t'washing up, t'drying up, cut t'lawn, lick t'shower clean and pick the burrs out of t'cat's arse, al for tuppence-hapenny a year, do seven hours of homework in pre-school doin' a project on our family 'oliday in Ballybunion by remembering what we did there the previous six years, type a game into the computer and watch a black dot move on the screen!

Right! I had to get up in the morning, at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, 'ave a lemon for breakfast, get driven to school in a brown Ford Escort Mark I with black door and red bonnet, come home and do t'cooking, t'washing up, drying up, cut t'lawn, lick t'shower clean, pick the burrs out of t'cat's arse, do the 'ouse'old budgets, settle my father's law-suits for drunken be'aviour and pay for t'privelege, do ten hours of homework and me not long out of the womb doin' a project on our family 'oliday in Athlone by jumping up and down and seeing if I could see that far before getting out a calculator and typing in 55378008 till I got bored.

pineapple stu
Aah. Are you trying to tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you!

04/04/2006, 6:55 PM
The version Eddie Izzard, Harry Enfield, Vic Reeves and Alan Rickman did for Amnesty's We Know Where You Live, Live (http://beecher.biz/auk/?B00005Q62H) was comical. Worth a rental.