View Full Version : Disgusting Incident at Dalymount last night.

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Mental Man
01/04/2006, 8:55 AM
Got off the phone from 1 of the lads who went up to the Blues v Boaz game last night and he told me that after the game the bus was attacked by Boaz supporters who put a rock through the window of the bus, showering the people inside with glass.

I just want to know what kind of f**king scumbags are following that club, it beggars beyond belief that things like this can happen , the gardai were notified of the incident and hopefully the club will try and do something to stamp out the vermin who call themselves supporters from doing this again.
What kills me is they have the cheek to get on to Rovers over their hooliganism but they want to have a closer look at themselves, this is not the first time an incident like this has happened.

Hopefully we may see an all Ireland league but they were watching Derry v Linfield to see if there was any trouble at that game to see could security be the only thing that could stop this happen, they better have a closer look in jackeen-land.

The only thing i can say is that the people who done this are nothing but pure vile filth and should get the living sh*t kicked out of them, luckily no-one was hurt ,but does this send out a good picture to people who may want to start following League of Ireland and be always looking over their shoulder for the slightest signs of trouble??? :mad: :mad:

bohs til i die
01/04/2006, 9:02 AM
Got off the phone from 1 of the lads who went up to the Blues v Boaz game last night and he told me that after the game the bus was attacked by Boaz supporters who put a rock through the window of the bus, showering the people inside with glass.
I just want to know what kind of f**king scumbags are following that club, it beggars beyond belief that things like this can happen , the gardai were notified of the incident and hopefully the club will try and do something to stamp out the vermin who call themselves supporters from doing this again.
What kills me is they have the cheek to get on to Rovers over their hooliganism but they want to have a closer look at themselves, this is not the first time an incident like this has happened.
Hopefully we may see an all Ireland league but they were watching Derry v Linfield to see if there was any trouble at that game to see could security be the only thing that could stop this happen, they better have a closer look in jackeen-land.
The only thing i can say is that the people who done this are nothing but pure vile filth and should get the living sh*t kicked out of them, luckily no-one was hurt ,but does this send out a good picture to people who may want to start following League of Ireland and be always looking over their shoulder for the slightest signs of trouble??? :mad: :mad:

I think you'll find that most Bohs fans will condemn any football related violence regardless of who is responsible but you cannot.

We know we have a problem but you cannot blame Bohs as a club for something that would have happened away from the ground. The bus wasnt inside the stadium.

Mental Man
01/04/2006, 9:17 AM
Its totally irrespective of the bus being inside or outside the stadium, the fact is that supporters of YOUR club attacked the bus and could have seriously hurt people, your club has a scum element following it, surely the powers that be in Dalymount are well aware of it or are they brushing it under the carpet and hoping it goes away?
In all my time following LOI footie, YOUR club is the only club that i have seen or experienced trouble at, YOU as supporters should be doing your own bit to stamp out this filth before it tarnishes your club any more !

01/04/2006, 9:19 AM
They're good politicians in Dalyer Mental Man, it's never the clubs fault, but Rovers fans are ALL scumbags, that's the line anyway.

bohs til i die
01/04/2006, 9:22 AM
Its totally irrespective of the bus being inside or outside the stadium, the fact is that supporters of YOUR club attacked the bus and could have seriously hurt people, your club has a scum element following it, surely the powers that be in Dalymount are well aware of it or are they brushing it under the carpet and hoping it goes away?
In all my time following LOI footie, YOUR club is the only club that i have seen or experienced trouble at, YOU as supporters should be doing your own bit to stamp out this filth before it tarnishes your club any more !

nothing is being 'brushed under the carpet', but its impossible to take action on this particular incident because those responsible are unknown.

We know we have a scum element but unless the perpetrators are identified then nothing can be done, and thats after taking Garda and Legal advice.

bohs til i die
01/04/2006, 9:25 AM
They're good politicians in Dalyer Mental Man, it's never the clubs fault, but Rovers fans are ALL scumbags, that's the line anyway.

you cannot blame the club for the actions of individuals outside the ground.

There was 14 stewards on duty inside the ground and the standard Garda presence for a Category C game.

I have never said we dont have a problem, just that unless someone identifies the person responsible there is NOTHING that can be done.

01/04/2006, 9:32 AM
Anytime I've seen trouble after a Bohs game, it's been outside the ground. I know Bohs have banned certain people from the ground and can't see what more they can do. The Gardaí can see the same individuals involved everytime but are never seen to take action. They should, at this stage, recognise the individuals and recognise the flashpoints but for some reason they seem reluctant to take action.

As with Rovers, there are a lot of genuine decent supporters at Bohs. This behaviour isn't a reflection of the typical supporter of Bohemian FC.

Mental Man, your anger should be directed at the individuals involved in this assualt on a public city street and the police force who failed to protect your fans.

bohs til i die
01/04/2006, 11:20 AM
Agree with you there Peadar, but does the club have to pay for the cops outside the ground or what is the story ? I mean there has to be protection of some sort for away fans put in place ! Clubs should be able to approximate how many fans they will bring with them to these away games i.e 50-100, 100-200 that sort of thing so the correct numbers of police can be put in place for the match !

Clubs pay for Gardai on specific duty inside the ground but not outside. There was 3/4 Gardai in Dalymount last night.

01/04/2006, 11:22 AM
Mental Man, your anger should be directed at the individuals involved in this assualt on a public city street and the police force who failed to protect your fans.

Agreed - and I bet ye the lads were no more than 16 (not that makes it right or anything), but clubs can't do anything if theres scum in a local area who mightn't even be bohs supporters or even at the match.

01/04/2006, 11:23 AM
Theres always some sort of scuffle with the kids outside Dalymount in the lane. Bohs have some responsibility to organise the safety of spectators on their way home. If they organised with the Waterford fans to be pikced up in a location close to the exit of the ground would help.

01/04/2006, 11:24 AM
The problem with this obviously lies with the scum that perptrate these acts of violence. As per BTID, unfortunately when incidents like this happen away from the match, there isn't a lot the club can do. If on the other hand the Gardai caught and charged this scum element, I am positive the club would act accordingly - as we have form in this area - and ban these idiots.

01/04/2006, 11:35 AM
Just a general question.
Why oh why is footie bedivilled with these nuts. I know it happens in other sports on occasion** but football has this small element of looneybins which zeroes in on unfortunate clubs on so many occasions.

**I refer to US/Candadian ice hockey/grid iron affairs when cities centres are wrecked when the home team wins a league or whatever they call it. I believe Vancouver was thrashed to the sum of 10 million dollars a few years ago when celebrations got "out of hand", to put it mildly.

I was listening to Radio 5 Live during the night and they have a world football section around 3am on Saturday mornings and Tim Vickery was mentioning the scene in Argentina where club directors actually give thousands of gurriers (gurrieroes??:rolleyes: ) free passes to home games and they go mental. I read about this before in World Soccer magazine.

What's to be done - how can football and the civic authorities put a stop to it??

I know it's outside the grounds mostly but for how much longer will local authorities everywhere put up with the huge costs of policing footie games when coppers should be policing elsewhere for all manner of deviant behaviours. I know clubs pay the police huge sums - I'm thinking of the Dave Whelan affair in Wigan a few months ago.

I feel desperately sorry for the Waterford fans after last night but also for the Bohs folks who have this shower hanging around near Dalyer.

It's so fcuking dispiriting, isn't it??:(

01/04/2006, 11:47 AM
...but clubs can't do anything if theres scum in a local area who mightn't even be bohs supporters or even at the match.

These lads attend Bohs games alright. They hang around afterwards. I guess the club can't do anything because they haven't been charged/convicted of anything. Certainly nothing that the club have jurisdiction over.

01/04/2006, 11:57 AM
Surely there should be a Garda presence outside the ground as well??:confused: There is always a danger that something like this will happen outside a ground.

Is it mandatory for clubs to hire Gardai for security inside the ground?? If so, should it be mandatory for clubs to have a certain amount of Gardai outside the ground also?? Something that the FAI should look into with licensing??

01/04/2006, 12:29 PM
Is it mandatory for clubs to hire Gardai for security inside the ground?? If so, should it be mandatory for clubs to have a certain amount of Gardai outside the ground also??

Where do you draw the line though! Do you want Gardaí standing at the exits or on every street corner in the vicinity? If you start making that the responsibility of the club then you open up a huge can of worms.

01/04/2006, 12:48 PM
Well the safety of the fans (especially away fans) entering and leaving the ground should be looked at.

01/04/2006, 1:13 PM
Well the safety of the fans (especially away fans) entering and leaving the ground should be looked at.

Yes... by the body entrusted with the safety of everyone in public places - An Garda Siochána. The problem is that they, like the rest of the country, don't take football seriously enough to do a proper job. I'd love to see away fans escorted to and from matches and I thought I saw a couple of gardai walking alongside the Waaaahurfurt fans as they left after the match. Presumably they didn't see them safely back onto the bus, which is a shame as last night's incident only undermines the good work that is done inside the stadium.

It's hardly the job of ordinary Bohs fans to watch over every trouble maker aligned with the club at all times wherever they may be is it? The first I heard of this incident was when I saw it here so, even though I was doing security inside the ground, there's nothing anyone, other than the Gardai, could have done about what happened in the streets outside.

01/04/2006, 1:33 PM
It's hardly the job of ordinary Bohs fans to watch over every trouble maker aligned with the club at all times wherever they may be is it?

pity you dont apply the same rules to rovers.....

you know who they are, you have them on cctv getting thrown out of the bar in dalymount. deal with them.

just stop putting your heads in the sand

01/04/2006, 1:39 PM
pity you dont apply the same rules to rovers.....

you know who they are, you have them on cctv getting thrown out of the bar in dalymount. deal with them.

just stop putting your heads in the sand

I don't apply any rules to Rovers, you're a totally different club in a different league to us and therefore none of my business.

I don't know who attacked Waterford's bus and unfortunately you can't go around banning people without some form of evidence.

Those who were causing trouble in the bars last week have been banned and were excluded from last night's match along with others previously banned. The attack happened outside Dalymount where those on bans are not subject to stadium regulations or club policy. You have no point to make so stop being an idiot.

01/04/2006, 2:08 PM
I was in section G in the Jodi last night and with about 5 minutes to go about 20 twelve year olds or even younger (even Stephen O'Brien would be taller then them) made a hasty exit from Dalymount. I have seen a lot of them around before and have on numerous occassions have been involved in trouble in Dalymount such as throwing things at players and onto the pitch. A lot of them don't even pay in and they are allowed do whatever they like. They try to be like the casuals and act like the big hard men. Of course I can't say for definate that it was them who were involved in this incident but they seemed intent of causing trouble. These type of people have to be thrown out of Dalymount and never let back in because this is happening too much with Bohs and we're getting a very bad reputation.

01/04/2006, 2:15 PM
Plenty of Bohs fans in the Showgies a couple of weeks ago and their was no trouble. Which makes me think that these people aren't true fans cos they probably don't go to away games!

Patrick Dunne
01/04/2006, 3:09 PM
Eircom League clubs have a duty of care to all supporters attending their games, not just home supporters. I'm amazed by the attitude of some clubs towards away fans. On average, 100 away fans translates into approx. E2000 (admission, programme, draw, bar, merchandise).

Its not good enough for us to wash our hands of incidents outside our ground. At any venue where there may have been "previous" or where the locals are "dodgy", a safe bus parking space should be organised.

01/04/2006, 4:49 PM
The only thing i can say is that the people who done this are nothing but pure vile filth and should get the living sh*t kicked out of them
Mental Man, believe me when I say that if what you report about the attack is true, then I hope the gardai charge the culprits. I also hope that they are identified and that they are banned from Dalymount and that if they are seen in its environs the guards have the resources and the wit to move them away.
But what happened last night does not warrant a post in which you clearly and without qualification advocate violence. Perhaps you are just venting, but who's to say someone else won't act on it?
Bohemian FC is not the only club with a minority of undesirable hangers-on: incidents such as these are becoming alarmingly common in recent seasons, and it's not going to help anyone if each set of aggrieved supporters decides it gives them the right to kick the living **** out of offenders. This assumes that they get the right people: more than likely, they'll pick on innocent fans wearing the colours, and the cycle continues.
However, I do agree that clubs and gardai need to do more generally to look after away supporters, particularly after the match. On more than one occasion at an away game I have felt threatened, and feared for my kids' safety, on our way back to the car.

01/04/2006, 5:22 PM
Well the safety of the fans (especially away fans) entering and leaving the ground should be looked at.

Yes... by the body entrusted with the safety of everyone in public places - An Garda Siochána. The problem is that they, like the rest of the country, don't take football seriously enough to do a proper job. I'd love to see away fans escorted to and from matches and I thought I saw a couple of gardai walking alongside the Waaaahurfurt fans as they left after the match. Presumably they didn't see them safely back onto the bus, which is a shame as last night's incident only undermines the good work that is done inside the stadium.

It's hardly the job of ordinary Bohs fans to watch over every trouble maker aligned with the club at all times wherever they may be is it? The first I heard of this incident was when I saw it here so, even though I was doing security inside the ground, there's nothing anyone, other than the Gardai, could have done about what happened in the streets outside.

In my quote above I was referring to ALL LOI grounds not just Bohs (Dalymount). I believe that the safety of fans is the clubs responsability and measures should be put in place where situations like this should not happen outside any football ground in the country.

bohs til i die
01/04/2006, 7:50 PM
Surely there should be a Garda presence outside the ground as well??:confused: There is always a danger that something like this will happen outside a ground.

Is it mandatory for clubs to hire Gardai for security inside the ground?? If so, should it be mandatory for clubs to have a certain amount of Gardai outside the ground also?? Something that the FAI should look into with licensing??

Clubs categorise games depending on previous history, crowd numbers etc, There is various different reasons for the level of security. Drogheda was upgraded this season and there was 600 Drogheda fans in Dalyer a few weeks ago and a higher then normal Garda presence and AFAIK there was no trouble afterwards.

I saw the Gardai outside the ground on both occasions [March 10th and 31st] but clubs cannot dictate to Gardai on public duty what they do, how long they stay with away fans etc.

Several people have indeed been issued with banning orders from Dalymount as a result of previous incidents. CCTV footage and incidents witnessed by board members have resulted in action taken.

It would also help if Gardai arrested troublemakers at Bohs-Rovers games instead of walking them to the turnstiles to pay in once the riot squads have broken up the fights.

02/04/2006, 1:22 AM
What a surprise, little Bohs fans attack fans leaving Dalymount.

Attacking kids and women was too dangerous for them last year so now they've taken to the safer option of throwing rocks.

All that from a club who allow the casuals to display their flag in the stadium and beg for it to be returned on their website. Like someone said these fools are only going to hurt Bohs' reputation and in the pocket but sure what can Bohs do beggar sure it happened outside the stadium...

...funny that I dont remember that reaction when there were incidents outside the stadium at Richmond Park a few years ago??

02/04/2006, 1:58 AM
...funny that I dont remember that reaction when there were incidents outside the stadium at Richmond Park a few years ago??

i thank you.

1 9 2 8
02/04/2006, 2:56 AM
We get abut 10 or so of these threads every year blah blah blah.

Stupid threads like this should be closed and deleted straight away all they do is go on and on for pages and pages with people talking $hit about who did this and who did that. At the end of it all it just gives more ammo to rags like the Herald to run down our league. This kind of $hit happens every Friday and Saturday night in ever town in Ireland and doesn’t even make page 42 on the local papers but when it's the eL it's front page news.:rolleyes:

Then the guy with the “moral high ground” who starts the thread calls for violence against the stone throwers

The only thing i can say is that the people who done this are nothing but pure vile filth and should get the living sh*t kicked out of them
FFS am I the only one who’s feed up of these OTT threads:rolleyes:

Conor H
02/04/2006, 9:28 AM
You cant just ignore these incidents 1928....otherwise they'll continue?:confused:

Mental Man
02/04/2006, 10:39 AM
Ok so, what would your opinion if the people inside of the bus had been injured by flying glass, or lost eyesight etc..., cop on, this cant be ignored, this type of football hooliganism must be stopped at all costs,it effects all of us in the league cos we as supporters are doing our best to promote it.
Now this morning i heard that our regular bus driver has said he will have to seriously consider bringing supporters to other games in dublin if there is a possibility of this happeneing again, derek our driver has looked after us for a good few years now and is always there for us, all now because of a few scumbag supporters, and yes a good kick up in the hole is what some of them want. :mad:

Anto McC
02/04/2006, 10:41 AM
This cannot be ignored but i do accept that there is only so much Bohs can do when the incident happened outside the ground!

PS,the 2 Bohs fans who came all the way down to the far end of the Jodi to pick Waterford fans who were no more than 16,i hope you feel proud of yourselfs - You're both disgraces to your club

Raheny Red
02/04/2006, 11:02 AM
this type of football hooliganism must be stopped at all costs,it effects all of us in the league cos we as supporters are doing our best to promote it.

While I condone this sort of behaviour these were just clueless kids and is nothing along the sort of lines of football hooliganism! I agree with 1928! There is no point talking about it here, I doubt of any of those poor gypo shams who this even know what the internet is! As has been stated this happens everyday and nothing is said! Ring up Dayler with your complaints and leave this sort of crap off forums as keyboard warriors will end up having a field day!

02/04/2006, 11:41 AM
Eircom League clubs have a duty of care to all supporters attending their games, not just home supporters. I'm amazed by the attitude of some clubs towards away fans. On average, 100 away fans translates into approx. E2000 (admission, programme, draw, bar, merchandise).

Its not good enough for us to wash our hands of incidents outside our ground. At any venue where there may have been "previous" or where the locals are "dodgy", a safe bus parking space should be organised.

Agree 100% with this posting .In fact, as regards Dalymount , the visiting supporters bus should be accomodated inside the ground and then the visiting fans could be approached for their ticket money by some steward or club official located over there!

02/04/2006, 12:35 PM
The away fans bus could be parked behind the Des Kelly stand area & away fans could be escorted to that area after the game. Simple.

02/04/2006, 12:47 PM
While I condone this sort of behaviour these were just clueless kids and is nothing along the sort of lines of football hooliganism!

You endorse this behaviour?

02/04/2006, 1:11 PM
Ooh. weighty stuff, and a lot of blaming and so-forth here. Here's my ten minutes worth.

Firstly, the bus situation does seem the simplest solution, especially at Dalyer, but does not account for two regular issues that crop up in Dalyer - playing against other Dublin sides, and Dublin based fans of away teams, such as myself. Perhaps that in combination with the age old strategy of holding the away fans back a spell (or does that simply give the hooligans time to organise?)

I can see exactly where Mental Man is coming from - this is a problem that can sour a lot more than someone's trip home, be it through injury, through a difficulty organising a bus, or, as will affect all of us, through the name of the league being run down again in the media, leading to folk staying away from games. I am sure that if I had been on the bus that time, I'd have still been calling for blood two or three days later: I think anyone who has had first hand experience of violence directed at fans before, during or after football games would have an understanding of this feeling. I would say, better to vent it here, provoke a discussion (yes, there has been a discussion as well as the usual slag Bohs / Rovers thing), and perhaps learn what we can all do to solve this problem as individuals and to help make the league better.

Fortunately I was not on the bus, as I live in Dublin - I left the ground, chatting to a couple of other Blues, and, as often happens when at an away game in my Blues scarf, a couple of home fans came up and wished us the best for the rest of the season. We encountered no problems beyond a shower of 10 year olds coming over to taunt our block as the inevitable fourth went in. This would be true of 90%+ of all my experiences at football in Ireland (no problems, rather than the inevitable fourth).

The people who cause problems at Bohs, Rovers, Shels, Kilkenny Town or where ever, may well enjoy their football, but it is not their motivating factor. If they cannot get in, then they are less likely to hang around for the end of the game, I would imagine - going to the pub will probably mean they miss the end of the game and aren't "ready" for the opposition coming out. There should be a database of known problems, and their general haunts (don't anyone tell me that the worst offenders in Dublin don't wander over to where-ever a game with a contentious history is even though "their" team isn't involved, which should be shared between the clubs and Gardaí all around the league - photos and names perhaps, rather than official cards or something. There needs to be joint responsibility for these outbreaks shared between the Gardaí and the clubs, and we as fans have our bit to do in lobbying our clubs to get in properly. Football is meant to be a spectator sport for most of us at this level, and fortunately it still hasn't gone the way of the Premiership where is is a "priviledge" to get to a game, and we are all expected to be nice Prawn Sandwich eaters.

Well that rant is over for the time being.

Block G Raptor
02/04/2006, 2:12 PM
Getting Sick to death of these little B@stards. We need to do something and quick. Can see a lot of good work going down the jacks if these muppets are allowed to continue dragging the good name of our club through the shyte

bohs til i die
02/04/2006, 3:10 PM

to the best of my knowledge this is the first time there has been any issues at Bohs-Waterford in Dalymount. After problems at Bohs v Drogheda games [In Dublin and Drogheda] a higher Garda presence was brought in for the first game of the season.

We had no reason to suspect any trouble on Friday night and its not as easy as not letting people in simply because we have no idea of who did this and who to stop from entering the ground. We also cannot just stop any group of teenagers who fit the profile simply because we cannot accuse anyone of comminting a crime without something to back that up.

02/04/2006, 6:48 PM

to the best of my knowledge this is the first time there has been any issues at Bohs-Waterford in Dalymount. After problems at Bohs v Drogheda games [In Dublin and Drogheda] a higher Garda presence was brought in for the first game of the season.

We had no reason to suspect any trouble on Friday night and its not as easy as not letting people in simply because we have no idea of who did this and who to stop from entering the ground. We also cannot just stop any group of teenagers who fit the profile simply because we cannot accuse anyone of comminting a crime without something to back that up.

I completely agree with you bohs til i die; I am against the profiling approach. What I am saying is that if you have your list of convicted offenders and bar them, you'll reduce the problem. We'd create a bigger one straight off if we simply kept people out because they are the same age, wear the same clothing, are from the same estate, etc. Unfortunately, I have no idea yet how such a system would work.

As regards Blues playing up at Bohs, I've never previously even imagined trouble in the twelve odd years I've been living near enough to go - I thought is was an April Fool for a second when I saw the thread heading. On this occasion I would certainly not blame the Club, but I do think that when this kind of incident is starting to happen at a fixture without any recent tradition of trouble (I'd say the same if it were Longford vs Kildare or the like), the league, the clubs, the fans, and the Gardaí need to start investigating how to stop it spreading.

02/04/2006, 7:39 PM
This cannot be ignored but i do accept that there is only so much Bohs can do when the incident happened outside the ground!

PS,the 2 Bohs fans who came all the way down to the far end of the Jodi to pick Waterford fans who were no more than 16,i hope you feel proud of yourselfs - You're both disgraces to your club

Out of curiousity - did anything happen to the Shels goons who ran to the edge of the North Stand at Windsor to hurl abuse etc at Linfield fans at the end of the Setanta game up there ?

Anto McC
02/04/2006, 8:02 PM
Out of curiousity - did anything happen to the Shels goons who ran to the edge of the North Stand at Windsor to hurl abuse etc at Linfield fans at the end of the Setanta game up there ?

I dont know to be quite honest!

Stevo Da Gull
02/04/2006, 10:57 PM
What I am about to say is not an attack on anyone, its just going on personal experiance. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to.

Bohemians are the only club in the league who's `fans` cause trouble almost everytime we play them in some way or another, I believe that there is a serious prblem at Bohs with the whole `scumbag element` shall I say.
However it is certainly worth mentioning that these moron's are'nt the real supporters of Bohs. I have been to Dalymount plenty of times to see Bohs play and I have come across some genuinely friendly, kind, LOI enthusiastic Bohs fans who love the club. I remember in particular a chap I was talking to at the Intertot match -V- Ghent last year who was pleased to see out following them in Europe and was very welcoming. Also at that game there was stuff (till roll I think) fired directly at (no accident) a Ghent player/s on 3 occasions. Some of the Bohs fans in the section I was in were cursing them saying things like ``those idiots just ruin everything, fe*k** ar**h***s``, none of them are direct quotes because I cant remember exactly but you get my drif, these guys wanted rid of the trouble makers.

It upsets me that these scumbags ruin it for the genuine fans, I hope Bohs manage to get the better of the scumbag element, for both the league and themselves:ball:

03/04/2006, 6:54 AM
just a quick addition:

the Drogheda game was upgraded but a supporters bus still had its window smashed in.

Now many people commented on how the Drogheda numbers travelling to this game had been markedly down (esp. given that we just won the cup) , I have no doubt that this was due to the trouble between the clubs last season.

Now the incident with the bus was splashed over the front page of the Drogheda Independent and this will certainly not encourage those who stayed away to travel again to Dalymount and may indeed see more Drogs staying away.

Mightn't be real Bohs supporters fault but it is their club who will feel it in the pocket.

03/04/2006, 8:46 AM
We get abut 10 or so of these threads every year blah blah blah.

Stupid threads like this should be closed and deleted straight away all they do is go on and on for pages and pages with people talking $hit about who did this and who did that. At the end of it all it just gives more ammo to rags like the Herald to run down our league. This kind of $hit happens every Friday and Saturday night in ever town in Ireland and doesn’t even make page 42 on the local papers but when it's the eL it's front page news.:rolleyes:

Then the guy with the “moral high ground” who starts the thread calls for violence against the stone throwers

FFS am I the only one who’s feed up of these OTT threads:rolleyes:

So had you of been on that bus,you would of just ignored being showered in glass,having the living **** scared out of you and enjoyed a 3 hour rather draughty bus trip home on a cold enough night as it was????????????????

bohs til i die
03/04/2006, 9:08 AM
just a quick addition:

the Drogheda game was upgraded but a supporters bus still had its window smashed in.

Now many people commented on how the Drogheda numbers travelling to this game had been markedly down (esp. given that we just won the cup) , I have no doubt that this was due to the trouble between the clubs last season.

Now the incident with the bus was splashed over the front page of the Drogheda Independent and this will certainly not encourage those who stayed away to travel again to Dalymount and may indeed see more Drogs staying away.

Mightn't be real Bohs supporters fault but it is their club who will feel it in the pocket.

that game was 24 days ago and thats news to me. I walked up to Hedigans after the game and there was Gardai everywhere.

03/04/2006, 9:17 AM
Happened alright.


Drogheda buses attacked after match in Dalymount


By Donncha MacRaghnaill
TWO buses containing Drogheda United fans came under fire after they left Dublin’s Dalymount Park after their first League win of the season over Bohemians on Friday night.

One of the buses had its back window smashed with a baseball bat, while a second bus carrying members of the Drogheda United Supporters Club was also attacked as it pulled off just moments before.

Rory McCullough, the owner and driver of the first bus, said he didn’t believe that the culprits were Bohemians fans, but rather ‘yobs’ just looking for a fight.

‘I told the lads on the bus not to move. The only other way to stop them was to get 10 or 15 of the lads off the bus but if someone had a blade or a smashed bottle, you don’t know what might have happened so I said leave it, sit down and we’ll get out of here.’

‘They weren’t Bohs fans. Those young fellas didn’t have the price of a ticket never mind anything else,’ he said.

The bus was parked in the Phibsboro area of Dublin and was due to pick the Drogheda fans up at 9.50pm.

‘A couple of the young chaps decided to pop into the chip shop so we were a bit delayed. Next thing, this group came upon the bus, looking for stones. They clearly knew the Drogheda crowd was up and wanted to cause trouble,’ explained Rory.

‘In Dalymount you’d expect something like that, but not from the club or the fans, just the nippers in the area. One was wielding a half a baseball bat and eventually smashed the back window. At that point they all scattered and we escaped.’

As Rory has a busy school run, it was vital that he got the bus fixed. Luckily he got a lend of a back window from another local driver and was back on the road on Monday.

03/04/2006, 9:28 AM
Thankfully i've never encountered trouble at any match i've been to but IMO it would be in any clubs best interests to do whatever they can to ensure the safety of away fans.It's not good enough to say that it's outside the ground so there is nothing that can be done.All that will happen is away fans will stay away,gates will be down and revenue will be down.Most teams are on very tight budgets as it is and need all sources of income and fans staying away only makes the problem worse.It's time to act now before it turns into a really serious issue and it's too late.Wasn't the window on Alan Reynolds' smashed outside dalymount a few seasons back aswell.

03/04/2006, 10:00 AM
Add in a Derry City fans bus had its windows broken and contents ransacked during the Dublin City game a few weeks back.

Sounds like the guards would want to be a bit more pro-active outside the ground. Beyond the club banning these individuals from the ground there's not a lot Bohs or Dublin City can do. I thought the days of this happening in Phibsboro were in the past. Obviously not.

03/04/2006, 10:09 AM
seems to be a bit of a trend ...........

looks like bus window smashing is the new thing up there.

03/04/2006, 10:16 AM
Wasn't the window on Alan Reynolds' car smashed outside dalymount a few seasons back aswell.

Yeah his car was attacked either last season or the season before,ask most Blues fans now and they'll tell you it couldn't of happened to a nicer fella!!!!!