View Full Version : Travel magazines

pineapple stu
29/03/2006, 12:50 PM
Thinking of subscribing to one, or at least getting a couple of copies and seeing if it's worth it. Any suggestions? Found a couple of interesting ones - Far Flung Magazine (internet only though, it seems), National Geographic (looks a bit too American-orientated) or Conde Nast Traveller. Preferably something that covers more unusual places (like the Faroes :)) and not just a travel company's advertising manual. Going to have a root through Eason's and a bit more on the the internet, but don't see the point in ignoring the wealth of info and experience on foot.ie!

A face
30/03/2006, 4:32 PM
Cant really say i know that many to be honest, i would always have just picked up a guide book or something. Always thought that Lets Go (http://www.letsgo.com/) were a good one as they are updated by students every years, having toured/worked in each place, so the info was always fairly reliable (dunno if its still like that)

pineapple stu
30/03/2006, 4:37 PM
Yeah, read a few guidebooks alright - though mainly for places I'm going to obviously. Want to see places I wouldn't've thought of going to as well though. Plus a good travel article can really send you to the place, which is knid of the next best thing when you only have 20 days' holidays and five of those are for Christmas and Easter and another couple go on UCD games! :)

A face
30/03/2006, 4:45 PM
Kinda on the same topic, did anyone see that travel programme on RTE recently, how to go on a budget holiday with €500 with a B-rate celeb or some journo or coloumnist. Not practical at all, brutal infact .... they clearly used their influence to scam free concert tickets and meals etc. and some of them still went over the budget, so much so, you'd wonder did they know what show they were on :eek: