View Full Version : Degrees

24/03/2006, 12:20 PM
Just wondering what your opinions are , I'm in the final year of a degree and the way things are going I think i might be lucky to get a 2.2 and could easily end up with just a Pass degree. was just wondering if any of ye out there got a pass degree and do ya feel it impeded you much in your career and job finding ?

green army
24/03/2006, 12:27 PM
i found that the only differnece it makes is when you are joining a company.they might pay more if you have a a high degree (not too sure about that). but after a few years it doesnt make any difference once you get a bit of experience

24/03/2006, 12:44 PM
Depends on what the degree is in Gustavo. People coming out of IT courses that don't have a Desmond (2:2) at best will end up in support jobs.

Its worth your while pushing to get better than a pass degree.

24/03/2006, 12:59 PM
It really depends on the type of job your looking to get, the course you are studying and the University/college you attended. A high degree from a rubbish college can get you as far as a low degree from a respected university in some cases. Also depends on whether you are relying on just your degree to get you a job. I got a decent degree, but I got my last job because of my employment experience before University not because of my degree. Either way try and push to get as good a result as you can. Good luck

24/03/2006, 1:14 PM
Thanks all

24/03/2006, 1:50 PM
I don't think your final degree result makes much of a difference when you go job-hunting. As long as you have the degree, you've nothing to worry about. The final result will only matter if you want to do a Masters or some type of Postgrad. Nonethless, as pointed out by everyone else, you should work hard to get the best result you can. Good luck!

24/03/2006, 2:20 PM
Gusto, it completely depends. these are the two things you need to know:

if its an arts degree( please take one ) or similar then you need to stand out amongst the crowd big time, you do this in two ways, a 2:1 or greater, plus a good uni, for example in ireland trinners, ucd, belfast-queens. In england its all the redbrick universities.

if your coming out of IT, a previous poster hit the nail on the head. I only acheived a 2:1 ( ), and I had serious difficulty getting work, I was 6 months before I was guaranteed placement and then 6 again before I started, got a job with a well known consultancy company and Im sorted now and degree means sweet fa. however getting into that position with anything less than a 2: 1 or 1:1 is very difficult.

good luck and keep the head down, and a BIG piece of advice, do any projects on YOUR OWN!!!

Poor Student
24/03/2006, 2:25 PM
Gustavo, for what it's worth, I was convinced last year I was headed for a 2.2 and after the exams felt lucky if I would even get a 2.2 and I ended up with a 2.1. As Paul says, get the head down. As long as you aren't hung with poor grades from projects during the year (or worse, haven't done them!), you have the potential to do well enough.

24/03/2006, 2:29 PM
Yeah i kinda am doing bad on the old continious assessments but then again they are still around the 2:2 area which is ok i suppose. It is an IT degree yea !

24/03/2006, 2:39 PM
The IT market is fairly competitive these days & I certain wouldn't get job with my level of IT qualification. As someone already said if you don't have much relevant work experience you will struggle with a Pass degree. After a few years your degree mark will make little difference in fact when I interviewed for new person last year I didn't even look at degree or the mark as wanted practical experience.

24/03/2006, 2:54 PM
Hey Gustavo,
Are you in IT Sligo? If so which degree are you doing?
(I did Cert+Dip there many moons ago)

If your doing the degree involving web design, (it wasnt there when I was
but I heard something about it) you should use what you learn to set up
some websites for local clubs, societies etc, basicially anything that will
give you something to advertise on your CV, provided you do a good job
of it, when you start looking for that kind of work.

Other than that hit the books and get as many of the programming
assignments done as best you can to show your understanding of it.
Continous assessment can count for a lot when your grades are floating
between 1.1,2.1,2.2 and pass.

Poor Student
24/03/2006, 3:58 PM
Yeah i kinda am doing bad on the old continious assessments but then again they are still around the 2:2 area which is ok i suppose. It is an IT degree yea !

That's not too bad Gustavo. I can't imagine they count for more than 30% max? As long as you're doing them all and getting at least a 2.2 you can pick it up if you work hard. Easier said than done, I know, but you can still pick it up. Best of luck to you.

24/03/2006, 8:25 PM
Hey Gustavo,
Are you in IT Sligo? If so which degree are you doing?
(I did Cert+Dip there many moons ago)

yeah im doing the web development degree but id say i probably had a lot of the same lecturers you had the likes of kelleher , kinsella , harte , woods , mcormack etc ,