View Full Version : I Have Faith in Ollie

The Sheliban
19/03/2006, 7:39 AM
Opponents seize
On our unease,
And marvel at our folly,
But I'm quite calm,
There's no alarm,
For I have faith in Ollie.

Some says he's an
Unstable man
And clearly off his trolley,
But he's quite sane,
I'll say again
That I have faith in Ollie.

The guillotine
Is often seen
When clubs are strapped for lolly.
But it's the taxman,
Not the axe-man,
I have faith in Ollie.

No need to get
In such a sweat,
No need for melancholy,
Tax will be paid
By Accolade,
For I have faith in Ollie.

Financial rains
May flood the plains,
But we've a sturdy brolly.
He'll keep this club
Away from troub-
-Le, I have faith in Ollie.

There's nothing like
A Jayo strike,
A crisp, unerring volley -
There'll be much more
Of those in store,
For I have faith in Ollie.

19/03/2006, 8:20 AM
You're a poet but you don't yet know it ! :D

Raheny Red
19/03/2006, 10:56 AM
Gayest post EVER :p

A face
19/03/2006, 12:12 PM
A fine wordsmith it has to be said .... are you any good with profit and loss accounts ?? :confused: :eek: :p

19/03/2006, 1:18 PM
"For I have faith in Ollie", the Sheliban he wrote,
But there is a beautiful irony there, in the sentiment I quote
For t'is from faith-loving zealots, inspiration for his handle came,
An irrational band of youthful lunatics. Small in number. Quite insane.

And so it is with Shelbourne fans - Ireland's footballing mujahadeen.
Intolerant of any slight or question, that dare besmirch their team.
The gospel preached by Imam Ollie, can only be good for the game
An irrational band of youthful lunatics. Small in number. Quite insane.

But like a TV evangelist, and the dreams of the follower's he holds,
There's talk of shady dealings, dodgy handshakes, missing gold,
But still they sing 'Hallelujiah - let the heavens declare his name'
An irrational band of youthful lunatics. Small in number. Quite insane.

As the bible itself teaches, all faiths built on sand will fall,
The moral of the story is the same, from Fallujah to Fingal.
Emperor Ollie fiddles, the fans they praise him, yet their Tolka empire wanes.
An irrational band of youthful lunatics. Small in number. Quite insane.

A face
19/03/2006, 2:13 PM
"Shelbourne fans - Ireland's footballing mujahadeen.

Classic !! :p

sfc red
19/03/2006, 2:21 PM
Rap battle!!!!!!!!!

19/03/2006, 2:27 PM
The answer to lifes problems at Tolka Park...

19/03/2006, 5:08 PM
to make sure our 15 league titles are never bettered....

keep up the good work oily, your lapdog support deserves you

19/03/2006, 5:23 PM
I take offence at being called a lapdog.

19/03/2006, 6:42 PM
I take offence at being called a lapdog.

good. then do something about it.

of all the clubs that have been in the thick of financial problems recently: harps, drogs, waterford, rovers; their fans have been at the front of keeping their clubs afloat.

so far all we have heard from shels fans is 'no problem here, we trust olly' and that quite frankly worries me.

shels fans need to stand up and be counted here and so far they arent.

19/03/2006, 7:14 PM
I love it, get 1/700th of a club and your Gandhi and Martin Luther all wrapped into one. I do plenty for my club. Firstly you call me a lapdog and then you tell me the 10 hours a day I give my club is not enough.

I find it funny your worried about Shels. There is always a first for everything :).

19/03/2006, 9:53 PM
I love it, get 1/700th of a club and your Gandhi and Martin Luther all wrapped into one. I do plenty for my club. Firstly you call me a lapdog and then you tell me the 10 hours a day I give my club is not enough.

I find it funny your worried about Shels. There is always a first for everything :).

you know i am aware of the sacrifices you put in for your club, all the more reason for you to stand up and ask questions. just last week you told me that you didnt know or care how the wage bill got paid. thats not good enough from a fan of your stature and cognitive ability. ditto the rest of you

if you survive this scrape and come out the other side with no structural changes to how the club operates, well i have no sympathy. you have been warned.

when rovers fans found out all was not 100%, what did we do? what do you lot plan on doing?

and believe it or not i would not like to see any football club anywhere go bust. especially not because of misplaced loyalty.

19/03/2006, 10:11 PM
Firstly, I'd like proof of that quote, you can mail it to me thanks.

Secondly did it ever occur to you that I have asked questions?

Thirdly, the holier than thou Rovers Fans speech is wearing so thin :)

A face
19/03/2006, 10:11 PM
and believe it or not i would not like to see any football club anywhere go bust. especially not because of misplaced loyalty.

And just to echo that aswell, i think after the píss take etc. (that is always going to happen) i think most of us would agree it aint in the leagues best interest to be losing Shels at any stage. We need to have strong clubs in the league ... obviously dont like how you have done it but fact is there are loads of reason why we cant lose Shels, straight off the bat, all the European experience.

Shels fans must feel like they're in a fish bowl at the moment but it does makes sense to approach the club and have cards put on the table.

19/03/2006, 10:21 PM
Firstly, I'd like proof of that quote, you can mail it to me thanks.

Secondly did it ever occur to you that I have asked questions?

Thirdly, the holier than thou Rovers Fans speech is wearing so thin :)

first of all stop personalising this, im talking about the general shels fan who is not known for their militancy. you have collectively put up with oily and his antics for years on the grounds his heart was in the right place and he did more good than harm. maybe thats true, but are you in a position to even ge4t him in a room to explain himself?

have you asked qestions though? and is there any forum that the shels fans can formally question the clubs officials about anything? is there an independent sc of any strength?

ill try and dig out that email, i was stunned at your attitude, hence i brought it up.

and i think i am entitled to be ****ed off about this as a rovers fan. oily tried to overturn the points deduction and have us thrown out of senior football altogether last season. and then this comes out in the wash....

Drumcondra Red
21/03/2006, 12:15 PM
And so it is with Shelbourne fans - Ireland's footballing mujahadeen.

Fcuk off!!!

Do you honestly believe questions aren't being asked??? I think its a bit naive to think that because we're not jumping around boasting and looking for kudos from anyone that will listen means that questions aren't being asked???

Fair play to the 396 club, but Shamrock Rovers are not big time anymore, nor are they playing top flight football, so stop bringing whats been done up at every opportunity because, to be honest, its boring!

21/03/2006, 12:33 PM
Do you honestly believe questions aren't being asked???
Shels fans were posting saying it wasn't even discussed amongst the fans at Fridays game!

Raheny Red
21/03/2006, 12:38 PM
Shels fans were posting saying it wasn't even discussed amongst the fans at Fridays game!

One fan said this and do you think he did a fcuking survey for cripe sake!

Even if nobody said anything at the game that doesn't mean anything - that is not the place to discuss an issue like that while there was a game on! Not all Shels fans are keyboard warriors ya know :rolleyes:

21/03/2006, 12:54 PM
Fair play to the 396 club, but Shamrock Rovers are not big time anymore, nor are they playing top flight football, so stop bringing whats been done up at every opportunity because, to be honest, its boring!

Did you ever stop to think that if you lot don't get your act together and reclaim your club from the crook who's currently in charge, that you won't be "big time anymore" and worse, you won't even exist.

BTW It's circa 500 members now. That's 500 people who dug deep and fought hard to save the club they love - a club that still draws over a 1,000 more than you minnows to a league game - even in a lower division.

When you get 500 fans prepared to what we did, then we'll listen to you. Believe me, you will get support from most other fans - as we did - but as long as you stay mute and supine you'll get no respect or support from the rest of us.

Your hubris will destroy you.


A face
21/03/2006, 2:24 PM
for cripe sake!

Who is cripe and what does he have to do with all this ?? :p

Raheny Red
21/03/2006, 4:55 PM
I don't like fcuking swearing so I used Cripe instead of Christ ;)

pineapple stu
22/03/2006, 6:03 PM

sfc red
23/03/2006, 2:12 AM
Ollie Byrne is a ****. FACT

Guy I'd Marry Promptly?

23/03/2006, 1:32 PM
Ollie Byrne is a ****. FACT
Ugh, what an unpleasant image. :eek:

23/03/2006, 2:48 PM
Enough of the g*** comments...