View Full Version : nigerian goalkeeper?

02/06/2002, 9:06 PM
was jimmy magee suggesting during the commentary of the nigeria v argentina match that the goalkeeper for nigeria was going to sign for a national league club? or was i simply hearing things? :confused:

02/06/2002, 10:45 PM
he was on about the fact that he had no club before the world cup (Besiktas let him go a while back) and was told he better get one if he wanted to go to Japan and while he's now with Lucerne in Switzerland, Jimmy said something along the lines of 'he's probably too old to be considered by teams in Europe's bigger leagues but wouldn't it be great if he joined a team in the league of Ireland, and I'm sure he'd enjoy a spell in Ireland too'

03/06/2002, 3:06 PM
Yeah, the bit of positive publicity wouldn't do the league any harm.

05/06/2002, 9:43 PM
very true.
bring him over and well hav him at cork city.