View Full Version : Did Oxegen sell out?

04/03/2006, 10:19 AM
has oxegen sold out already? anyone else going? got my weekend pass yesterday:D lets hope theres no postal strike here in the next few months:mad:

04/03/2006, 12:29 PM
if it did, then its down to the horrible hoards of RHCP fans, and they can have their little party at the race course, dirty savages.

04/03/2006, 12:51 PM
Heard the rumor its sold out alright no camp tickets on the website see link:

As ccfcman says mainly due to the simple minded RHCP fans, Also the concert has become more and more popular since changing from witnness to oxegen, although I had god caric last year was really pis*ed off at the amount of wa*kers that seemed to have very little if any interest in the music and just stayed in the camp site getting rotten drunk and jumping on other peoples tents throwing tins at each other and mess fighting amongst them selfs.Also a lot of the security were the most ignorant c*nts its ever been my misfortune to meet. The organisers must of had no vetting process, other than can you push peope about ok you in. Some bands I would of loved to see ie The Who, Arctic Monkeys, primal screem, The Strokes. But I'm noot too dissapointed I didn't get a ticket, onward to szeigt http://www.sziget.hu/festival_english and electric picnic then.

04/03/2006, 12:51 PM
Sold out by half one yesterday!Got mine two!Dont think it was just down to the RHCP.Theres was alot more hype over oxegen this year then any other year even before the line-up was announced + the fact that alot of tickets were already bought in july last year when they went on sale.

04/03/2006, 1:46 PM
everyone i know thats getting a ticket,seems to hate chillys,im not a big fan myself,think there all ********s,all 50 different members theyve had

05/03/2006, 12:49 AM
very unfair on the chillis, im no big fan either but they have made a lot of good music over the last 20 years just a shame they seem to attract the kinf of music fan who doesnt really like music if you know what i mean.

06/03/2006, 8:27 AM
all gone this is from ticketmaster :

The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Who, The Strokes, Hard Fi, Goldfrapp and the Artic Monkeys are among the acts performing at OXEGEN 2006 on 8 and 9 July 2006. Tickets are now SOLD OUT.

bucket loads of them on ebay looks like one guy on there just bought up as many as he could and he is flogging them on ebay for nearly 600 euro for 2 camping tickets .

ive got one but im thinking of selling it now if i can get 300 euro for it it will pay for the picnic , im not that bothered about going to oxegen anyway

06/03/2006, 9:09 AM
Wouldnt be the worlds biggest fan of the chillis but they are entertaining live. Brought my then 8 yr old son to see them at Slane a few years ago and he thought he had died and gone to heaven (altho he thought Queens of the Stone Age were better!)

I never go to Oxegen just for one band. I go for the fun weekend, the lying in the sun chilling out to someone like Supper Furry Animals or jumping around like a mad eejit to James Brown. Every year there are at least 10 quality bands and this year will be no different. I always like to go and see a band have never heard off before too. Year b4 last it was Dogs die in hot cars and last year the Editors. Like both of them now. To me thats what its about. An overall musical experience and just enjoying the freedom of wandering from band to band in my pink wellies.

07/03/2006, 1:20 PM
I'm certain enough that there will more tickets available but there will only be a limited amount.


seriously, where have they got there ''sold out in under 12 hours!'' from? :rolleyes:

10/03/2006, 12:51 PM
didnt they do this last yr, some went on sale cut price and more were released later?

Drumcondra Red
10/03/2006, 1:40 PM
I just got a Saturday one, happy enough with that!