View Full Version : Any Opinions on this?

28/02/2006, 3:56 PM
An alterniative film on 9/11


anto eile
28/02/2006, 9:22 PM
only watched the first couple of minutes.
the yanks have ****ed off so many people in so many countries im surprised it took til 2001 for someone to hit them back hard, not to mention 1993 as well

28/02/2006, 11:58 PM
Well done Jockser - myself and Shakedown have just watched it all - part that really hit me were the little explosions underneath the collapsing towers.

While I have a suspicion of conspiracy theories, there were many questions raised by this documentary that suggested treasonous behaviour by the US elite and their cronies.

The PNAC document that mentioned the need for an attack on the US to bolster their case I knew about already - given the wicked nature of the Bush Crime Family and their fellow travellers in filth I wouldn't put anything -anything - too low for them to slime into to further their nefarious aims.

God forgive me for wishing death on anyone but Bush The Fool is flying into Shannon between 1am and 4am tomorrow morning. What a service to humanity if someone blew that fcuking plane up and he was sent to Hell where he, Cheney, Perle, Wolowitz, Kristol, Fukuyama, Rice, Powell, Rumsfeldt and the other human sewage will surely end up anyway.

The neo-Fascists and their religious lunatics backers are worse than a million Al Qaeda's.

Anyway, Osama Bin Forgotten was always a sick opportunist - like Bush The Fool - both rich mens' son wnaking up their fantasies and taking gullible fools along with him to the latters' deaths.

Fcuk the lot of them to Hell. I hate them with a vengeance and I'm really not the type to hate anyone. This time, however, there is no point pretending I just dislike them. I fcuking hate them and what they're doing to this world.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

A face
01/03/2006, 1:51 AM
Its here already lads !! (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=33156)