View Full Version : Carlisle

24/05/2002, 9:41 AM
I know it's not el, but it's something to think about to take your mind off Roy Keane. If i wasn't so unhappy i'd be happy:)

Carlisle in new cash crisis

Third Division Carlisle United have been issued with a winding-up petition by the Inland Revenue, reports BBC Radio Cumbria.
The petition will be heard at the High Court in London on 26 June. The court will then decide whether to appoint liquidators.

The Cumbrians are reported to owe more than £400,000 in PAYE alone. Club owner Michael Knighton has refused to comment.

Alan Steel - secretary of the independent supporters trust CCUIST - told BBC Radio Cumbria: "We take no pride in the fact that our club is in dire financial trouble.

"But liquidation could be the only way to bring about the change in ownership that supporters have been hoping for."

24/05/2002, 7:15 PM
wheres the pleasure in seeing another football club possibly going under?

24/05/2002, 7:25 PM
well to be brutally honest the eircom league will and hopefully capatalise on this by getting players to come over here.
hopefully the players Roddy nicked and himself will be commin back here!

27/05/2002, 11:10 AM
I don't see the point in delighting at some other clubs pain.

27/05/2002, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by pete
I don't see the point in delighting at some other clubs pain.
well they've been raping this country for years, so I take a huge amount of pleasure in it.

27/05/2002, 1:24 PM
Youv'e gotta have sympathy for a club going under, but a general climate of money problems in English football is good news for our domestic game.

Jim Smith
27/05/2002, 1:33 PM
Originally posted by Éanna

well they've been raping this country for years, so I take a huge amount of pleasure in it. ....
this country has been selling its children for years.

Until people start accepting the blame for the mess the is football in this country lies closer to home nothing is going to change. Still, Brit bashing is easier than addressing the problem.

27/05/2002, 1:53 PM
Originally posted by Jim Smith
this country has been selling its children for years.

Until people start accepting the blame for the mess the is football in this country lies closer to home nothing is going to change. Still, Brit bashing is easier than addressing the problem.

Well said. el clubs would be no different if they found a league willing to sell off their youth on the cheap.

29/05/2002, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by Jim Smith
this country has been selling its children for years.

Until people start accepting the blame for the mess the is football in this country lies closer to home nothing is going to change.
Ok, fair point. I know this country has to take it's share of the blame, but i do not accept the behaviour of British clubs.

Jim Smith
29/05/2002, 3:17 PM
Originally posted by Éanna

Ok, fair point. I know this country has to take it's share of the blame, but i do not accept the behaviour of British clubs. Ask yourself why a player would go to a club like Carlisle in the first place? Are they forced to as your 'rape analogy' - which is both ignorant and offensive IMHO - implies? Or is it that many people view domestic football as a shambolic joke? Now, if the later is in anyway true please explain how the British clubs caused the mess that is the FAI. Perhaps MI6 have been stealing St Pat's mail and forging all the improperly filled in registration forms?

If you don't want players to leave at the first opportunity then sorting the problems out here is the first and most important step.

29/05/2002, 3:31 PM
Originally posted by Jim Smith
Perhaps MI6 have been stealing St Pat's mail and forging all the improperly filled in registration forms?

Do you know something we don't? Thats the first i've heard MI6 mentioned in connection with the FAI. Is this what they've been doing with those "listening posts" on the north welsh coast?

Btw Jim are you or have you ever been in the employment of MI6? Come on now don't dodgy the question.......


29/05/2002, 3:42 PM
Its about the only excuse Dolan hasn't come up with yet.

Jim Smith
29/05/2002, 3:45 PM

I was educated at a state comprehensive school. Now that should tell you everything about the likelyhod of my involvment with MI6. OK, I might be a bit like Sean in his prime so I can understand your mistake ;)

Actually MI6 are probably the only organisation in the world as incompetent as the FAI. That is, they would be if they existed which we are assured they don't.

29/05/2002, 3:57 PM
Originally posted by Jim Smith
they would be if they existed which we are assured they don't.

Hmmmm who are these "we" people you refer to......

Adam is probably under contract to GCHQ who of course definitely don't exist.
