View Full Version : Potential players?

31/01/2006, 5:08 PM
staunton has said that since his press conference where he said that they would ne looking at all possible candidates to play for ireland he has been overwhelmed by the reponse and some good players had come forward but wanted to keep it secret for the time being. does anyone have any idea of who these players may be. Its obviously not those that he has mentioned before, any ideas anyone?

01/02/2006, 12:33 PM
Hmmm, I was wondering why my granny was limbering up everyday and kicking a ball up against the garage door. Watch this space.

01/02/2006, 12:45 PM
Your granny cant play for Ireland because it is the mens team. doubt john delaney can swing that one even if it is for his "biggest fan":)

01/02/2006, 1:55 PM
Your granny cant play for Ireland because it is the mens team. doubt john delaney can swing that one even if it is for his "biggest fan":)

Brilliant! :D

01/02/2006, 2:24 PM
To be fair I think Owlsfan Gives a bit of balance to the Anti Fai opinion which 99% of people on here have, Me included. I think that is healthy and provides a valuable contribution. It would be terrible if we all agreed with each other.

01/02/2006, 3:01 PM
Your granny cant play for Ireland because it is the mens team. doubt john delaney can swing that one even if it is for his "biggest fan":)

You're wrong on both counts (now there's a surprise). If a woman was good enough to play for Ireland's Senior team, I am sure she would be permitted. Otherwise the FAI would be guilty of sexism and you wouldn't be long in pointing that out (I have great hopes for my granny - I think it was she Staunton was referring to).

I would be interested to see where I was a "fan" of John Delaney - I have defended the FAI when it is accused of things it is not responsible for (e.g. unfair comparisons to the GAA for not building a soccer Croker) because there is a penchant among Irish soccer supporters to throw all blame for the ills of the game of soccer at the door of Merrion Square NO MATTER WHO is in control there. For instance we had someone blaming the FAI because Bobby Robson, who is reputedly of a 100K+ salary a year, didn't know when our next friendlies are.

01/02/2006, 3:07 PM
i'm all in favour of a bit of love on the forum and Owls fan has a love for Oscar Wilde that would put Morrissey to shame, but when detailed criticisms of the FAI were put to him on another thread he didnt bother replying yet he continues to chastise anyone else who posts anything that is critical of them. so maybe its about time he changed that record of his.

01/02/2006, 3:12 PM
Let's try again for the hard of understanding: "I have defended the FAI when it is accused of things it is not responsible for".

I am aware the organisation has made many mistakes. Now, I hope that clears it up for you once again.

You got something going for Oscar Wilde ?

01/02/2006, 3:31 PM
as I said.
See previous thread about the FAI in which criticisms were outlined in detail(and quite brilliantly) by someone who had obviously grown weary of your constant carping at anyone who didn't share your love for the wilde boys of merrion sq.maybe you should take the time to read the thread again. and then you might not be so quick to jump to their defence.

01/02/2006, 3:37 PM
Klein I think you are missing the point here. He said he will defend them when people make accusations that he feels are not the FAI's fault. Maybe the reason he has not reponded to that post your refer to is because he agrees with a lot of it or does not have the facts to argue against it. I think Owlsfan has said that the FAI has made mistakes but I think what he is also trying to say is that they are not always at fault and sometimes people fall into the easy option of Slag the FAI off without actually looking at the situation in as an objective manner as possible.

Sorry Owls fan if I have misunderstood you.

01/02/2006, 3:42 PM
Klein I think you are missing the point here. He said he will defend them when people make accusations that he feels are not the FAI's fault. Maybe the reason he has not reponded to that post your refer to is because he agrees with a lot of it or does not have the facts to argue against it. I think Owlsfan has said that the FAI has made mistakes but I think what he is also trying to say is that they are not always at fault and sometimes people fall into the easy option of Slag the FAI off without actually looking at the situation in as an objective manner as possible.

Sorry Owls fan if I have misunderstood you.

I always understood what you said to be the case. which I would agree with. but he just takes it to extremes to the point where my suspicion is he has just dug himself into such a hole now that he cant get out....

01/02/2006, 3:45 PM
FFs lads, give it a rest. Don't ruin every thread

01/02/2006, 3:58 PM
Not sure what you are on about there Klein. I just think its healthy that when the common consensus is that the FAI are a corrupt useless shower of *******s that somone out there has the opposite view and challenges the peoples views.

01/02/2006, 4:21 PM
Klein I think you are missing the point here. He said he will defend them when people make accusations that he feels are not the FAI's fault. Maybe the reason he has not reponded to that post your refer to is because he agrees with a lot of it or does not have the facts to argue against it. I think Owlsfan has said that the FAI has made mistakes but I think what he is also trying to say is that they are not always at fault and sometimes people fall into the easy option of Slag the FAI off without actually looking at the situation in as an objective manner as possible. .

Exactly although I did think I spellt it out plainly to Klein. Obviously drip feed is required.

Dodge, there wasn't a thread here until I responded in a light hearted fashion. There had been up to that 100 views but no post :eek:

Den Perry
01/02/2006, 4:48 PM
You're wrong on both counts (now there's a surprise). If a woman was good enough to play for Ireland's Senior team, I am sure she would be permitted. Otherwise the FAI would be guilty of sexism and you wouldn't be long in pointing that out (I have great hopes for my granny - I think it was she Staunton was referring to).

I would be interested to see where I was a "fan" of John Delaney - I have defended the FAI when it is accused of things it is not responsible for (e.g. unfair comparisons to the GAA for not building a soccer Croker) because there is a penchant among Irish soccer supporters to throw all blame for the ills of the game of soccer at the door of Merrion Square NO MATTER WHO is in control there. For instance we had someone blaming the FAI because Bobby Robson, who is reputedly of a 100K+ salary a year, didn't know when our next friendlies are.

That was me. I still feel the FAI are responsible for this in some way. You say it was up to Bobby to find out. Fair enough. However, the FAI are the organisation who appointed this man (who didn't find out) and thus a portion of the blame must lie their door. I believe I have a very valid point in this case

ken foree
01/02/2006, 5:15 PM
That was me. I still feel the FAI are responsible for this in some way. You say it was up to Bobby to find out. Fair enough. However, the FAI are the organisation who appointed this man (who didn't find out) and thus a portion of the blame must lie their door. I believe I have a very valid point in this case

without trying to be too much a random fella butting his unwanted nose in somewhere unexpectedly, i would agree with this. isn't this the way of professional organizations, you sit down with your employees and tell them what are supposed to be their future tasks/responsibilities??

edit for on-topic: obviously i have no idea who the potential players might be but a sniff through records of foreigners with irish ancestry might turn up the clues. this was the ireland era staunton helped define, when the team was perhaps more of a club than an 'international set-up.' and sorta off-topic again but i hope he tries s. reid and ireland in central midfield sometime.

01/02/2006, 5:41 PM
Lads, what has any of this got to do with the thread title? The thread title made for what could have been an interesting discussion on an important topic. Instead, it has once again been hijacked.

Den Perry
01/02/2006, 5:45 PM
Lads, what has any of this got to do with the thread title? The thread title made for what could have been an interesting discussion on an important topic. Instead, it has once again been hijacked.

I hijaked nothing mate. I saw a reference to a point I made and therefore got back to defend my point

01/02/2006, 5:48 PM
Jimmy Bullard was approached by the last set up. Maybe it's still an option. And I read about a Bolton youngster, Matt Cassidy who's declared.

01/02/2006, 5:57 PM
I hijaked nothing mate. I saw a reference to a point I made and therefore got back to defend my point

Wasn't referring to you Dan. You didn't start the whole thing.

If Jimmy Bullard is committed to Ireland, he would be a good aquisition in my opinion.

01/02/2006, 6:47 PM
then again it could be a case of, bejaysus begorrah hes called jimmy, sure he must like shpuds, sure hes irish!

JPM, i dont like your labelling of a potential future irish international being called an acquisition. its not your fault that it has come to this but dont you think its a sorry state of affairs when we are almost treating our national side like a club side and 'acquiring' players!

01/02/2006, 7:57 PM
I suppose it was me who hijacked the thread.:o
I thought staunton made a point in his press conferance about australian and american 2/3G Irish. would it be here that he got some interesting responses? could we have our own viduka/vieri?

01/02/2006, 11:11 PM
what about james milner. He played for ireland schoolboys, is a good player and has links with bobby robson as he signed him for newcastle. I don't know about his credentials and he may be ineligible due to playing for england under 21's the rules are so complicated these days ya just don't seem to know, but in the past he was definately eligible.

01/02/2006, 11:44 PM
what about james milner. He played for ireland schoolboys, is a good player and has links with bobby robson as he signed him for newcastle. I don't know about his credentials and he may be ineligible due to playing for england under 21's the rules are so complicated these days ya just don't seem to know, but in the past he was definately eligible.
Would you believe I was watching Match of the Day tonight and seen Milner and he just looks Irish. :) He's only 19 so if he is eligible and had no hesitation accepting the call then I'd welcome him.

02/02/2006, 2:45 AM
The kid has played about 15 times for Ingerlund U21s, he is a future full international. England wouln't let him switch.

02/02/2006, 8:27 AM
never knew that about milner. whats his connection with us? to play for our youths and then switch to england-very unusual

02/02/2006, 9:35 AM
never knew that about milner. whats his connection with us? to play for our youths and then switch to england-very unusual
The England U-19 goalkeeper played a few times for one of our underage sides as well.

02/02/2006, 10:02 AM
never knew that about milner. whats his connection with us? to play for our youths and then switch to england-very unusual
He never had any Irish connection...

Plastic Paddy
02/02/2006, 5:46 PM
He does have an Irish connection, but it may be just one grandparent again. He played for Ireland at under-14 level. If you don't believe me here's his old school's website entry...


just scroll down the page. You do the maths.

:ball: PP

02/02/2006, 5:48 PM
He never had any Irish connection...
theres nothing like being sure of yourself is there :D

02/02/2006, 6:44 PM
If Milner was willing to declare for Ireland at 19 then I can't see many people complaining.

03/02/2006, 9:10 AM
you'd be surprised...:rolleyes: