View Full Version : Fowler rejoins Liverpool

27/01/2006, 4:00 PM
breaking news :p

27/01/2006, 4:08 PM
This is just brilliant!! Im delighted :)

27/01/2006, 4:14 PM
This is just brilliant!! Im delighted :)

Not as much as me !!!! Over rthe f-ing moon.

GOD is back !!!!!

27/01/2006, 4:30 PM
Fowler is sh!te now, what are Pool fans getting excited over?:confused:. Crouch and Fowler up front, only good times lie ahead:rolleyes:

27/01/2006, 4:30 PM
Fowler joins Liverpool to ease their striking problems. That's very strange. What next? Nicky Butt back to United to ease their midfield problems.:D

27/01/2006, 4:38 PM
say what you want muppets he is a liverpool legend and we are delighted to have him back. Do you think he would have missed cisses chance at the scum? would he f**k! give him the ball in the penalty area and he will score as he showed slur drunken ferguson 2 weeks ago :D

27/01/2006, 4:50 PM
Fowler is sh!te now, what are Pool fans getting excited over?

I wouldn't expect a Utd. fan to understand why this has virtually all Liverpool fans smiling going home tonight...:rolleyes:

To Liverpool fans it is Robbie Fowler. We're not expecting him to add very much to his 170 goals (yes 170 goals), but he is another aspect to the team if we need to break down dull counter-attacking teams like the opposition last week. Like Pellegrino honed the zonal marking and helped the defence make it what it is now, you can't help but learn from Fowler as a striker in training etc. Whether he scores 100 goals in 10 games or not, it's the fact that a Liverpool legend is back at the club gives the club a boost regardless of his impact on the pitch....

(Of course his five fingered salute ;) two weeks only helps his legend status)

Excellent signing:cool:

(Incidentally cue mypost with: "We need a striker and who does he get but a washed up has been from a mid table team like City...blah blah blah")

27/01/2006, 5:27 PM
Seriously, wtf? I'm making note to ask ye all about what ye think of him at the end of the season. I'll see what ye say then:p. Ye'd have been much better re-signing Owen. As I said, Fowler and Crouch up front, classic attacking line-up:D.

See Sissy boy was arrested last night, he's on his way out, just in time too....

27/01/2006, 5:37 PM
Cisse is going - the cats in the street have known that for months...:p

I have no problems with Fowler...whatever he can do he can do it...I am not expecting him to score 200 goals - he has already done that, he is this year's Pellegrino. Look at Pellegrino's performances on the pitch and you don't see his effect. Nobody has gone on about the zonal marking rubbish since, though, eh? He signed on a 6 month free with a review at the end of last season - ring any bells?

If you are training with Fowler, you learn from him - he is that good. The problem with Fowler is his fitness but so was Pellegrino - we may only see the effects of his signing next year if Fowler leaves after scoring only once or twice. It is the behind the scenes effects that makes this signing good - Chelsea and Utd fans might not get that - since you prefer to go for ready prepared big money, great goal scoring players rather than Benitez' subtle signings...:rolleyes: :p

Whether he scores no goals, he still has scored 1 goal in under every two matches (170 in 331) and will be a legend regardless. On top of that is the boost to the morale of the club on his return - the Kop might not survive next Wednesday if he's on even the bench. He is a legend and will always be for me. Regardless of when you come back and say it, I will still regard him as a legend...

27/01/2006, 5:57 PM
Great to have Robbie back. He's been pretty impressive for City in recent weeks, some of his finishing has been class. He's beside himself with happiness after re-joining, seen interview on the official site. Lets hope he can stay fit. I bet he'll score a **** load of goals, and we'll be laughing at the nay-sayers, just like we were last May....:D

Apparently Owen is on his way in the summer as well, as he has a clause to leave for £12m if Newcastle fail to qualify for europe. That'll be the icing on the cake...

Hither green
27/01/2006, 8:48 PM
A good time to sign him, just as he starts to hit some form. From the interviews he's given on sky he seems quite motivated. That's a good sign.

The final snub to Owen though.

27/01/2006, 9:23 PM
"We all live in a Robbie Fowler house
A Robbie Fowler house,
A Robbie Fowler house........"

A friend who's a mad Liverpool fan reckons the excitement is all nostalgia clouding people's judgement. "Liathroidi to that", I said. Nobody holds a status among Kopites quite like Robbie and even if he doesn't score a goal this season that will never be damaged. This is a momentous day for LFC and for Robbie, who said in his book that he had "unfinished business" at the club. Finish your business now Robbie and you could be holding 6 fingers aloft at the Theatre of Wet Dreams next season! It may be more awkward than the 5 but somebody will have to do it:p

28/01/2006, 10:21 AM
Absolutely delighted to have him back. We've been lacking a predator type striker and Fowler is still more than capable of producing the goods given the service.

He'll be a great foil for Crouch or Morientes and I've just finished reading his autobiography where he was saying how well he worked with Kewell. With Kewell finally looking like the player he threatened to be, I can only see good times ahead for "GOD" providing he stays fit.

Can't wait to see him in the red again:) :cool:

28/01/2006, 10:50 AM
interesting to see European Champions signing Man City reserve strikers :)

28/01/2006, 11:04 AM
Cole and Vassell formed a quick and decent enough partnership for City. Pearce has said that he always wanted pace up front as City were going to counter attack more often than not so the fact Fowler wasn't a regular this season is of no concern to me. He lost his pace years ago and Liverpool lack a wily striker not another Cisse. I know he can still do it and that's why 99% of Liverpool fans are delighted with this...because they know he'll get plenty of service.

I've lost count of the number of times that I've looked at the shots on goal stats for Liverpool games this season and seen 15-20 shots on goal with 0,1 or 2 goals scored. Hopefully that'll change now.

28/01/2006, 3:02 PM
All you have to do is look at Cisse's miss against Utd last week and that says it all really. Cisse is just not the real deal, he has no composure, 95% of the time he just lashes at the ball and his goals ratio reflects that. Fowler will score goals, that I have no doubt about.

28/01/2006, 10:14 PM
And City buy a 20 year old Greek lad with the wages saved it looks like - for 6 million.

Anyone know if Samaras would have been better bet for Pool or is he too Crouch like?

Always liked Robbeh, think he'll bag 10 between here and season end with the midfield Pool have. He doesn't need to have the legs, just get into position and he's never lost that knack.

29/01/2006, 10:37 AM
I heard the Man U fans are getting excited because there's a rumour Bobby Charlton might be coming back :rolleyes:

29/01/2006, 6:12 PM
this is the most surprising signing in donkeys years!!

30/01/2006, 8:48 AM
I heard the Man U fans are getting excited because there's a rumour Bobby Charlton might be coming back :rolleyes:

And that's suppose to be funny:mad:

30/01/2006, 8:58 AM
Look Man U fans should be relieved the 'pool don't have to play you again this season with GOD back in our side. :)

FIVE TIMES and all that......

30/01/2006, 9:09 AM
but he is another aspect to the team if we need to break down dull counter-attacking teams
He'll be good in the 5-a-side training for that alright.:o :o

I'm no style-of-football snob but the hypocrisy of a Pool fan saying that is astounding.

30/01/2006, 10:01 AM
How come its all right for Fowler to celebrate in front of the UTd fans holding up 5 fingers and its not ok for Neville to celebrate in front of the Liverpool fans. I think double standards here on the part of the Liverpool fans.

30/01/2006, 10:03 AM
Yeah they do have a short memory. They based their whole system on that style of play during Houllier.

30/01/2006, 10:24 AM
Yeah they do have a short memory. They based their whole system on that style of play during Houllier.

True but alot of L'pool fans hated it. I certainly did. The style of play has certainly improved under Benitez. I also have no problem with Neville's celebration. Most fans would acknowledge that you give and good as you get. Talk of Neville inciting the fans is a load of rubbish.

Fowler has had some lean times since leaving L'pool but the fans have always considered him a legend and hopefully this will prove to be an inspired signing by Benitez.

30/01/2006, 10:39 AM
Fair play Dotsy but not every Liverpool fan would be as honest and as fair as that.

30/01/2006, 10:48 AM
Great to see the toxteth terror back in red.Hope it goes well for him and he can banish the memories of the bad ending he had with Houllier/thompson.:)

30/01/2006, 10:49 AM
Great to see the toxteth terror back in red.Hope it goes well for him and he can banish the memories of the bad ending he had with Houllier/thompson.:)

30/01/2006, 11:25 AM
A bit of a kick in the stones for Leeds, who are still stumping up for his wage, to see him go back to Liverpool on a free. A good bit of business for Liverpool, and if he stays fit and gets half a dozen goals, it'll be worth it.

31/01/2006, 10:17 AM
Pity he can't play for pool against the mancs in the cup,would have been great to see him winding up gary nev and the manyoo fans with a 5 fingered salute after scoring the winner.:cool: Worth a ban too if any player decides to freak out the mancs by doin so.:p :D

31/01/2006, 10:39 AM
Just the same way the Liverpool fans got wound up by Gary Neville when Utd one. Its all sad petty stuff and they are all as bad as each other to be honest.

12/04/2007, 9:42 AM
How many goals has Fowler actually scored for Liverpool since he rejoined? I was amused at the time by the joy of the Liverpool fans (see some above) when it was plain to most he was well passed his sell by date.

pineapple stu
12/04/2007, 12:48 PM
3 this season and 5 in the second half of last season (league only). Don't think he's been anywhere near a regular though, in fairness.

12/04/2007, 12:55 PM
He certainly hasn't been a regular and he was sh!te last night, but he's there. You just have to look at his reception last night when he came on regardless of what he's done. Nobody wants him anywhere else whether he scores or not.

pineapple stu
12/04/2007, 12:56 PM
8 goals in 27 games, according to his Wikipedia entry.

Roughly similar to spells at Leeds and Man City, although way behind what he got at Liverpool the first time around.

12/04/2007, 4:06 PM
Which just shows the blind faith some fans have. He was in a downward spiral at Man C and Leeds and yet they thought the mere donning of the red jersey again would somehow catapult him back to his glory days. It just doesn't work like that.

As for him getting a great reception at the last game, if Bobby Charlton had come on when Man U were winning 7-1 he would have got a great reception as well. Doesn't mean he's any good any more ;)

12/04/2007, 5:02 PM
I can't see Fowler being kept on beyond this season tbh.At least he has a good chance of being in a champions league winning side before he bows out as 'pool player.:cool:

12/04/2007, 5:39 PM
In fairness to him he has probably better in this spell at Liverpool than he was at Man City, he was useless there. He has played quite well in some games but he is usually involved in dead rubber games like the one last night.

16/04/2007, 3:41 PM
8 goals in 27 games, according to his Wikipedia entry.

Roughly similar to spells at Leeds and Man City, although way behind what he got at Liverpool the first time around.

That's deceptive though. He's only started 12 league games and had 15 substitute appearances. The vast majotirty of those were in the last 10 minutes so that's a healthy return IMO.

He also has 2 league cup goals in 3 appearances and 2 goals in Europe from a handful of appearances also. I'd like to have seen him play more to be honest as there is no better finisher at the club.

Raheny Red
16/04/2007, 9:50 PM
Some morning rags are linking him with a move to Oz??

19/04/2007, 2:46 AM
If the CL final has liverpool in it and it goes to penalties, i think fowler might have a date with destiny

19/04/2007, 6:58 AM
If the CL final has liverpool in it and it goes to penalties, i think fowler might have a date with destiny

Why, will he have been transferred to Chelsea by then :p ?

18/07/2007, 3:26 PM
He certainly hasn't been a regular and he was sh!te last night, but he's there. You just have to look at his reception last night when he came on regardless of what he's done. Nobody wants him anywhere else whether he scores or not.

Nobody wants him full stop. Even a blind man (unless he was a Liverpool supporter) could see what a poor signing that was and now he's been let go on a free and no one appears to want him (presumably for the money he is asking).