View Full Version : Dalymount - share talks confirmed

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30/01/2006, 12:14 PM
will it be rejected though. my fameous source isnt so sure, reckons it will be tight, if indeed it ever gets a members vote.

is it ever likely bohs actually would move to a greenfield site? never heard it mentioned before.

harry crumb
30/01/2006, 12:16 PM
The grounds are only a mile apart as it is.

Diluting support.

The club is nearly 100 years old and you still have only 2000 regulars.

Bald Student
30/01/2006, 12:18 PM
A lot of people live in a square mile in Dublin City centre. Bohs and Shels both have seperate support bases at the moment.

Bald Student
30/01/2006, 12:30 PM
I do, of course. There's huge advantage here for Bohs to reject this proposal. I was responding to the suggestion that Bohs and Shel's may as well share because they're so close.

To be honest, I don't see why Pat's would want to move without being leaned on but by all accounts, Shels are moving out of Tolka.

30/01/2006, 4:51 PM
I don't see Bohs having any future in Dalymount. Even with best stadium facilities in DUblin crowds have struggle in last couple of years outside of title race. Its only a matter of time before Bohs move closer theri core support in Blanchardstown or Finglas.

Dalymount is worth too much for a developer (in fact similar to lansdowne the residents have choice of accepting redeveloped ground or new apartments) eventhough i would not value as much as Mountjoy. Mountjoy backs out onto the canal & would have few residential dwellers to object to development plus the Mater Hospital might be interested in expanding as its basically the sole inner city north side hospital now.

30/01/2006, 7:16 PM
Eeny, meeny, miney, mos/
Follow Shels or follow Bohs?

It's not supposed to be like that. It might work with Tolka teenies, but Dalymount just has history.

Anyway, if Bohs sold up and moved out of the holy ground there would be no need for sharing with Shels. A disaster in my view, but still the least worst option.

We need to think about this politically and strategically, and not just financially, in terms of where our next set of floodlights comes from. This country is awash with money.

If Bohs members told FAI and the government to fund top-flight football properly, as part of a long-term battle to win recognition for the domestic game, there would be no need for sharing with Shels. That might be a long and painful haul, but so would ground-sharing. I'd prefer to hobble along and take my chances.

Even if I philosophically accepted a partial surrender to the dark side, for the good of the club, which it's emphatically not, I'd be less inclined to haul myself down to Dalyer of a Friday evening and I'm sure others would feel the same. The magic, in all its dingy, rusting, glorious authenticity, would be gone. And I say that as a relatively recent Jodi-dweller.

All of this ground-share/league re-organization is a figment of some cheap suit's spreadsheet-driven imagination. It is entirely artificial, yet the whole discussion, both here and in the media, treats it as if it were some universal truth that Dalymount is no longer viable. People who espouse this argument are forgetting the scale of public investment in other sports and accepting sheep-like, as the FAI apparently does, that football will always be the poor relation when it comes to public investment. It's as if every time they walked up Jones's Road all they saw was blue sky.

This charade is actually an interesting exercise in political and media manoeuvring. So far, Delaney and FAI are playing a blinder, with vigorous applause from the sticks, and coverage so uncritical you'd think every hack on the case was in line for a private suite. It makes you wonder if everything else the great and good of our media firmament cover is done in such a superficial and unthinking way.

31/01/2006, 12:15 PM
any truth in the whisper i hear it may not get to a vote of the bozo's membership?
surely they have to

manic da hoop
31/01/2006, 1:03 PM
Meaning the proposal has already been rejected out of hand, or they're prepared to go ahead with the deal with consulting with the membership?

31/01/2006, 2:01 PM
the latter i hear. but there was alcohol involved.

bohs til i die
31/01/2006, 3:33 PM
any truth in the whisper i hear it may not get to a vote of the bozo's membership?
surely they have to

1. we dont have to

2. Our AGM isnt for a few weeks yet so it hasnt been accepted or rejected yet

31/01/2006, 4:00 PM
just to clarify: you dont have to get a vote on it?

31/01/2006, 6:03 PM
just to clarify: you dont have to get a vote on it?

It has to be passed by at least 2/3's of the members, it could actually be as high as 75% not 100% sure on that. Under our constitution they cannot enter into a deal like this without the approval of the above amount of members. Will be very hard to pass a deal needing that type of majority.

01/02/2006, 2:34 PM
but are they not already in 'advanced negotiations'?

manic da hoop
01/02/2006, 3:58 PM
Well I suppose they can 'negotiate' about it until the cows come home but if what Chippie says is true (and I assume it is) then I reckon it is unlikely to get passed. In many ways Bohs hold alot more resentment towards Shels than they do Rovers, even though such a move could ultimately have dire consequences for Shels as opposed to Bohs.

01/02/2006, 7:42 PM
It may have already been mentioned but, if it passes, what season will Shels move in for? Hardly this season, is it?:confused:

bohs til i die
02/02/2006, 6:45 AM
It may have already been mentioned but, if it passes, what season will Shels move in for? Hardly this season, is it?:confused:

Dublin City are renting Dalyer this season

This wont begin for at least 1 year, more likely 2/3 if it goes ahead and I dont think it will for at least 5 years