View Full Version : RVN is a cheat

26/01/2006, 11:58 AM
Van Horseface was at it again last night. Gets Man U a pen even though he handled it as much as the defender. Graham "I love myself" Poll fell for his appeals.

If he's not conning the ref like that he's diving all over the place.

After saying that, United deserved the win.

26/01/2006, 12:37 PM

some posts just make me laugh. he is a cheat because he claimed a handball (after the ball was handled (albeit accidently)). did he force graham poll to give a penalty, no -that was just bad refereeing.

call him a cheat if he actually did something to warrant it, not some stupid made up reason like above :rolleyes:

for some real cheating see the link below:


26/01/2006, 12:39 PM
Didn't see the game but can't believe it. Ruud cheating, never. He's the innocent party in all this surely. It's not like he has a history of it :rolleyes:

Robert Pires is the only cheat in the league. (oh and I forget about Reyes!) :rolleyes:

26/01/2006, 12:40 PM
I don't see a problem with Horse Face appealing for a peno! That's not cheating as it did hit the guy's arm. Sometimes they're not given, at Old Trafford they are. I am loathe to criticise refs (I leave that to the losing manager after every game - so predictable, so tiresome). Thankless job but you're right, Poll is a me feiner.

26/01/2006, 12:45 PM
Now I call Ruuuuddddd a lot of things dickface, scumbag and cheating ******* who should be brought out back and shot (get the reference with him being THE ugliest man this side of Luke Chadwick?) but if I were in his shoes last night I'd have chanced my arm to get that penalty, although you'd swear the man had realised he's only half the player he once was and needs penalties to boost his strike rate ala Andy Johnson the amount of times he tries to get them these days

26/01/2006, 12:58 PM
As much as i dislike Ruud I had to laugh when he elbowed Savage in the back and then danced on his head on the way though and got away scot free in the bargain.

26/01/2006, 1:12 PM
needs penalties to boost his strike rate ala Andy Johnson the amount of times he tries to get them these days

out of 19 goals this season (16 league, 2 europe & 1 league cup), he has only scored two penalties (v fulham & v wigan) - so that part aint exactly true

Poor Student
26/01/2006, 3:00 PM
Chill out a bit and relax the name calling for RVN.

26/01/2006, 3:31 PM
They are all cheats to a certain extent, (pro footbalers), they will call everything - he is up there with the better ones (but that can be construed as will to win as well).

I think he was justified in calling for a pen last night (up to Poll to decide and he did give a harsh pen indeed), but some of the dirty late scummy fouls he comes up with are worse than the incessant diving. No need for such a wonderful finisher.

Thing that made me laugh last night was Kevin Moron in the sky studio laughin his hole off at the pen decision and saying it was a homer decision from a homer ref. Everyone knows the "big" (or once big) clubs get them all the time, but for him to laugh and joke about it takes the biscuit.

26/01/2006, 3:50 PM
Yeah I find this horse fase reference distasteful. If we called Emile Heskey Monkey face or somethig along those lines there would be and outcry and rightly so. I think calling RVN a horse face or anything like that only demeans yoru argument and does nothing for your post. Surely people can post up sensible posts without dropping to this level. To be honest the guy is a top top goalscorer. He also had every right to appeal for the penalty last night. Its up to the referee to get it right. He does fall over rather easily but no more so than Ronaldo or Pires

26/01/2006, 3:53 PM
The worst thing about last night was Mc Ateer saying Ireland never had any world class players

27/01/2006, 4:22 PM
Yeah I find this horse fase reference distasteful. If we called Emile Heskey Monkey face or somethig along those lines there would be and outcry and rightly so.

Why would you want to call Heskey monkey face ? He doesn't have a face like a monkey or maybe you think he does :eek: ?

There is nothing racist in calling RvN horse face and I find nothing distasteful in it. God, we all have to be perfectly pc now do we. Lighten up and careful you don't fall off that high horse (pun intended).

29/01/2006, 12:59 PM
Van Horseface was at it again last night. Gets Man U a pen even though he handled it as much as the defender. Graham "I love myself" Poll fell for his appeals.

If he's not conning the ref like that he's diving all over the place.

After saying that, United deserved the win.
your a muppet!! are you saying anyone that claims for a handball when it not actually handball(it did hit his arm but it was harsh) is a cheat?
and tell me when was the last time RUUD dived?:mad:

29/01/2006, 1:05 PM
,although you'd swear the man had realised he's only half the player he once was and needs penalties to boost his strike rate ala Andy Johnson the amount of times he tries to get them these days
i'm sorry, but who is the top scorer in the premiership at the minute??
evryone hates us because we won everything in the ninties and early in da millenium! now the tide is changing, everyone will probably hate chelsea because yere all jealous!!!!!

30/01/2006, 8:28 AM
Van Horseface was at it again last night. Gets Man U a pen even though he handled it as much as the defender. Graham "I love myself" Poll fell for his appeals.

i presume the poster will be back this morning claiming the hypia et al are cheats for claiming handball yesterday???

and what about sissoko and kromkamp's dives :-)

Lim till i die
30/01/2006, 9:51 AM
evryone hates us because we won everything in the ninties and early in da millenium!

Who, Sligo?? :rolleyes:

30/01/2006, 9:55 AM
Why would you want to call Heskey monkey face ? He doesn't have a face like a monkey or maybe you think he does :eek: ?

There is nothing racist in calling RvN horse face and I find nothing distasteful in it. God, we all have to be perfectly pc now do we. Lighten up and careful you don't fall off that high horse (pun intended).

Well looking at it I think he has a face like a monkey as much as Rvn has like a horse to be honest. It does nothing for anybodys argument when they resort to childish name calling of players in my view.

Poor Student
30/01/2006, 11:37 AM
Lets not even go there, no more on the monkey/horse issue. Drop it.

30/01/2006, 12:08 PM
Fair enough but will you say the same when people come along here and call RVN horseface again, I doubt it.

Poor Student
30/01/2006, 2:48 PM
Fair enough but will you say the same when people come along here and call RVN horseface again, I doubt it.

Did I not tell them to stop it before you?:confused:

30/01/2006, 3:10 PM
still no comments from the liverpool fans about the 'cheats' in their own team for claiming a penalty for an accidental handball. they wouldn't be hypicritical would they.....;)

01/02/2006, 8:14 AM
Any player from any team would appeal at the slightest chance these days.
In my opinion all players will cheat if they can get away with it.
Theres no honour in football anymore.

Block G Raptor
02/02/2006, 3:05 PM
RVN Is one of the biggest cheats and sleveen players Ive ever watched
he's a fcuking muppett

Dun Laoire
03/02/2006, 8:46 PM
Any player from any team would appeal at the slightest chance these days.
In my opinion all players will cheat if they can get away with it.
Theres no honour in football anymore.

It wouldnt surprise me if their managers urge them to do it