View Full Version : Major changes in League afoot

25/01/2006, 8:32 AM
it looks like the genesis changes are going full steam ahead which i think is good news, There will not be normal promo- relegation this season but the system the fai will employ will include "other criteria". it will still be important for us to finish as high up the table as possible

big decisions ahead for clubs anyone know uniteds official stance on the changes

25/01/2006, 10:29 AM
I wonder would Nick or Niall be willing to hold an open forum meeting with the supporters after the weekend of the get together in limerick and answer any questions the people would have on the 2006 and 2007 season and what my lay ahead (both positive and negative)?

25/01/2006, 11:37 AM
the Special meeting last week with Ronan Seery going ballistic as his dreams of world domination lay in shreds.God knows what will happen at the EGM & AGM this week but after all the fudges over the past few years im extremely pessimistic of anything being agreed.

NY Hoop
25/01/2006, 1:51 PM
That's because seery knows well his expensive charade is going to end soon. With mounting debts, no fans and no chance of ever owning a ground they will be soon gone and good riddance.

Whole thing should be decided on the pitch but our 2 clubs should qualify for the premier next year based on licensing etc.


26/01/2006, 1:53 PM
Whole thing should be decided on the pitch but our 2 clubs should qualify for the premier next year based on licensing etc.


Not too sure about Rovers!! ;)

Nothing is ever agreed by the clubs so I don't see why this will be any different. In fairness the Genesis report was shoddy at best - there should be a report done on the report!!!!

I think in the last few years the better organised clubs are doing better and the not-so well organised clubs are struggling.

United have everything in place now to achieve promotion but the standards required to achieve Premier status have to be clearly set out before the season starts and if the top clubs don't achieve it then they don't get promoted, as happens in Scotland & in the Conference. We can't have a case where the rules are just flaunted as happened before.

26/01/2006, 2:33 PM
alive Julian.The Football and Business plan united have in place was created knowing that this day would come and every other club has known this for the last 18 months if not longer but chose to ignore the warnings.

The biggest danger for everyone is if their is another fudge like the last 2 seasons with the licensing issue which was nothing short of criminal but then again nothing that happens behind closed doors in D2 Shocks me anymore.

The club is finally that a club with everyone working together to make it one of the top clubs in the country without mortgaging our clubs very existence a la Leeds.

26/01/2006, 10:15 PM
and lads, we'll leave it at that. if ye want to continue talking about
the change afoot for the league, fire ahead, but no more selective
quoting and stop having one-to-one arguements in this forum or ye
will be given an official warning.

and now back on topic: i believe galway will either finish 1st or 2nd
this year and there aren't many people who would disagree with me.
as for if ucd should be in the new premier, that is debateable, they
do now have plans in place and some great young players. i cant wait
for the new formation of the league, but i hope it stays summer soccer

27/01/2006, 8:00 AM
I deleted all the posts as I have promised Adam that I would put strict laws in place to hold onto our forum on this website. Anybody that has a problem with it can PM me and if ye want to keep throwing handbags at each other i suggest ye PM each other as no one else cares!

NOW ! whats the cahnces of the meeting I was asking about earlier? Does anyone (GUFC FANS) think its possible?

pineapple stu
27/01/2006, 10:48 PM
as for if UCD should be in the new premier, that is debateable, they do now have plans in place and some great young players.
Good man GF - "we'll leave it at that", he says as he starts the exact same argument.:rolleyes:

...Resists obvious wind-up bait...