View Full Version : Search engines to turn over info

the 12 th man
23/01/2006, 9:20 AM
Anybody know whats going there?.I believe Google are the only one refusing to co-operate with the U.S. authorities?.

24/01/2006, 2:44 PM
basically google etc have all your searches recorded and linked to your pc , the goverment are trying to get access to this but google are refusing at the moment but it will happen .

it could be used to track people that have searched for kiddy porn or terrorist sites etc

24/01/2006, 3:21 PM
basically google etc have all your searches recorded and linked to your pc , the goverment are trying to get access to this but google are refusing at the moment but it will happen .

it could be used to track people that have searched for kiddy porn or terrorist sites etc

At the moment other search engines are handing over what is being searched for but not the IP address' or any personal information. Google are refusing to hand over any information and fair play to them.

24/01/2006, 3:59 PM
basically google etc have all your searches recorded and linked to your pc , the goverment are trying to get access to thisNo they're not. If you read an article on a proper technology site, you'll find out exactly what they're trying to do. I'd suggest Wired News or News.com.


A face
24/01/2006, 7:23 PM
Is this the same story? (http://news.com.com/FAQ+What+does+the+Google+subpoena+mean/2100-1029_3-6029042.html) ... and here too !! (http://www.linuxpipeline.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=177103062)

25/01/2006, 9:48 AM
Seems like crazy request. What exactly do they hope to do with the information? Information is useless if no idea who did the searching...

25/01/2006, 9:58 AM
What exactly do they hope to do with the information?Seriously, read an article on a tech site.

25/01/2006, 9:48 PM
Not a tech site (cos as a non-techie those things scare me), but this is how the BBC online reported it:
Dunno if they have any particular angle or bias, or are giving it an undue spin, but I find their technology stories are usually covered in a way that's comprehensible to the likes of me.

And lest anyone think Google have suddenly become the White Knights for defying the US Government, here's how the BBC is reporting Google complying with a Chinese government demand that they block Chinese users from searching for info on Tibet, Tiananmen Square, etc:

30/01/2006, 4:09 PM
If the US government aren't looking to invade people's privacy then I see no reason why Google couldn't submit a list of its search queries.

30/01/2006, 5:47 PM
Here's a questions and answers article. (http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-6029042.html?tag=nl)