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View Full Version : POTM January - Nominations

01/01/2006, 7:15 PM
It's the start of a new month so get yer nominations for January in:).

This thread is for nominations ONLY, if you want to talk about a nomination then please use the other thread here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?p=412602#post412602).

03/01/2006, 10:04 PM
Peader again Just can't help himself (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=413242&postcount=2).

Bald Student
04/01/2006, 7:42 PM

18/01/2006, 10:13 AM

18/01/2006, 10:44 AM
I nominate Passive for this...

Fair play for your speedy response though. It can't be easy typing when you're standing on that financial tightrope.

Full post here... (http://www.foot.ie/showpost.php?p=418300&postcount=7)

18/01/2006, 1:11 PM
I've just realised that that Gillian McKeith is talking out of her arse ! Those aren't the 12 most toxic foods. Plenty others are worse for you, like these for starters :

1) A Sh!t sandwich (or anything involving excrament, particularly pidgeon's).
2) Cyanaide-on-toast.
3) Raw meat (particularly if it's been out of the fridge for some time on a hot day).
4) Freshly killed un-cooked chickens from certain regions of Turkey.
5) BSE-Burgers.
6) Well out-of-date eggs fed to sick old people on an empty stomach.
7) A knuckle sandwich from somebody much bigger and angrier than you.
8) Cod Liver Oil (liquid form).
9) Hot Dogs from street vendors.
10) Marmite

See ! That doris knows nothin'.......
Here (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=417537&postcount=32).

18/01/2006, 11:35 PM
Vitruvian Man for this


Bald Student
18/01/2006, 11:52 PM

19/01/2006, 8:57 AM
Can I nominate another one?

I'd like to nominate Eire06 for this...

as if we don't have enought riff-raff in here already!
we don't need to be picking up men in toilets:rolleyes:

On this thread... (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=32882)

22/01/2006, 8:52 PM
This from the renovator. My own nomination.

#68 03/01/2006, 10:38 PM
Apprentice Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 83

straight talk


Originally Posted by Thunderblaster
Real issue is that Noel Kennedy and Pat Quigley do not have the best of political relationships.

In truth I wouldn't no, but they are elected to run football not to be lovers

23/01/2006, 4:12 PM
This (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=423444&postcount=4) here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=33010)

27/01/2006, 9:59 AM
The boss himself for this in the Worst Invention thread (http://www.foot.ie/showthread.php?t=33011&page=2):

Voting machines
Martin Cullen is a far worse invention than voting machines.

30/01/2006, 12:11 PM
A p!ss take on the gaffer...


01/02/2006, 1:20 PM
11 Nominations. I'll put the poll up later today.