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A face
28/12/2005, 3:15 PM
I really dont know how to name this thread ?? (http://www.reandev.com/taliban/) :( :eek:

28/12/2005, 4:43 PM
Frightning !

28/12/2005, 6:12 PM
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists
I guess that makes me a terrorist so..:rolleyes:

Anto McC
28/12/2005, 6:13 PM
I guess that makes me a terrorist so..:rolleyes:

and that therefore makes you a muslim :rolleyes:

anto eile
28/12/2005, 9:16 PM
was laughing at the riduculuos nature of the comments at the start, but by the time i got to the bottom it got depressing to think that these people effectively run the usa.
luckily theyre all old and will die soon

28/12/2005, 11:11 PM
F*cking American Idiots. Scary to think most of these people are in positions of real power and influence over millions of people

29/12/2005, 3:08 AM
not all doom and gloom. I've been monitoring these looney toons for years now and many of them only represent mickey mouse organisations who are more of a public nuisance than having any real influence. That idiot Michael Savage was recently fired from his radio programme while Santorum is likely to lose his political seat in 2006. Pat Robertson and James Dobson are joke figures at this stage while the Creationist crowd got hammered by the courts in various places eg Dover (Pennsylvania) when they tried to make Intelligent Design part of the science curriculum.

Ann Coulter (some say a former man) is nothing more than a sad egotist who throws out ludicrous statements to get publicity for herself and is regarded as, basically, a fcuking eejit.

The ones to really worry about are the ones in the White House,

The US centre and left us finally waking up to these space cadets and starting to give as good as they get via major (and influential) blogs like Media Matters, Newshounds, Crooks and Liars etc.

29/12/2005, 1:34 PM
Anyone read the front headline in yesterday's Indo about Chomsky's comment about Bertie.......dead right he is. Even more sickening was the editorial of this right-wing rag grovelling to the government and the US trying to minimise the damage. :mad:

anto eile
29/12/2005, 2:40 PM
no partizan i didnt read it.so elaborate please

29/12/2005, 9:29 PM
“George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the
United States, he was appointed by God.” Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin
Guess thats what you call army intelligence :rolleyes:

30/12/2005, 4:29 AM
There's a dreadful fascist tendency on the right wing in the US these days.
France always gets knocked. These days it's Canada.
They seem to be hell bent on alienating as many people on the planet as possible.
The right wing mouthpiece - Fox "News" - is at this constantly. Only a matter of time before little ol' Ireland gets a whack.

The prevailing method is instilling fear - fear of everything. Whether it's Osama Bin Forgotten, Canada harbouring terrorists, the UN, European treachery, "Islamofascists", illegal foreign workers, Hugo Chabez, Castro, non-Christians, the "liberal elite media", secularists, the ACLU, Democrats, Michael Moore, Howard Dean and on and on and on.

Sad thing is - lfar, far too many Yanks believe this sh!te. I mean, millions of them elected a semi-literate clown as their President.:rolleyes:

Canada example:

http://www.newshounds.us/2005/12/28/fox_the_administrations_attack_dog_it_punishes_can ada_for_having_a_life.php

It reminds me of this quote from Hermann Goering

“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for”

Ring a bell???

30/12/2005, 10:36 AM
These are hillarious!

"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."

"Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society."

"The demise of our community and culture is the fault of sissified men who have been overly influenced by women."


A face
30/12/2005, 2:01 PM
Ann Coulter (some say a former man) is nothing more than a sad egotist who throws out ludicrous statements to get publicity for herself and is regarded as, basically, a fcuking eejit.

Pretty much like this one (http://newsfeed.tcm.ie/images/people/kathleenlynchDANLINEHAN.jpg) so yeah !?!? :p

30/12/2005, 4:22 PM
Pretty much like this one (http://newsfeed.tcm.ie/images/people/kathleenlynchDANLINEHAN.jpg) so yeah !?!?

Jaysus, I've seen it all now - a Corkonian knocking another Corkonian. :eek: Thought that was an impossibility.

Jaysus, a face, whatever you think of Kathleen, how, in your darkest dreams, could you equate her with a troglodyte like Coulter:p :D

A face
30/12/2005, 4:36 PM
Jaysus, I've seen it all now - a Corkonian knocking another Corkonian. :eek: Thought that was an impossibility.

I know, what was i thinking !! :eek: :)

Jaysus, a face, whatever you think of Kathleen, how, in your darkest dreams, could you equate her with a troglodyte like Coulter

I dont ... just her tactics, turns up at a crisis, does nothing to help and all the why has absolutely no policy/opinion on the matter. Just whóring herself for votes !!

30/12/2005, 6:30 PM
I dont ... just her tactics, turns up at a crisis, does nothing to help and all the why has absolutely no policy/opinion on the matter. Just whóring herself for votes !!

Heard that about her all right. Why did ye elect her so???:D

More on the American Taliban


30/12/2005, 8:38 PM
The Christian Right in the US have noticeably increased in confidence, power and influence under Bush. Their numbers are growing across all age levels. The fact that they've had both the influence and the confidence to not only remove Darwinism from certain school curriculi, but replace it instead with the religion-based 'Intelligent design' goes to show how deep their roots are digging. They're no different than the Communists in Russia - they're attempting to re-write history and brainwash kids into their own narrow beliefs.

It really is difficult to comprehend how tied-up in fundamentalist Christianity a large proportion of America is. 20% of the ENTIRE population is Evangelical Christian. For those who don't understand what that means in practice, it's the type of religious hectoring, lecturing and intolerance akin to Paisley and the Free P's in the north.

There really is a battle for the soul of America at the moment, and politics is the key battleground. Hopefully the Democrats will pick a strong candidate for the next Presidential election, as another 4 years of Christian fundamentalism will turn the clock back even further over there. I fear instead that they'll pick a polarising left-of-centre' candidate like Hilary Clinton, and condemn themselves to another 4-8yrs out of office....

30/12/2005, 9:04 PM
The Christian Right in the US have noticeably increased in confidence, power and influence under Bush. Their numbers are growing across all age levels. The fact that they've had both the influence and the confidence to not only remove Darwinism from certain school curriculi, but replace it instead with the religion-based 'Intelligent design' goes to show how deep their roots are digging. They're no different than the Communists in Russia - they're attempting to re-write history and brainwash kids into their own narrow beliefs.

It really is difficult to comprehend how tied-up in fundamentalist Christianity a large proportion of America is. 20% of the ENTIRE population is Evangelical Christian. For those who don't understand what that means in practice, it's the type of religious hectoring, lecturing and intolerance akin to Paisley and the Free P's in the north.

There really is a battle for the soul of America at the moment, and politics is the key battleground. Hopefully the Democrats will pick a strong candidate for the next Presidential election, as another 4 years of Christian fundamentalism will turn the clock back even further over there. I fear instead that they'll pick a polarising left-of-centre' candidate like Hilary Clinton, and condemn themselves to another 4-8yrs out of office....

There is a fightback though Steve or maybe I'm being optimistic. The New York Times and other media appear to have rediscovered their balls and are asking serious questions again instead of bowing in deference to the White House and its minions like they've being doing since 9/11.
The Dover school victory for the pro-evolution parents was a great victory but Kansas seems to be a lost cause. However, when the schoolkids there can't get entry to Science studies in University because of their fcuked up schools and many can't find employment 'cos they have sh!te qualifications then reality may bite.
I can see huge transience (even more than the usual US transience) from such hick areas, leaving only the wingnuts in places like Kansas to gobble each other up in a frenzy of frustration, poverty and hopelessness. Too fcuking good for them.:D

You're dead right though about the parallels with Communism and Nazism or totalitarianism. Did you see my Goering quote above?? The left and moderates are talking about this all the time on their blogs.

I can't comprehend how so many Republican supporters can back a regime that is outsourcing good jobs - sometimes replacing them with "McJobs" - running a massive defecit, leading the poor (literally) soldiers to illegal wars, hammering the health service, fcuking up the Katrina recovery (some protective President heh?), diluting the laws on food safety standards, pollution, right winging the Supreme Courts etc etc etc etc etc.

How the fcuk they can support a bunch of crooks beats me when those very crooks, aided by those Evangelicals, are shafting them at every turn.

I reckon we could see large tracts of the US - the rich and most populated Easy amd West coastal areas (usually non Republican voters) - becoming more and more independent of the nutcase areas in say 20 years. Look at the cities who are giving the two fingers to Bush's environmental "policy" and establishing strong Kyoto-like controls eg Seattle.
It's unfair too that sh!tholes like some of the mid US states, with fcuk all living there, can have so much influence over the US in total.

What happens in the US has reprecussions for the entire planet in so many areas - if the US keeps alienating everybody on the planet, then it's cooking it's own goose in the long run. Anyway, China and Saudi Arabia owns so much of it in terms of loans, investments etc that the US is constrained in many ways.

I could go on and on about this......:mad:

01/01/2006, 6:24 AM
This is the type of people that support the Bushies and their cronies.

The dreadful thing is that they're are so many of the fcukers.

This is taken from the Newshounds site

Words/terms I "bold-ed" are words/terms etc that are SOME of the usual targets/obsessions for the right-wingers I also had to edit the rude words to make it understood under Foot.ie rules

Quote 1
Subject: eat sh!t
I'm sick of the stupid fcuking marxist philosphy of the left. I'm through listening to you morons who think you hold the superior position on everything. Just wait till you see the bloodthirsty attitude that will prevail once civil war breaks out here, which it will.
Fcuk you AND your CNN.

Subject: Hey Nancy
Course, you left-wing, hate America, Christ killering, raghead loving socialists do that at the first chance. We on the right have just as much right to expose your watching of Fox all the time, huh? Go worship your pagan god, Randi Rhodes. Heard you on Air America again. Mr. P

Subject: (no subject)
You fools love uncle Saddam he is just an innocent mr.rogers type of Iraqi who has been misjudged and mistreated by the evil satan america...you'll be sad soon though when he's got a hole in his head or is hanging from a rope,maybe to satisfy you we can get Rummy to shake hands with the corpse that ought to **** off the liberals lmao!!

Subject: (no subject)
The Newshounds should be tortured. You fcuks deserve a waterboard more than any raghead.

Subject: (no subject)
Darwinism is a theory. No one can scientifically prove creationism and no one can scientifically prove evolution. You have the loony left, which hates the word God or even someone mentioning that someone created the world.
Posted by: The one and only reasonable voice (yeah I'm back) at December 20, 2005 05:44 PM

If you believe that there is no attempt to remove Christ from Christmas, you have your head stuck somewhere where the "sun don't

Subject: ann coultier
Ann Coultier is one of the finest minds in this country. See calls it as it is and people don't like her because she is straight forward and honest, maybe alittle basis at times but she has my respect

(Clown meant Ann Coulter):rolleyes:

I hope those at the NY Times and the democrat leaders who fed them the info are charged with treason.
Posted by: Joe Lunchpail at December 30, 2005 07:54 PM
(This refers to Bush illegally spying on US citizens)

Clinton was evil, Bush is not. It's that simple.
Posted by: Joe Lunchpail at December 30, 2005 08:46 PM

Being called a "liar" by a Liberal is like being called "fat" by Michael Moore. Posted by: Flatlander at December 29, 2005 05:25 PM

It is a sad story. Canada is supposed to be this well established country, a member of the G8, and to see this once great country disintegrate to such irrelevance is indeed painful to watch.
There may be no Canada as we knoe it in 5 years, as every region wants to break away from their socialist quasi-communist model.
I urge the people of Canada to be proud of themselves and who they are. This jealousy, envy and obsessive anti-Americanism is becoming a clinical problem, for the entire country.
Posted by: TJ at December 28, 2005 10:35 PM

and that guy is one of the better ignorami:eek:

Congressmen must step to the challenge and build a fence across the northern border, and require the use of passports for entry.
This may seem extreme, but given the terror-friendly environment it is prudent to seal that (Canadian) boder.
Posted by: TJ at December 28, 2005 11:35 PM

Its american soldiers dying for this ungrateful people (Canadians), by protecting the North american continent, on the military and diplomatic front to prevent a nuclear attack or anything similar.
What has Canada contributed to push against a nuclear Iran? any diplomatic sanctions? trade sanctions? What about Syria? North Korea? Cuba?
all they have given us is mad cow diseases, and safe havens for AWOL soldiers and would be terrorists.Posted by: TJ at December 29, 2005 12:40 AM

The Democratic leadership has long ago jumped ship on the War on Terror. Today it is much more important on the Left to end Republicanism than to end Terrorism. Posted by: Jose Chung at December 27, 2005 09:43 PM

If you are expecting a very secular Democracy -- with gay pride parades in Baghdad, condoms distributed in school, foul mouthed teenage girls cussing (and getting abortions without telling their parents), and MTV blaring on all the TV sets, you may be disappointed.
Posted by: Flatlander at December 23, 2005 05:08 PM

Cut and past job from thousands - any spelling errors are not mine -left them in to give a picture of these wingnuts.

I could have posted even more bizarre examples.:D

Lionel Ritchie
01/01/2006, 7:46 PM
Pretty much like this one (http://newsfeed.tcm.ie/images/people/kathleenlynchDANLINEHAN.jpg) so yeah !?!? :p

Dats an aaaw-fil ting tih say about Kat-leeeeeeeeeen! :eek: :D

01/01/2006, 8:43 PM
What happens in the US has reprecussions for the entire planet in so many areas - if the US keeps alienating everybody on the planet, then it's cooking it's own goose in the long run. Anyway, China and Saudi Arabia owns so much of it in terms of loans, investments etc that the US is constrained in many ways.

I could go on and on about this......:mad:

Fintan O'Toole and Tony Kinsella's book 'Post Washington: Why America Can't Rule the World' is a great encouragement for anyone who gets depressed by the Bush regime.

I was a bit sceptical about their analysis - and then saw what happened in New Orleans where the most powerful nation on earth couldn't even get its own people out of a flooded city.

The US Government is in hock up to their eyeballs and if the Chinese decided to stop buying US bonds there would be nothing to back the dollar causing a collapse in the value of the currency and a rapid slide into economic recession and then depression.

PS Sir Hamish, did you sleep at all last night? You have postings around 4 and then again at 7!!

01/01/2006, 9:48 PM
PS Sir Hamish, did you sleep at all last night? You have postings around 4 and then again at 7!!

Agree with all that REVIP - US is living on the never-never on so many levels.

Some nights I sleep for a while, nod off and then wake up again. That accounts for the strange posting times.:D

Happy New Year amigo:D

Snoop Drog
01/01/2006, 10:16 PM
"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand."*

This explains SO much...:(

02/01/2006, 5:22 AM
"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand."*

This explains SO much...

Unbelievable isn't it Snoop Drog???:eek:

You'd imagine anyone wallowing in (even false) piety and sanctity would claim to testify to the beauty of the world and all its wonders as a gift from the very God he worships. To state that it's OK not to protect his God's wonders surely is a form of blasphemy. You'd think they might be afraid when their rapture happens that their stewardship of "God's green earth" would be in the frame.

A perfect definition of bog-ignorance, false pride, arrogance and idiocy if ever there was one.

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable and a perfect picture of the pond-life that infests so much of redneck America.

You know what, Jerry Springer did us a sort of service when his show exposed that underbelly of US life - even if he did it for commercial reasons/ratings. His sudience and participants are not stereotypes really - they do exist and many have moved from the trailer park to the pulpit and Washington.

03/01/2006, 1:04 AM
I'm surprised you didn't find a few quotes on there from Foot.ie's resident Muslim-hating Lord of Intolerance Condex... :)

A face
03/01/2006, 2:58 AM
Unreal !! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gazzigger/77064243/)

Even more ... unreal !! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/aliveinbaghdad/)

But hey ... at least they are free !!

03/01/2006, 3:12 AM
There is some hope. There are a load of Rethuglicans facing the slammer soon - Scooter Libby, Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff is taking a plea bargain and will soon name loads of names, Karl Rove, even Cheney's not out of the woods plus Cunningham Frist and many others.
Also, when the Shi-ite militia start really getting stuck in in Iraq and the Kurds start ethnically cleansing Kirkuk, then the whole Iraq fiasco will really go belly up.

Watch the sh!t flying then when you add all the above up.

03/01/2006, 10:04 AM
Anyone read the front headline in yesterday's Indo about Chomsky's comment about Bertie.......dead right he is. Even more sickening was the editorial of this right-wing rag grovelling to the government and the US trying to minimise the damage. :mad:
missed it at the time, but here it is, from unison.ie

Ahern is accused of being Bush's puppet

Taoiseach 'shining the shoes' of US President, says leading academic

Brian Dowling

and Lorna Reid

THE Government reacted angrily last night after a leading US academic compared Taoiseach Bertie Ahern to a "shoe-shine boy" for President George Bush.

In a scathing attack on the Government's foreign policy, the influential anti-war academic Noam Chomsky accused Mr Ahern of "shining the shoes" of the US President by allowing US warplanes to use Shannon airport.

Speaking in advance of a lecture in Trinity College, Dublin next month, Professor Chomsky depicted the Government as little more than grovelling to US demands.

The 77-year-old - who is the eighth most quoted author in the world - asked whether Mr Ahern was following the will of the Irish people or following orders from Washington.

A long-time critic of US foreign policy, Professor Chomsky said the Taoiseach's actions in allowing Shannon to be used for the refuelling of US military aircraft could only be justified "if the goal of the Irish Government was to be the obedient servant of the global superpower". "This tells you that western politicians despise democracy and prefer to shine the shoes of the power," he said.

But a spokesman for the Government said the Taoiseach and Foreign Affairs Minister Dermot Ahern categorically rejected the allegations made by Professor Chomsky.

"They are satisfied that Ireland's position regarding the use of Shannon is fully compliant with domestic requirements and our international obligations.

"Arrangements for overflight and landing in Ireland of US military and civilian aircraft have been in place under successive governments for almost 50 years."

The spokesman said the Government's position had been approved by the Dail on March 20, 2003 and was wholly in accordance with US Security Council resolutions on the situation in Iraq, including that of November 8, 2005.

The broadside from Professor Chomsky came ahead of his visit to Ireland where he will deliver the Amnesty International annual lecture at Trinity College on January 18.

The controversial academic, who has been aligned to left wing politics for over 60 years, has been dubbed "the Elvis of Academia" by U2 lead singer Bono.

A spokesman for Labour Party leader Pat Rabbitte reiterated the party's opposition to the decision to allow US warplanes to refuel at Shannon.

"We have consistently opposed the use of Shannon for US military flights and its use for CIA flights too," the spokesman said.

The party's foreign affairs spokesman and veteran international campaigner, Michael D Higgins, said Professor Chomsky's remarks only served to prove that the Taoiseach had "danced around the media" on the whole issue of the use of Shannon.

"The Taoiseach has accepted the simple assurances from diplomats about rendition, but the argument is, if we have friendly relations with the US then what has America got to fear from inspections of their aircraft, if they are telling the truth," Mr Higgins said.

Last week the Irish Human Rights Commission said the Government must inspect US planes landing at Shannon to ensure terror suspects were not being transported to alleged torture camps elsewhere.

And here's FF HQ's, I mean the editorial response... (again from unison.ie)

ONE does not usually pay too much attention to the views of Prof. Noam Chomsky. But the issue of Iraq deserves to be debated.

Not because the veteran American anti-war campaigner is always wrong, but because his views are so predictable that they are bound to be wrong a lot of the time, and can be guessed in advance anyway.

Leaving aside the typical Chomsky insulting language towards the Taoiseach, on the question of Irish government policy towards US military flights, the professor is wrong once again.

Even so, there are problems, especially over CIA covert flights, which the Taoiseach and the Government must address more openly.

The professor and his many Irish supporters are wrong in saying that Ireland should ban all US military landings at Shannon - or even those taking troops to and from Iraq.

To do so would be to say that we are completely opposed to US operations in Iraq and will do our best to hamper those operations - in this case by halting a facility which has been available for decades.

Such total opposition to the presence of American, British, Polish and other troops in Iraq is not the policy of the Irish Government.

Nor should it be.

For a start, the Government has a duty to weigh the implications of what would be a blatantly hostile act against the USA.

Ministers do not have the luxury of those armchair diplomats and generals who shout for such actions from the sidelines and do not have to worry about the consequences.

But there is a more principled reason as well.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Iraq invasion may have been, it would be an even bigger catastrophe for the people of Iraq if the Americans were to cut and run now.

The duty of other governments is not to give them excuses to do so, but to encourage better US policies to build a stable Iraq where the sort of horrors uncovered yesterday no longer occur.

The allegations that Shannon may be hosting flights which bring suspects for abusive interrogation, even torture, are another matter.

All EU governments must tell the US - preferably through the EU - that they will not tolerate such practices, intend finding out if they are taking place, and putting a stop to them on their territories if they are.Keep 'Anvil' striking


03/01/2006, 10:39 AM
For a start, the Government has a duty to weigh the implications of what would be a blatantly hostile act against the USA.

I think that says it all about the FF policy.

I fail to see how denying military planes landing rights in our supposedly neutral country can be seen as hostile.

The simple fact however is that similar to the UK not enough people really care about his to change their vote in National elections. I may be wrong but i;m guessing Shgannon residents happy that planes landing as bring cash into the locality but if there was a terrorist attack would probably chnage their opinions quickly.

03/01/2006, 11:12 AM
If you remember how they reacted to the French when they didnt support them then I feel it would be viewed in the US as a hostile action and would be picked up on by the media over there. A lot of US companies providing a lot of jobs in Ireland and in the "with us or against us" atmosphere of the moment I dont think it would be a great move to stop shannon refueling.

03/01/2006, 11:18 AM
If you remember how they reacted to the French when they didnt support them then I feel it would be viewed in the US as a hostile action and would be picked up on by the media over there. A lot of US companies providing a lot of jobs in Ireland and in the "with us or against us" atmosphere of the moment I dont think it would be a great move to stop shannon refueling.
American companies will stay whilst it's in their business interests to stay, which will be as long as there are tax breaks.

03/01/2006, 11:21 AM
American companies will stay whilst it's in their business interests to stay, which will be as long as there are tax breaks.

Exactly. Corporations only get involved in politics when it can increase their profits. US companies based here would have no desire to get involved in war talk.

03/01/2006, 11:41 AM
I am not suggesting that US companies would up sticks on mass but I think the US government wouldnt be averse to applying whatever pressure they feel is needed to keep the shannon stopover if it was important to them. By the way is it that importantto them? Is there nowhere else they can refuel?

03/01/2006, 2:19 PM
You could paint any country to be a nation of idiots by such selective quotes. The George Bush quote about God telling him to invade Iraq etc has long since been established as a mis-quote.

In saying that, I am no fan of Bush at all, or the US foreign policy under this regime, and I feel that most of that talk from such senior politicians etc is trying to find spiritual justification for their actions which can not be justified legally.

03/01/2006, 2:22 PM
You could paint any country to be a nation of idiots by such selective quotes.
You wouldn't even have to be that selective with our esteemed leaders. :D

A face
03/01/2006, 7:10 PM
You wouldn't even have to be that selective with our esteemed leaders. :D

Imagine if you did though, the results would be unreal i'd say !! :D :p

03/01/2006, 8:32 PM
The government's stance on Shannon is utterly reprehensible and shameful.

I wish FF/PD govt would just **** off to Iraq and leave us all in peace..

Now that would be a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

03/01/2006, 9:59 PM
The government's stance on Shannon is utterly reprehensible and shameful.

I wish FF/PD govt would just **** off to Iraq and leave us all in peace..

Now that would be a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
No it isn't, their stance on Shannon is appropriate unless we are to bite off our nose to spite our face.

03/01/2006, 11:12 PM
The George Bush quote about God telling him to invade Iraq etc has long since been established as a mis-quote.


No it hasn't

Press Releases
God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers
Category: News

Date: 06.10.2005
Printable version

President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.

In Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, a major three-part series on BBC TWO (at 9.00pm on Monday 10, Monday 17 and Monday 24 October), Abu Mazen, Palestinian Prime Minister, and Nabil Shaath, his Foreign Minister, describe their first meeting with President Bush in June 2003.

Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"

Abu Mazen was at the same meeting and recounts how President Bush told him: "I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state."

The series charts the attempts to bring peace to the Middle East, from President Bill Clinton's peace talks in 1999/2000 to Israel's withdrawal from Gaza last August.

Norma Percy, series producer of The 50 Years War (1998) returns, with producers Mark Anderson and Dan Edge, to tell the inside story of another seven years of crisis.

Presidents and Prime Ministers, their generals and ministers tell what happened behind closed doors as peace talks failed and the intifada exploded.

Israel and the Arabs: Elusive Peace - Mondays 10, 17 and 24 October, from 9.00 to 10.00pm on BBC TWO.


03/01/2006, 11:20 PM
The government's stance on Shannon is utterly reprehensible and shameful.

I wish FF/PD govt would just **** off to Iraq and leave us all in peace..

Now that would be a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Dead right Partizan - nothing to do with cutting off noses either That Guy.

US firms give a toss about one thing - profit. Even Bush supporting firms are "outsourcing" from the USA to countries where the wages are tiny.
The very week Bertie Aherne visited Mexico, Beeslow lost its last big US firm to...........Mexico...it opened there the week he visited. Why? Square D paid to each Mexican worker per month what they paid per week in Beeslow.

LOL As regards the PDs in Iraq - more like weapons of mass boredom.:D

04/01/2006, 6:11 PM
Anyone who claims that by standing up to the US would hurt our economic prospects are playing the well worn but discredited tune of the neo-Right.

As one of the previous posters said, US firms will continue to trade here as long as its economically feasable, other than that, jobs are safe.

Standing up to the neo-con criminals in the US by saying NO to Shannon as a stopover would be another slap in the face to a corrup, evil & vile regime in Washington that pays lipservice to international law, the UN and basic human rights.

Fvck them and their spineless FF/PD/ Sindo fellow travellers.

04/01/2006, 6:22 PM
Standing up to the neo-con criminals in the US by saying NO to Shannon as a stopover would be another slap in the face to a corrup, evil & vile regime in Washington that pays lipservice to international law, the UN and basic human rights.


In addition, Bush was an abysmal failure as a businessman in every business he "ran", his baseball club he "ran" flopped, he made a balls of Texas when Governor there and, both he and his regime are surely the most incompetent bunch of losers ever to rule the US. Every business Bush "ran" had to be bailed out by Pappy Bush's rich pals.

Here's another promise fcuked up - "staying the course" my arse.:rolleyes:

Bush pulls the plug on Iraq reconstruction

$18bn funding to stop at end of year

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Tuesday January 3, 2006
The Guardian

The Bush administration has scaled back its ambitions to rebuild Iraq from the devastation wrought by war and dictatorship and does not intend to seek new funds for reconstruction, it emerged yesterday.
In a decision that will be seen as a retreat from a promise by President George Bush to give Iraq the best infrastructure in the region, administration officials say they will not seek reconstruction funds when the budget request is presented to Congress next month, the Washington Post reported yesterday.

The $18.4bn (£10.6bn) allocation is scheduled to run out in June 2007. The move will be seen by critics as further evidence of the administration's failure to plan for the aftermath of the war.

A decision not to renew the reconstruction programme would leave Iraq with the burden of tens of billions of dollars in unfinished projects, and an oil industry and electrical grid that have yet to return to pre-war production levels.

The decision is a tacit admission of the failure of the US rebuilding effort in the face of a relentless insurgency. Nearly half the funds earmarked for reconstruction were diverted towards fighting the insurgency and preparations to put Saddam Hussein on trial.

At least $2.5bn earmarked for Iraq's dilapidated infrastructure and schools was diverted to building up a security force. And funds originally intended to repair the electricity grid and sewage and sanitation system were used to train special bomb squad units and a hostage rescue force. The US also shifted funds to build 10 new prisons to keep pace with the insurgency, and safe houses and armoured cars for Iraqi judges, the Post said.

The reconstruction fund was tapped for the hundreds of millions of dollars required to hold elections and for four changes of government. It also helped pay for the tens of millions required to establish a criminal justice system, including $128m to examine several mass graves of Saddam's victims.

While 3,600 projects will be completed by the end of the year, the cost of security accounted for as much as 25% of each project, according to the office of the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction. A US congressional report in October forecast that many reconstruction projects were unlikely to get off the ground because of the spiralling costs of security.

Production on Iraq's national electrical grid remains at 4,000 megawatts, 400 megawatts below pre-war levels, with the average Iraqi receiving less than 12 hours of power a day. Oil production, which was supposed to provide the funds for Iraqi reconstruction, according to the Pentagon's pre-war planning, also remains well below pre-war levels, mainly due to sabotage by insurgents. Iraq's refineries are producing 1.1m barrels of oil a day, compared with 2.6m barrels on the eve of the invasion.

The cut-off to reconstruction programmes adds to increasing speculation that the administration is planning at least a partial withdrawal of troops from Iraq before November's US mid-term election.

It marks a retreat from a promise by Mr Bush in 2003 to provide Iraq with the best infrastructure in the region.

Yesterday, however, a Pentagon official disavowed that ambition. "The US never intended to completely rebuild Iraq," Brigadier General William McCoy, the Army Corps of Engineers commander overseeing the work, was quoted in the Post as saying. "This was just supposed to be a jump-start."

The Post also notes that fewer than 30% of Iraqis were even aware of ongoing reconstruction projects, suggesting the US has failed to extract public relations benefit from any of the reconstruction projects it has completed.

08/01/2006, 10:08 PM
I'm surprised you didn't find a few quotes on there from Foot.ie's resident Muslim-hating Lord of Intolerance Condex... :)

Been on holidays for the last few weeks and unlike you I've got better things to do than contribute to this anti-American tripe, its all so tired and predictable.

09/01/2006, 12:27 AM
Been on holidays for the last few weeks and unlike you I've got better things to do than contribute to this anti-American tripe, its all so tired and predictable.

True. Would be much better to go around blaming Muslims for the actions of people who you yourself know are predominantly Christian, now, wouldn't it (a la your cameo contribution to the Australian race troubles thread) :rolleyes:

Where were you on holiday - Alabama ? The Orange Free State ? Guantanamo ? :D

09/01/2006, 1:24 PM
I really dont know how to name this thread ?? (http://www.reandev.com/taliban/) :( :eek:Did I just spot Jimmy 'Loooooord fooooorgive me, for I aym a sinnnneeeerrrr' Swaggart of 'Televangelist Caught In Motel Three-in-Bed Hooker Romp' fame? These have got to be the coooooooooolest guys (and gals) I've ever seen. :D

09/01/2006, 6:45 PM
True. Would be much better to go around blaming Muslims for the actions of people who you yourself know are predominantly Christian, now, wouldn't it (a la your cameo contribution to the Australian race troubles thread)

Where were you on holiday - Alabama ? The Orange Free State ? Guantanamo ?

Actually I went to Donegal not far from where you spent your stone throwing youth :p

It was refreshing to find that theres not many of you self loathing PC lefties about:D

10/01/2006, 4:38 PM
Self-loathing lefties eh Condex

God knows how often I've read that when US righties are slagging liberals.

Now who's being tired and predictable.:p :D

It's not anti-Americanism really. It's just that many of us feel that the current regime in Washington is totally disfunctional. How can the Republicans claim they're protecting the US when they couldn't even help the victims of Katrina in their own country in a properly organised fashion.

You now have even more people under the poverty barrier, fewer people covered by medical insurance, outsourcing and most new jobs poorly paid, record defecit, constant borrowing from the Chinese and Saudis, the insane Iraq situation with no funding to complete projects there, corruption scandals coming to head - Abramoff, Cunningham, Libby and many, many more.

Here's a story I head two weeks ago from two friends - both priests -working in the Katrina zone. A number of people there were given a trailer and $1000 dollars to move back home. The money was to buy basic furniture (beds, chairs, tables etc) to put into the trailers. However, the local utility companies demanded money up front to install water connections, gas etc. Result - 1000 dollars gone.
These friends are trying to raise money via the local Credit Union here to help these folks.
Also, the Red Cross, like the government, is very badly organised there too.
So, basically, people are suffering in Louisiana and many are still living in tents and surviving on food hand outs from charities.

This, despite the scale of the disaster, in the World's wealthiest country.

Many young men and women in the US forces Iraq from Louisiana are going mental worrying about the folks back home and would rather be there helping out than shoring up what is becoming an increasingly unstable theocratic country.

That's not anti-Americanism or being a lefty......that's just a criticism of an inept US leadership which is full of useless people........BTW I'm no fan of the Democrats either. To me, the Democrats and Republicans are Tweedledum and Tweedledumber, if you follow.:(

10/01/2006, 4:44 PM
More US Taliban news.........Pat Robertson is even embarrasing the Bushies.

From CNN

Robertson suggests God smote Sharon
Evangelist links Israeli leader's stroke to 'dividing God's land'

Friday, January 6, 2006 Posted: 1033 GMT (1833 HKT)

Pat Robertson founded the Christian Coalition and in 1988 failed in a bid for the Republican presidential nomination.WATCH Browse/Search

(CNN) -- Television evangelist Pat Robertson suggested Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, which Robertson opposed.

"He was dividing God's land, and I would say, 'Woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the [European Union], the United Nations or the United States of America,'" Robertson told viewers of his long-running television show, "The 700 Club."

"God says, 'This land belongs to me, and you'd better leave it alone,'" he said.

Robertson's show airs on the ABC Family cable network and claims about 1 million viewers daily.

Sharon, 77, clung to life in a Jerusalem hospital Thursday after surgery to treat a severe stroke, his doctors said.

The prime minister, who withdrew Israeli settlers and troops from Gaza and parts of the West Bank last summer over heated objections from his own Likud Party, was breathing with the aid of a ventilator after doctors operated to stop the bleeding in his brain.

Daniel Ayalon, Israel's ambassador to the United States, compared Robertson's remarks to the overheated rhetoric of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. (Full story)

He called the comments "outrageous" and said they were not something to expect "from any of our friends."

"He is a great friend of Israel and a great friend of Prime Minister Sharon himself, so I am very surprised," Ayalon told CNN.

Robertson, 75, founded the Christian Coalition and in 1988 failed in a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. He last stirred controversy in August, when he called for the assassination of Venezuela's president, Hugo Chavez. (Full story)

10/01/2006, 5:08 PM
When I work from home on Thursdays and fridays, the 700 Club comes on after the morning news - I watch it sometimes and find myself sitting there with my mouth wide open in disbelief.

After Katrina, they were doing a "mini-telethon" type thing, and with 10 minutes of the program remaining they desparately wanted to raise another $100,000. At that, the two hosts held hands bowed their heads and prayed to God that they would receive $100,000.

And what dya know - God got them the $100,000... :rolleyes:

Unbelievable stuff!!!

10/01/2006, 5:13 PM
Just when you thought the Christian Right in America couldn't get any loopier or scarier ! :o

So what then was God punishing America for with all the recent hurricanes over there. Some on the religious right actually claims Katrina was God's punishment for New Orleans's Mardi Gras - though I doubt you'll find many of their number in the Louisiana and Mississippi areas who agree with them :eek: ) But what were Wilma and the other hurricanes punishment for ?

And was 9/11 punishment ? After all - God sees, knows and controls everything, Hallelujiah.....