View Full Version : Sun article on Hogan Park

15/12/2005, 1:49 PM
Theres an article in the Sun today in regards to the ongoing Hogan Park situation (when's the last time we actually talked about that?) and what Fr Joe's thoughts are on it. It looks like an article instigated by Fr.Joe himself actually cause its basically him humming and hawing about whether or not he should let Limerick back in or whether he should just let the 'kids of Southill/Janesboro' play there instead

see's it
15/12/2005, 3:35 PM
there his own kids his talking about.....

15/12/2005, 5:50 PM
I read the article in question and Fr. Joe is talking crap. It is interesting to note the journalist who wrote it, John O'Shaughnessy and considering that none of John's usual mistakes were in the article, eg. incorrect names, it is clear that the story was given to him.

The dilemma that Fr. Joe presents is laughable, should I give the ground to the kids of Carew Park or Limerick FC. He then precedes to talk affectionately about his time as chairman of the club and how it was great to get Rathbane and Sam Allardyce. If he cares so much about the club then why not allow them to take out a long term lease. Further more the club is in a position to develop the ground and improve it, if he read today's article he would have seen that apparently there is a $400,000 grant available to the club pending that they secure a long term lease. What potential is there if the people of Carew take it over? It'll only lie in dis-use until Anthony Kelly comes in with whatever new soccer club he has started and takes it over. But of course Fr. Joe and the Kelly's friendship is well documented, and would have no problem letting a thug take it over. There have been rumours that Fr. Joe is looking for a monetary donation to his own cause, his back pocket, hopefully this isn't why he's being unreasonable.

LFC in Exile
16/12/2005, 8:13 AM
This article was also in the Examiner. It was also credited to John O'Shaughnessy. I presume it is word for word so suggestions he was "given" the story may hold some water.

What strikes me is that the dilemma doesn't actually exist. The choice presented is between a Southill club and Limerick FC. Now, there is no guarantee that a Southill junior club will just hae players living in Southill. Second, a vibrant Limerick FC will boost sport in the city, mean the development of a fine stadium near Southill (what other facilities are there) and the best footballers from that area have a real club that they can aspire to play in. A strong Limerick FC benefits the entire city and could energise it like Cork City have done. Last time I checked Southill was also part of Limerick so it too would benefit from a strong senior club. If Fr Joe cares about the area then he needs to think outside his narrow little framework of building halls and football pitches. It's time to give something to the city. If Limerick FC is successful it will do a lot more for the city and for Southill than giving the pitch to a Division 2A junior club.

16/12/2005, 8:25 AM
"Father" Joe is nothing but a self-serving sycophant. He has no interest in Limerick FC per se, and will score as many brownie points wherever he can. A "priest does well by ravaged community" type story is always going to hit the spot, as opposed to "priest helps local senior football side".

LFC in Exile
16/12/2005, 10:42 AM
But if its glory he's after wouldn't "Priest Boosts Sport in City" be better than "Priest Boosts Sport in Suburb of City".

Alternatively, why not suggest naming one of the ends the "Fr Young Stand". Obvious, but if it gets the desired result......:ball:

16/12/2005, 10:50 AM
But if its glory he's after wouldn't "Priest Boosts Sport in City" be better than "Priest Boosts Sport in Suburb of City".

Alternatively, why not suggest naming one of the ends the "Fr Young Stand". Obvious, but if it gets the desired result......:ball:

Joe Youngs history with senior football in Limerick is long, bitter and twisted, going back almost 20 years. He is still very bitter over how he feels he was treated by the club way back then, and could well be one of those people who holds a grudge.

16/12/2005, 12:57 PM
We are better off out of it. It is a s***thole in a bad location. The quicker we end our relationship with all that crowd the better. Our Football team is imo falling apart in front of our eyes. Jesus, Even the days at pike WERE better than the S***t thats going on at the moment. We will be bottom of the league next year if NOC/DD are in charge.

We ARE the laughing stock of the league

fc hammer
16/12/2005, 6:26 PM
Well said john d, Its a total joke the way things are going on up there at the moment. NOC out and DD out..the sooner the better for all of us.

17/12/2005, 5:08 AM
Its about time the supporters did something about this outside of this website. If NOC is in charge at the start of the season, we the supporters should make our feelings very well known IMO.

18/12/2005, 9:49 PM
start a 400 club or 200/100 watever yee can put together rovers are now turning around ground finally going to be finished and a good manager
i know its easy for me to say but fans work very well in a group for a common cause if yee started 1 i would put something towards it

19/12/2005, 2:16 PM
I agree with JohnD on this one. I've been saying for a while that I thought the days of Pike were actually better than the drama of last season, and what is sure to be another Dream Team styled season for us in the upcoming season. Danny may well have saved a club, but its not the club I started supporting a few years back. Limerick FC at this stage has been so bent out of recognition from the Mike Kerley Class of 03 Limerick FC (and I do use the word Class in every sense of it there) by Danny and Noel that I was seriously thinking of just not supporting the club anymore. I've only been supporting for three years and I'm not as tied into as some of you would be. Thats the kind of attitude I think Danny has inspired in the fans this season, one of resignation and absolute defeat. At least in the days of Pike we had the glimmer of hope that someone competant might come in and buy the club, now that that hasn't happened and we're lumped with the Danny and Noel partnership what hope is there left? May sound a tad dramatic there but then again look at the club I'm talking about