View Full Version : The Pitch

14/12/2005, 10:53 PM
I'm just wondering with all the excellent work done on the Showgrounds if one vital area has been overlooked. Ie the pitch. It just seems that a lot has been done with development work etc and don't get me wrong it's great,but i'm not sure if the quality of the surface is up to standard.

Anyone have any thoughts on that ?

15/12/2005, 12:36 AM
i thought the same bout the pitch especially coming into winter&i thought the pitch was awful for the last galway game which suited galway more than us but for every game after i thought the pitch was great. judging by the highly professional and thorough nature of our manager i doubt he would tolerate a bad pitch come next year so i'd expect it to be decent

15/12/2005, 11:45 AM
when im trainin out in the all weather pitch i always see 2 or 3 people workin on it so id say it'll be in pretty good shape

15/12/2005, 2:11 PM
If you recall the mounds of clay at the Shed End last season. I was told the pitch has to be lenghtened, so there will some work done on it.

15/12/2005, 2:35 PM
It may need to be better for the premier....more football will be played on it and there wont be half as much hoofball!

16/12/2005, 10:11 PM
5,000 people trampin all over it after the Athlone game didn't help either!

17/12/2005, 9:24 AM
Heard is cost something ridulcous circa 50k a year to maintain , would be cool to have an astra pitch on the main pitch as well , lower maintenance and would give the team an advantage in home games.

18/12/2005, 2:58 PM
Heard is cost something ridulcous circa 50k a year to maintain , would be cool to have an astra pitch on the main pitch as well , lower maintenance and would give the team an advantage in home games.

That sounds fierce high considering all they seem to do is to cut the grass. Maybe it includes all ground maintenance and not just the pitch.