View Full Version : Di Canio

13/12/2005, 10:53 AM
The scumbag is in trouble again for giving more Nazi salutes to the Lazio fans in their game against Livorno.He said "I will always salute as I did yesterday because it gives me a sense of belonging to my people":rolleyes: ,muppet.Why don't they just ban him full stop,this sort of thing is not good for the game.How many kids are gonna follow in his footsteps now:rolleyes: .

13/12/2005, 12:41 PM
Since when did making a Mussolini salute result in a life time ban for a footballer ? One of the greatest players to wear the blue and white stripes and, but for that push on the referee, Wednesday would not be in the plight they're in now. Volatile, vain, disloyal but a great player and some silly outdated salute is hardly worth a lifetime ban. It wasn't a Nazi salute by the way - they copied it from the Italian fascists.

13/12/2005, 1:01 PM
Since when did making a Mussolini salute result in a life time ban for a footballer ? One of the greatest players to wear the blue and white stripes and, but for that push on the referee, Wednesday would not be in the plight they're in now. Volatile, vain, disloyal but a great player and some silly outdated salute is hardly worth a lifetime ban. It wasn't a Nazi salute by the way - they copied it from the Italian fascists.

What a load of ****!,call the salute what you want,try to cover it up but at the end of the day it's a nazi, right wing, racist jesture and in this day and age and has no place in football.Ban the cnut yes and make an example of him,this needs too be stamped out it's a bad example to set.

13/12/2005, 4:18 PM
F*ck that, footballers don't have to be role models ... it's got nothing to do with football. let the law decide his legal fate and then just let him play footie

13/12/2005, 7:52 PM
what i seen of it in the papers it just looked like he was waving at the fans nothing racist (looking) about it

13/12/2005, 8:34 PM
How could you condone a lifetime ban for something like giving a fascist salute in the heat of the moment? The Liverno fans (who are very left wing) had been giving him grief all afternoon over his Mussolini tattoo and in the heat of the moment gave the fascist salute. Stupid thing to do yes, something that deserves anything other than a fine no.

13/12/2005, 9:00 PM
How could you condone a lifetime ban for something like giving a fascist salute in the heat of the moment?

He's done it once before though has'nt he?

13/12/2005, 10:13 PM
He did it after scoring in the rome derby this time last year

Marked Man
14/12/2005, 12:30 AM
The Liverno fans (who are very left wing) had been giving him grief all afternoon over his Mussolini tattoo and in the heat of the moment gave the fascist salute.

Yes, really quite unsporting of them, that. What else is a facist sympathiser supposed to do in the face of such blatant provocation?

Lim till i die
14/12/2005, 10:03 AM
Is he not as much entitled to be a facist as the Livorno fans are to be communist :confused:

I'll admit it was an incredibly stupid thing to do in a volatile athmosphere like that and as such he should be fined and banned for a couple of games, but giving a man a lifetime ban for his political beliefs???

Come off it, for fupp sake

14/12/2005, 12:37 PM
The Liverno fans (who are very left wing) had been giving him grief all afternoon over his Mussolini tattoo

any1 got pics of dicanios tattoo's?
I read his Biography and have to say i like the guy, he's skillfull, entertaining, cotroversial and passionate what more do you want from a sport that is all about spectacle and entertainment????

Marked Man
15/12/2005, 2:10 AM
Is he not as much entitled to be a facist as the Livorno fans are to be communist :confused:

Yes, he is as entitled to believe in a state based on the unification of military and corporate power, with those not belonging to the favored caste being eliminated as Liverno fans are to believe in the replacement of centralized state power by democratic workers' syndicates.

Doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it though.

Lim till i die
15/12/2005, 8:48 AM
Yes, he is as entitled to believe in a state based on the unification of military and corporate power, with those not belonging to the favored caste being eliminated as Liverno fans are to believe in the replacement of centralized state power by democratic workers' syndicates.

Doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it though.

Punished for his beliefs?? :rolleyes:

And to think Di Canio is being called a facist.

15/12/2005, 9:17 AM
Liverno fans are to believe in the replacement of centralized state power by democratic workers' syndicates.

Communism through rose tinted glasses :cool: We've seen how that system has worked in Stalinist Soviet Union and China where, like in fascist regimes, if you ain't for us then you're agin' us and get put up against a wall. Very little to choose between the two dictatorships.

The political beliefs of a footballer should have nothing to do with the game and he shouldn't have made the gesture but it's no big deal - except in the media of course.

Lim till i die
15/12/2005, 9:23 AM
Yes, he is as entitled to believe in a state based on the unification of military and corporate power, with those not belonging to the favored caste being eliminated as Liverno fans are to believe in the replacement of centralized state power by democratic workers' syndicates.

Doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it though.

Hate to sound dumb but isn't one of the aims of communism the centralisation of state power :confused:

15/12/2005, 12:36 PM
i think he should be banned , so much effort goes into the effort to rid football a racisim and then this moron starts giving nazi salutes for a second time .

he then says they are his people and he wont say sorry as its only the jews that are complaining and he has no interest in what they think , his people as he puts it are the same one s that turned up with a banner saying something along the lines of " 'Auschwitz is your town, the ovens are your houses' at the roma derby ,roma having a large jewish support .

to think people here are condoning it is quite unsettling .

Marked Man
15/12/2005, 3:07 PM
Communism through rose tinted glasses :cool: We've seen how that system has worked in Stalinist Soviet Union and China where, like in fascist regimes, if you ain't for us then you're agin' us and get put up against a wall. Very little to choose between the two dictatorships.

The political beliefs of a footballer should have nothing to do with the game and he shouldn't have made the gesture but it's no big deal - except in the media of course.

Communism as defined by Marx. Which has nothing to do with dictatorships. (Which is why many on the left always derided USSR style government as State Capitalism).

Facism requires dictatorship; it's part and parcel of the combination of military and corporate power.

I really don't understand how anyone can think making this salute, and hence endorsing what Mussolini's government was party to is "no big deal." If a player lifted his jersey to reveal "I support the killing/forced removal of Irish nationals from Italy" would that be no big deal too?

Marked Man
15/12/2005, 3:10 PM
Hate to sound dumb but isn't one of the aims of communism the centralisation of state power :confused:

According to Marx, the central goal of communism is the withering away of state power. Stalin and Mao were in favor of centralised power--i.e., dictatorship. I'd go with Marx on this one.

Marked Man
15/12/2005, 3:11 PM
Punished for his beliefs?? :rolleyes:

And to think Di Canio is being called a facist.

He can believe what he wants. Acting on it is a different story. Minimally, he should be punished for bringing the game into disrepute.

Fergie's Son
18/12/2005, 9:06 PM

to think people here are condoning it is quite unsettling .

Nobody is condoning it, people are supporting free speech and the right for people to express themselves no matter how noxious it may be. Where do you draw the line? In your zeal to protect you may end up destroying what makes Western civilization so good.

20/12/2005, 3:39 PM
He's only gone and done it again against Juve last Saturday:rolleyes:,he's taking the right p1ss now and has even started to p1ss the Jewish community off with some comments.

20/12/2005, 4:52 PM
Hard to believe he was FIFA fair player of the year after you see this

20/12/2005, 5:16 PM

20/12/2005, 5:55 PM
You mean he misses the next match, hardly constitutes a ban.

Pat O' Banton
20/12/2005, 6:22 PM
Hate to sound dumb but isn't one of the aims of communism the centralisation of state power :confused:

Not necessarally Lenin believed that the ultimate aim of communism was that the state should wither away and die, however there would be no basis for power for the likes of Stalin so they deliberately stopped this from happening and ensured in the centralisation of power for their own ends. The resulting cult of personality bears far more in common with the regimes of Hitler and Mussolini then it did with any Marxist ideal.

Oh yeah ban all fascists I cannot stand there views full of hatred and bittereness, they bring nothing to the furtherment of humanity only look to hold us back through dividing the human beings through petty division. Scum.:mad:

21/12/2005, 12:15 AM
Remember that game when Di Canio grabbed the ball with a good chance of a goal because an opposition player was injured - he was with West Ham then?
Kudos to him for that BUT...........
his idiotic support of that clown Mussolini and facism is insane.
In fact, Di Canio is insane......... a compete looper.:mad:

21/12/2005, 8:35 AM
Hard to believe he was FIFA fair player of the year after you see this

Jaysus,thats one mad message board:eek: ,have you seen the ********** Ireland forum:mad:

Littlest Hobo
23/12/2005, 10:28 AM
What a load of ****!,call the salute what you want,try to cover it up but at the end of the day it's a nazi, right wing, racist jesture and in this day and age and has no place in football.Ban the cnut yes and make an example of him,this needs too be stamped out it's a bad example to set.

Your a gob****e:rolleyes:
His salute was a tribute, as he put it, to the 'Roman way of life'.
It was they who first used it. The Nazi's copied it hundreds of years later.
He's a passionate lad, who shows his anger and joy on the field.
Wish some of the Irish lads showed similar spirit.
The PC brigade are out in force again:rolleyes:

23/12/2005, 10:36 AM
Your a gob****e:rolleyes:
His salute was a tribute, as he put it, to the 'Roman way of life'.
It was they who first used it. The Nazi's copied it hundreds of years later.
He's a passionate lad, who shows his anger and joy on the field.
Wish some of the Irish lads showed similar spirit.
The PC brigade are out in force again:rolleyes:

Ok,thanks for that brains.

Littlest Hobo
23/12/2005, 4:17 PM
'They swear by God, by Christ and by the Holy Spirit; and by the majesty of the emperor, which, next to God, should be loved and worshipped by the human race... The soldiers swear to perform with enthusiasm whatever the emperor commands, never to desert, and not to shrink from death on behalf of the Roman state.' :cool:

23/12/2005, 8:27 PM
Jaysus,thats one mad message board:eek: ,have you seen the ********** Ireland forum:mad:
No I haven't. The web page of the link I gave with Di Canio's face, tatoos and the content of the messages of support is more than enough exposure for me. Di Canio's actions have nothing to do with free speech or Roman salutes, it is a raw gesture of Fascism of a low order. Di Canio's quotes confirm some troubling racial and religious prejudices.
"there are all sorts of terrible insults in football but if it involves a black man everybody complains"
'after his most recent stiff arm Paolo said with characteristic sensitivity': "If we are in the hands of the Jewish community it is the end."
It is a matter of fact that Lazio have a considerable swastika-waving support and Di Canio is pandering to them
The speculation is that he has an eye to set himself up on the political stage.

26/12/2005, 4:12 PM
Since when does a man's political views matter one bit on the football pitch??

He goes out there and plays, He gets on with his job and as he's leaving the field he salutes the right-wing Lazio fans and now he's going to be banned? That is ridiculous and completely unfair. So what if it was a Nazi salute, does it really matter nowadays?

27/12/2005, 1:49 PM
Since when does a man's political views matter one bit on the football pitch??
Does not matter in the slightest.

He gets on with his job and as he's leaving the field he salutes the right-wing Lazio fans and now he's going to be banned?
Yes, he has been fined for the first offence last Jan 05, he was fined and banned for one game for his second offence in the Livorno game. He has yet to be punished for his third offence in the Juventus game.

That is ridiculous and completely unfair. So what if it was a Nazi salute, does it really matter nowadays?
First and formost it violates the strict rules that a football field is not the right stage for political demonstration. You may remember Robbie Fowler was fined by a sympathetic UEFA for his political act of solidarity with the sacked Liverpool Dockers. I wonder what would have happened to Robbie if he persisted with such acts? In Robbie's case, he had made to point, the dockers got the publicity and furthur action by Robbie would have been innapropriate. Di Canio is a persistant unapologetic offender, he is risking a bigger punishment for the 3rd offence.
"So what if it was a Nazi salute, does it really matter nowadays?"
Well Di Canio denies that the salute had political significance, you appear to accept that it was a political gesture.
"The Italian Football League's disciplinary committee were not in the mood for a history lesson and ruled, whatever the origins, the gesture is inappropriate at a football match in this day and age as it is associated with fascism. Even Lazio distanced themselves from DI Canio, saying the club rejected any "politicisation" of football.
DI Canio defended the gesture, saying it was not intended as a political statement and that he would continue to acknowledge his fans in whatever way he chooses."
In Italy the fascist salute still carries a much heavier and more specific charge.
In context, football is particularly affected by racism in Italy and Spain. An English equivalant could be made if West Ham FC tolerated the presence of a few thousand swastika flag waving, monkey chanting National Front supporters and Bobby Moore would give them the blackshirt fascist salute.

This is a football forum and is not appropriate to discuss the merits or demerits of a nazi salute in the present day. I would suggest you broaden your mind to take in the ramifications of your statement.