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View Full Version : Let the Games Begin

12/12/2005, 9:37 PM
Well just a change of topic from junior football just likes to turn your attention to latest development that is about to happen the gates of Croke Park are to open its doors to the FAI and IRFU. I am sure this could run? Have your views

In the early years B.C. during The Roman Empire when the Crowds gathered in to the coliseums The great Roman emperors would take there stand and face the crowds and raise there right hand and say “Let the games begin”

Well two thousand years on Sean Kelly President of the GAA has stood up before The GAA’s Central Council and say “Let the games begin” with the removal of rule 42.and allow the gates of Croke Park to open it’s turn stiles to The IRFU and FAI.
It’s high time we allow this wonderful new coliseum of the modern age become acquainted to world of its greatest football players in the world. So they might grace the magnificent new Croke Park and in the same breath compare it to The Sans Siro or many other great stadiums of the world
One must not forget the contribution of our two sporting body will make towards the coffers of The GAA so they may further to develop there own game at the expense of the greatest game of all and why not. It must not be forgotten for amateur organisation they have shown up two professional sport bodies. It would be embarrassment of taking our home Internationals games to some foreign soils.
Never the less I am sure there are GAA men who will turn in their graves at the thought of there Croke Park being used by the beautiful game that we know.
“Let the games begin”