View Full Version : Our moment of freedom has come

13/05/2002, 12:04 PM
from the PRC message board (http://peoplesrepublicofcork.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?topic=539&forum=1&16)



CORKFEENS AND CORKBEOURS: In da name of God and of da dead generations [yer grandnanas and dat, like] from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Cork, through us, summons her smallies to her flag, like, and makes a bate fer her freedom.
Having organised and trained her shamhood through her secret revolutionary organisation, da Cork Republican Feenhood [aka Da Feenians], and through her open organisations, da PRC Messageboard and da Cork Citizen Choons Army, having patiently perfected her discipline, having resolutely waited for da right moment to reveal itself, like, she now seizes dat moment, and, supported by her exiled smallies in America [mainly on da East Coast] and by gallant allies in Europe [pure daycint of dem], but relying in da first on her own strength, she strikes in full confidence of victory.
We declare da right of da people of Cork to da ownership of Cork, and to da unfettered control of Cork destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. Da long usurpation of dat right by a foreign people and government [dat’s da dirty Dubs] has not extinguished da right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by da destruction of da Cork people [dat’s fightin’ talk now isn’t it]. In every generation da Cork people have asserted deir right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during da last thirty years [we had to make dat bit up, like] dey have asserted it to choons and just general daycincy. Standing on dat fundamental right and again asserting it in choons and da like in da face of da world, we hereby proclaim da People’s Republic of Cork as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and da lives of our comrades-in-dance to da cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation [can ya feel da love?] among da nations [particularly among Italian beours].
Da People’s Republic of Cork is entitled to, and hereby claims [no, we’re not claimin ya! Calm down wouldya, like], da allegiance [dat includes jagging] of every Corkfeen and Corkbeour. Da People’s Republic of Cork guarantees religious (even fer Ranger’s fans) and civil liberty [not da pub ya donio, freedom], equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens [so feck off Noelie Flyyn], and declares its resolve to pursue da happiness and prosperity of da whole nation and all of its parts [ya know like Da Lough, da Atlantic Pond, Fitzgeralds Park], cherishing all of da smallies of da nation equally and oblivious of da differences carefully fostered by an alien government [dats da dirty Dubs again], which have divided norries and sorries in da past. Furthermore, Lennox’s will be free every Friday night!
Until our choons have brought da opportune moment for da establishment of a permanent National representative of da whole people of Cork and elected by da suffrages of all her feens and beours, like da Provisional Government [Bernie Murphy and Santy, fer da time being], hereby constituted, will administer da civil and party affairs of da Republic in trust for da people.
We place da cause of da People’s Republic of Cork under da protection of da Most High Buddah. Whose blessing we invoke upon our choons and our gatt, and we pray dat no one who serves dat cause will dishonour it by cowardice, inhumanity, or rapine [just be daycint, feens, particularly ye Fountain shams]. In this supreme hour [no it’s not closing time! Calm down, like] da Cork nation must, by its valour and discipline and by da readiness of its smallies to sacrifice demselves for da common good, prove itself worthy of da august destiny to which it is called.

13/05/2002, 12:25 PM
When is the rising? we better wait till next easter i suppose...class:D

13/05/2002, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Pablo
When is the rising? we better wait till next easter i suppose...class:D
it's a great site anyway. Some craic on that message board!

14/05/2002, 8:42 AM
It would be alot better if they wrote properly.
It takes ages to read anything on it.

16/05/2002, 3:43 PM
ah cmon,if you've got a point to get across that ur passionate about,ur hardly gonna worry about grammar ru? once its readable! + it is a class site!:D