View Full Version : Football tournament banned from GAA ground

02/12/2005, 2:04 PM
I assume Frank Murphy wasn't available for comment as he was en route to Dublin to get a good seat for the Cup Final. :D


GAA club under fire as soccer tribute refused

By Sean O’Riordan
THE GAA has been criticised for refusing to allow a soccer club use its all-weather pitches for a tournament to commemorate a young man who died in a holiday accident.

The GAA said Rule 42 precluded both soccer and rugby being played in its grounds, even though the local soccer club has paid to use the hurling club’s all weather pitches for a number of years.

Ironically, on the night soccer club officials were told that the tournament was off, some of their youth teams were using the pitches at Sarsfield Hurling Club in Glanmire, Co Cork.

Jerry Sharma, chairman of Riverstown FC, said last night he was “bitterly disappointed” by the GAA’s refusal to allow its pitches be used for the tournament, which was planned for December 27.

The soccer club is planning to honour 21-year-old player Kieran McGlinn who died in a motorcycle accident while on holiday in Cyprus last July. He also played GAA.

“Sport must go on and the tournament will be run on December 27 as planned, at a venue to be decided,” Mr Sharma said.

He said the club will issue a full statement after its officers hold an emergency meeting to discuss the issue.

A total of 16 teams from all over Cork had been invited to take part in the tournament. The club, which has 300 players, became famous three years ago when one of its youth sides beat teams from AC Milan and Dynamo Kiev to win a European tournament in Italy.

Sarsfield Hurling Club chairman Jim D’Arcy said the decision came from the club itself and followed some correspondence from the county board.

Mr D’Arcy said an organised soccer tournament was not allowed under GAA rules. “We can’t do anything about it as an individual club,” he said.

Jim Forbes, chairman of the Cork County GAA Board, said he wasn’t aware of any instruction being sent by his board to Sarsfield Hurling Club. He said Rule 42 was quite specific about not allowing rugby or soccer matches on GAA grounds.

When asked if he saw a conflict in allowing soccer training at the GAA club, Mr Forbes said he “wasn’t privy” to what Sarsfield Hurling Club was doing.

A locally based county councillor and avid GAA fan last night called on the organisation to think again.

Cllr Gerry Kelly, who was crowned Guinness All-Ireland fan for 2002, said it was an inappropriate time to use strict interpretation of GAA rules.

“It was not a good day to wheel out Rule 42 and I hope common sense will prevail,” he said.

Snoop Drog
04/12/2005, 8:17 PM
GAA Scum :mad:

St Fechins GAA Club, outside Drogheda allows football to be played on their all weather pitch every week. Double standards like that really p1ss me off...

05/12/2005, 1:40 PM
Typical GAA. They should go back to the Medieval age where they come from.

05/12/2005, 2:17 PM
S C U M -- G A A - T H U G S-- W I T-- T H E I R-- S T U P I D-- B O G-- B A L L :mad: :mad:

06/12/2005, 6:57 AM
Cork Harlequins hockey club have offered use of their all weather pitch so the tournament goes ahead despite the best efforts of the "broken glass spreaders".

Note the person who died also played hurling for the Sarsfields club that banned the tournament.

07/12/2005, 4:05 PM
supposedly you're not allowed to play tournements on gaa pitches/grounds.
cork city have trained there in the past i think but this is not a tournement.
i've played soccer in the all weather pitch in question and its super.cork footballers have trained there also even.pity Sars couldn't allow it.it would have been an ideal location.

07/12/2005, 5:13 PM
GAA Scum :mad:

St Fechins GAA Club, outside Drogheda allows football to be played on their all weather pitch every week. Double standards like that really p1ss me off...

The parish pitch where i come from is not owned by the GAA, but run by the commitee,

The twist being that the members of that commitee just happen to be pro-GAA anti-soccer.

How it affects the soccer is that, they would ask for a whole seasons payment for floodlighting in advance. Putting the club in serious trouble.

The clubs main income would be from fundraisers during the winter.

Players were often required to make a 60 mile roundtrip to get to training elsewhere.

Training sessions often had to be abandoned because of U-10 gaelic training being mysteriously switched to coincide wit soccer training.

07/12/2005, 5:19 PM
Cork Harlequins hockey club have offered use of their all weather pitch so the tournament goes ahead despite the best efforts of the "broken glass spreaders".

Note the person who died also played hurling for the Sarsfields club that banned the tournament.

Fair play to 'quins for that. Good to see someone has a shred of common decency.

12/12/2005, 11:58 PM
The twist being that the members of that commitee just happen to be pro-GAA anti-soccer.

Typical sporting sectarianism. What do you expect from a bunch of thick culchies anyways!!:(