View Full Version : RTE conspiracy

Vitruvian Man
22/11/2005, 6:37 PM
I have been wondering about this for some time now but did anybody see the piece that RTE News did on Sligo Rovers yesterday talking about the showgrounds development.

Nice of them to do something on the EL but they decided to illustrate their piece with a bit of "action" involving Rovers. The clip in question showed a player hitting the post and rebounding to some other guy who absolutely balooned it over the bar. I've noticed this before that when they show EL teams in action it is always some kind of ineptitude - missing open goals etc that they choose.

In the same sports section they had Roy Keane scoring goals, GAA Club hurling and football goals and Rugby players scoring tries. In fact if they feature any kind of sport they always show the team in some kind of positive light. But with the EL it's always midfielders falling over their own team-mates, defenders with land-mines for heads or strikers missing.

I'm beginning to think RTE have it in for us.

pineapple stu
22/11/2005, 6:39 PM
Yeah, they show a few random clips where nothing really happens as well. Very silly...

22/11/2005, 7:22 PM
RTE are poor in general with Sound, synchronising things, picking things that are up to date. Just look at their football matches on Champions league. The sound is a pathetic joke. Their news is always fcuked up in some way.. i.e the sound for a break over the presenter talking, picking wrong camera angles and generally making a real balls of the whole thing.

TV3 can get all those things right and its only a start up

23/11/2005, 9:50 AM
TV3 can get all those things right and its only a start up
That's because TV3 can fire staff and RTE can't!

23/11/2005, 10:53 AM
Maybe its the just same when RTE show golfer putting but cut clip before ball drops intot the hole or else they show clip of golfer missing a put?

from time to time RTE mess up the picture-sound sync which is very very annoying & i usually have to change channel ot turn off tv.

23/11/2005, 11:15 AM
truely hate watching mathces on rte they are poor all round and if i can i will gladly watch a match on a different station.

Also rte's gaa coverage is of a high quality so why isnt there el coverage or soccer coverage in general:confused:

Block G Raptor
23/11/2005, 11:24 AM
Also rte's gaa coverage is of a high quality so why isnt there el coverage or soccer coverage in general:confused:

I asume thats a hypothetical Question?
if not, it's obviously because RTE is run by a load of BOGBALLERS!!!

23/11/2005, 11:44 AM
from time to time RTE mess up the picture-sound sync which is very very annoying
From time to time? How about all the time. I've had George Hamilton telling me it's a goal before the player has even taken his shot. Very very annoying.

NY Hoop
23/11/2005, 3:14 PM
Well thank Christ TV3 came in cos RTEnglands coverage of the league was a very unfunny joke for years. Last night as a preview they showed us in a Cup Final in the 60s! How the **** is that relevant? Why didnt they show a more recent clip?

There is no conspiracy. Just like the sunday papers they could not care less and if they show something about the league it's inaccurate, out of date or demeaning. **** them.


23/11/2005, 4:13 PM
I know that when you allege conspiracy that everone's reflex is to label you paranoid, but I actually do think the conspiracy exists. Irish media does not just benignly neglect Irish football, it is, as I have said before, actively hostile towards it.
That's because every sports hack in the country has been raised on a heady brew of GAA and English soccer combined with, er, golf. (I heard some caddy's newspaper column being discussed on radio the other day). They don't see covering EL as a good career move, because they have it pigeon-holed as a minority interest, and they'd rather go to Stamford Bridge than Longford. That's if they haven't been brainwashed from senior infants at the latest with the mad idea that GAA somehow has to do with being more Irish than other sports do.
Before it starts, we all know the argument about it being the fault of an incompetent FAI, or the line beloved of UCD economics undergrads that goes (in Ross O'Carroll-Kelly voice), 'The meedia doesn't owe the league a living, you kneow''. These are beside the point. Bottom line is that, with some honourable exceptions, Irish journalists, editors, producers, directors and programme schedulers simply hate Irish football. FACT!

23/11/2005, 4:39 PM
we should create an honour list of good journalists covering the EL - maybe the NLSA could have an end of season awards list and put this in their category - would be nice to recognise the fact that some people actually do bother to research and report good stories on the league.

I nominate Emmet Malone from the Irish Times.

23/11/2005, 4:47 PM
I agree. Malone (ex-Dalkey Utd) provides superb coverage, probably at the expense of going on all of those E. Prem and long-haul junkets that sports hacks have to endure in the difficult and demanding job of covering events 99% of which are duplicated by other media.
Anyway, to illustrate my previous point, and to justify my non-paranoid conspiracy theory, at least in part, get a load of this (http://www.rte.ie/about/druryf.html)

Block G Raptor
23/11/2005, 4:50 PM
I agree. Malone (ex-Dalkey Utd) provides superb coverage, probably at the expense of going on all of those E. Prem and long-haul junkets that sports hacks have to endure in the difficult and demanding job of covering events 99% of which are duplicated by other media.
Anyway, to illustrate my previous point, and to justify my non-paranoid conspiracy theory, at least in part, get a load of this (http://www.rte.ie/about/druryf.html)

MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm. The plot thickens Any one got mulder and scully's number

pineapple stu
23/11/2005, 5:19 PM
Anyway, to illustrate my previous point, and to justify my non-paranoid conspiracy theory, at least in part, get a load of this (http://www.rte.ie/about/druryf.html)
What're you pointing out there? Of all the media people you could have picked to back up conspiracy theories, you pick the one who has actually played League of Ireland football!! Drury scored UCD's first ever league goal...and then didn't score again for the rest of the season.

A face
23/11/2005, 7:55 PM
from time to time RTE mess up the picture-sound sync which is very very annoying & i usually have to change channel ot turn off tv.

Are you sure its not your telly Pete .... could be on the blink like !?!?! :p

23/11/2005, 8:44 PM
Are you sure its not your telly Pete .... could be on the blink like !?!?! :p

No way my 65" plasma tv is on the blink as i can hear it 500 yeads down the street.


How can an "agent" be Chairman of RTE. There are far too many conflicts of interest in that biog.

Mr A
23/11/2005, 9:30 PM
Well here's a few things from Aertel that point to RTE being incompetent rather than anti eL:

Liverpool claimed the priceless point
that sends them into the last 16 of the
Champions League on a tension packed
Anfield evening.

A late goal from Ross McCormack earned
Rangers a win against all the odds in
Porto to keep their Champions League
dream alive.

The youngster grabbed the leveller with
just seven minutes to go to cancel out
Lisandro's earlier header and hand the
Scottish champions a precious point.

Damn they're good......

24/11/2005, 12:16 AM
I have been wondering about this for some time now but did anybody see the piece that RTE News did on Sligo Rovers yesterday talking about the showgrounds development.

Nice of them to do something on the EL but they decided to illustrate their piece with a bit of "action" involving Rovers. The clip in question showed a player hitting the post and rebounding to some other guy who absolutely balooned it over the bar. I've noticed this before that when they show EL teams in action it is always some kind of ineptitude - missing open goals etc that they choose.

In the same sports section they had Roy Keane scoring goals, GAA Club hurling and football goals and Rugby players scoring tries. In fact if they feature any kind of sport they always show the team in some kind of positive light. But with the EL it's always midfielders falling over their own team-mates, defenders with land-mines for heads or strikers missing.

I'm beginning to think RTE have it in for us.
Very interesting.
I'll make sure to watch their next report on the eL.
Surely to claim its planned is a bit much.
I think its more to do with their attitude to the eL than anything though.
As someone said on the thread about the city derry viewing figures, it achieved those high ratings without an ounce of advertising or pushing it so surely it could have captured even more.
I think they just as people do not have any interest in the eL.

NY Hoop
24/11/2005, 10:34 AM
we should create an honour list of good journalists covering the EL - maybe the NLSA could have an end of season awards list and put this in their category - would be nice to recognise the fact that some people actually do bother to research and report good stories on the league.

I nominate Emmet Malone from the Irish Times.

Malone is good but IMO not a patch on his predecessor Gerry Thornley. Wrote a superb piece about a decade ago abusing the barstoolers:D I'll have to dig it out and post it here.