View Full Version : Team Budgets

Battery Rover
15/11/2005, 8:57 PM
I was just thinking how much some teams budget were per week during this season. I believe ours is as little as €3000 per week

15/11/2005, 9:16 PM
Total guess for City would be about €10-12,000.
Surely no more than that and i would presume we're only behind Shels on that.

15/11/2005, 9:29 PM
Sure did Shams not have to get their wage bill down to 14,000 PW at one stage this season ?

Surely your paying more down their in Cork ? If the club is not Jesus they must be making some money !

our wage bill was chopped from 24k to 10k per week, which is still higher than pats, waterford, harps and UCD.

cork are paying more than 12k surely?

shels are rumoured to have a 35k weekly net bill.

Mr A
15/11/2005, 9:32 PM
Harps is around 8k, which is the total figure including tax etc.

Considering there's 3-4 players that Cork fans have told me are on €1500 a week that figure for Cork does seem way, way too low.

I heard Drogheda pay out around 26k per week.

Battery Rover
15/11/2005, 9:51 PM
Total guess for City would be about €10-12,000.

Surely it would be at leat twice that

15/11/2005, 10:18 PM
Bohs director was telling me that their annual wage bill is 1.3 million (25,000 approx per week) at the moment and that they have to get in down to 1 million next for the annual budget !

Our wage bill for this year is €963,000. That works out at about €18,500 per week.

Wage bill wouldn't have been far off 1.3 million during the Kenny years however.

15/11/2005, 10:30 PM
Not all clubs think of wage bills the same way. Some include manager/coacches. Some (not mentioning any teams from north Dublin) don't include tax.

Would imagine cork's is at least double the figure quoted above

Dick Long
15/11/2005, 10:55 PM
Are the figures being talked about players wages only, or do they include management and backroom staff? Or is it total week to week running costs? I 'heard' that Waterford United's total running costs - admin, travel, debt service were cut to under 8k p/w when the club hit the rails earlier in the season. Then the subsequent arrival of Rodney Jack (which hasn't worked that well) and Dolan were financed from outside the club. Since the crowds went back up recently the club were able to stay overnight before the Derry and Rovers matches in order to prepare better which thankfully paid off.

Mr A
15/11/2005, 11:05 PM
Our budget does not include backroom staff. That 8k is also based on a 36 week season- I don't think any of our players are paid during the winter, so that has to be borne in mind when comparing with Bohs pating 18.5k all year round.

I don't think that crowds are actually as big a factor in determining budgets as people often think. At Harps gate receipts typically cover around 30% of our total income in a given year, and that percentage would be a lot lower at many other clubs. Clubs generally survive on 1001 different fundraising schemes like lottos, bars, draws, sponsorship, advertising etc, etc.

I've heard that relatively few clubs would come out too well from a thorough audit of their tax affairs, but due to previous brushes with the taxman ours are always paid in full, on time, every time.

16/11/2005, 8:24 AM
Was a told by some one who would know that the weekly wage bill is completely misleading, you have to look at the annual. Cork, Shels and Drog are all about 1.5m a year, Bohs around 1m, Derry prob similar to Bohs. I'd say after that very few clubs would be paying 52 weeks a year.

16/11/2005, 8:47 AM
our wage bill was chopped from 24k to 10k per week, which is still higher than pats, waterford, harps and UCD.

cork are paying more than 12k surely?

shels are rumoured to have a 35k weekly net bill.

You could add us to that list as well, Cork are defo paying out more than 12k a week for a full time squad and set up, if not then the players must be getting royaly shafted........ We have next to no debts either, the club is run absolutely brilliantly by our money men, if only a few more clubs could take suit and follow there example........

I know not all clubs pay wages for 52 weeks a year, i would presume that only Cork, Shels, Drogs and Derry are the only fully professional squads in the eL, most other teams would have a mixture of pro and semi-pro players.

Grasshopper 99
16/11/2005, 9:04 AM
The reason we have little or no debt, is because we only spend money we have, thats why there is little development around the ground and you dont see big buys during the transfer season, or big wages being paid out. Thats the way it should be if you want a club to stay alive now-a-days.

16/11/2005, 9:06 AM
I think many clubs are worried about immenent tax audits, judging by the amount of cost cutting going on. Many clubs pay players through expenses which, if the rumours are to be believed, revenue want to clamp down on in light of being stung over Rovers.

There's no way Corks gross wage bill is only that per week. And has been said, difference between gross and net wage bill's can be a lot - as much as 50% for semi pro players...

It was said at the start of the season that only 3 clubs had a smaller wage bill than us. No idea where that puts us, probably not too good considering the ridiculous amounts most clubs are paying, but certainly we're still punching above our weight in terms of league finishing position. (Many of our big names came to us as their last chance salon, and not on as much as people think.)

16/11/2005, 9:11 AM
I think many clubs are worried about immenent tax audits, judging by the amount of cost cutting going on. Many clubs pay players through expenses which, if the rumours are to be believed, revenue want to clamp down on in light of being stung over Rovers.

There's no way Corks gross wage bill is only that per week. And has been said, difference between gross and net wage bill's can be a lot - as much as 50% for semi pro players...

It was said at the start of the season that only 3 clubs had a smaller wage bill than us. No idea where that puts us, probably not too good considering the ridiculous amounts most clubs are paying, but certainly we're still punching above our weight in terms of league finishing position. (Many of our big names came to us as their last chance salon, and not on as much as people think.)

I would presume that would be us, UCD and Harps. I know for a fact that soem of your part-time players are on as much as €600 per week

Grasshopper 99
16/11/2005, 9:15 AM
I would presume that would be us, UCD and Harps. I know for a fact that soem of your part-time players are on as much as €600 per week

€600, is a bit too much, for a semi-pro player for a week. I know you have to compensate the players for getting off work, but that would hardly come to that much.

16/11/2005, 9:16 AM
I would presume that would be us, UCD and Harps. I know for a fact that soem of your part-time players are on as much as €600 per week
I don't doubt it, but some of our top paid part-time players are still being offered more by other clubs that are supposedly part time next season. We've certainly a few players that are very well paid - not sure it's through the squad though (could be part of our problem as well). Anyway, major overhaul this close season with a big drop in the budget apparently. I'd say the committee got majorly stung by the implosion of attendances....

16/11/2005, 9:25 AM
would imagine cork's is at least double the figure quoted aboveSure we haven't a bob, especially after we've finished paying that waster O'Callaghan.

Block G Raptor
16/11/2005, 9:29 AM
the wage issue and the tax issue are separate are they not?
did'nt the government bring in a Tax free for all proffesional sports people
type bill last year ? to the best of my knowledge this means that certainly all full timer and i would imagine the part-timers also have completely tax free earnings from the clubs..... I could be wrong but that is my understanding of it, so the tax bill at the club is then taken from all other taxable sources
ie. gates, merchandise, bars and so on

16/11/2005, 9:42 AM
Total guess for City would be about €10-12,000.


That Cork sense of humour never lets me down.

16/11/2005, 9:49 AM
Just on Longford. They've offered Ger Rowe (hardly a leading light in the league) €900 a week for next season. If thats what they pay an average player...

16/11/2005, 9:58 AM
the wage issue and the tax issue are separate are they not?
did'nt the government bring in a Tax free for all proffesional sports people
type bill last year ? to the best of my knowledge this means that certainly all full timer and i would imagine the part-timers also have completely tax free earnings from the clubs..... I could be wrong but that is my understanding of it, so the tax bill at the club is then taken from all other taxable sources
ie. gates, merchandise, bars and so on
Very very wrong. Professional sports people can claim back tax after they've retired (they can claim back their 10 best years). All clubs and all players should have tax and prsi deducted.

Derry are the only club that have to pay vat on gate receipts, no vat on gate receipts in the Republic of Ireland. It's a myth that clubs would want to fiddle attendance figures to fiddle tax - they may want to avoid traceablility of income and keep the income unaccountable for other reasons, but not to avoid VAT.

16/11/2005, 10:00 AM
That's a hell of a lot of money for anyone to be paid never mind Ger Rowe.I think it's common knowledge that our budget is being cut again for next season so i'd be surprised if that's what is being offered but who knows.I'm fairly certain that we run a tight run ship down here and that every cent is watched.We also got 2 extra sponsors on board this season and the astro turf pitches are generating a steady income.Now that our crowds are down to about 750 or so the club needs to look at ways to boost attendances again along wth more fund raising.

The Stars
16/11/2005, 10:27 AM
I may be wrong but i heard figures as high as 12,000 for our weekly bill,but these are only rumours

16/11/2005, 10:37 AM
I may be wrong but i heard figures as high as 12,000 for our weekly bill,but these are only rumours

Serious? Christ thats a lot, I heard somewhere between 8 and 9,000 which i thought would be about right.

Galway United stands around 4-5,000 I THINK !

monkey magic
16/11/2005, 11:04 AM
I hear Longford owe serious money !

your wrong there mate, unless theres some kinda conspiracy cover up goin on(cue x-files music) were as tight as a ducks arse, and soon to be tighter!;)

16/11/2005, 11:16 AM
I believe CCFC annula budget is something like €1.5m. Weekly figures mean nothing as clubs are run over 12 months not 7 days. It costs something €7k in cost for CCFc to stage a home game - rent, professioanl stewards/security etc...

IMO part-time players especially in the Premier get paid far too much money - so much so i would think a lot of them want to stay part-time as they would lose money going fulltime.

I'd think Shels easily €2m+

monkey magic
16/11/2005, 11:20 AM
IMO part-time players especially in the Premier get paid far too much money - so much so i would think a lot of them want to stay part-time as they would lose money going fulltime.

that may be so but you have to factor in that most of them are not getting paid for the full 12 months of the year...

monkey magic
16/11/2005, 11:27 AM
tbh, as figures go, i havent a clue what were payin..

the reason for the cut in wages is the well documented sudden drop in our attendances this year, this and the underperformance of some of the players we brought in last year means were gonna have to look at things differently this year.

its also possible that our guys in estimating our income failed to factor in that we had a few great cup runs over the last few years which would have put a false shine on our income over that period

16/11/2005, 11:35 AM
There probably only room for 5-6 fulltime clubs at best.

Other clubs should offer players a 50% salary so they can have a part-time job for say the mornings - i think this is how done in the Scandanavian countries?

16/11/2005, 11:36 AM
surely longford cant be offering the likes of ger rowe 900euro a week on attendances of only 750?

Hate to think of their fiancial problems if this is the case

16/11/2005, 11:48 AM
I certainly couldn't see us offering any player that money never mind Ger Rowe.As is stated above we have had extra money in the last few years due to good cup runs plus we got 2 extra sponsors on board.Now that our gate income is down we have to revise our Budget somewhat so we don't get into to much bother.I'm sure this goes on at a lot of clubs and i'm not to surprised to be honest.To give an example of the penny pinching that goes on Davy Byrnes contract was based on appearance only as he was so prone to injury.The biggest worry i would have would be that the gulf between the part and full time clubs would get bigger and all part time clubs would live off scraps.A few seasons down the road we could end up like the premier division in Scotland being completely dominated by a few clubs.We just have to wait and see.
BTW i would put our weekly bill at about 9 - 11k but i stand to be corrected.

monkey magic
16/11/2005, 11:49 AM
if our experience is anything to go by, television money for home games wont be an issue for ye guys next year... home games outside dublin and cork are simply not televised:mad:

16/11/2005, 11:50 AM
also does anybody whats the story with Television money say if one of your home games are shown live ?

I think its 5k for home team & 2.5k for away team. I;m unsure why the way team gets any money.

I don't think you have to worry about much live tv next season as Setanta won't leave Dublin at although RTE do leave Dublin they are slow to do so unless you top of the table.

Patrick Dunne
16/11/2005, 12:07 PM
It costs E500K per annum to run GUFC. However, our percentage of players wages vs total expenditure would be a lot lower than other club due to high rent (x 2), professional administrative staff and high travel costs.

16/11/2005, 12:09 PM
It costs E500 per annum to run GUFC

only 500 euro, must be the lowest running costs in the country:D

16/11/2005, 12:35 PM
Total guess for City would be about €10-12,000.
Surely no more than that and i would presume we're only behind Shels on that.

If thats the case you are spending less than rovers.

16/11/2005, 12:51 PM
I think it was revealed last season that City's weekly wage bill was 24,000.
I would assume that it's still pretty much the same allowing for Doyler and Steve O'Flynn off the wage bill and Georgie's new contract.

16/11/2005, 2:10 PM
I;m unsure why the way team gets any money.
They don't as far as I know.

16/11/2005, 4:25 PM
Well it looks like i'm well out of the know here anyway.

Always thought the rumours of Fenn coming on 2grand a week were ridiculous.
My guess was with Fenn and Flynn on bout €1,100 and George just joining them recently.

Seems like its nearer to double that though.
I'd say Lennox runs a tight ship though.

16/11/2005, 4:40 PM
Always thought the rumours of Fenn coming on 2grand a week were ridiculous.
My guess was with Fenn and Flynn on bout €1,100 and George just joining them recently.

Yeah, the figure I heard for Fenn was around the thousand mark when he went from Waterford.

16/11/2005, 5:25 PM
City probably 20 odd fulltime employees.
Large rent & travel budgets.
Travel to Europe 3 european games would be coming in at €150k or so as club do things professioanlly.

16/11/2005, 5:31 PM
My guess was with Fenn and Flynn on bout €1,100 and George just joining them recently.

Apparently Georgie's new deal is worth exactly double that.
Flynny and Fenn on about 1500 afaik.

Dick Long
16/11/2005, 6:17 PM
TV money is 5k for live game and 2k for delayed coverage for the home side, the away team gets squat.