View Full Version : England-Argentina

12/11/2005, 6:29 PM
There was a couple of side issues that didn't really detract from what was an excellent game of football, but are worth talking about all the same:

1)John Motson's commentary has to be the most biased you will ever find on tv. If ever anybody could insight a dislike for England and its team it is him. He has a certain rasp in his voice when stressing something that you won't find in his commentary on a normal league game, or from any other commentator for that matter. It borders on the aggressive at times and unless your English then it is really off-putting. The BBC are long overdue a shake-up in the commenary department and they could start by ditching that old to$$er before the World Cup kicks off.

2)The England finds never fail to let themselves down and tonight was no exception. The may have acted like normal human beings by curbing their hooligan tendencies outside the ground, but when inside they let their vocal chords remind us of the moronic element that exists among them. Chants of "whats it like to lose a war?" and "you'll never get the Falklands" have no place in football stadiums. They then wonder why, on occasions, they are 'picked upon' by foreign police? If they keep spewing this kind of bile out of their mouths I hope the hard hand of a few German coppers come down on them again next summer.

3)The England bench celebrated as if they'd won the WC already. Argentina played within themselves in the second half and will only begin to serve notice of their true intentions when the real deal kicks off. The English press will blow this out of all proportion tomorrow and good luck to them. The funny thing will be when it comes back to smack them in the face when England will, as always, be left trailing in the wake of others come June/July.

12/11/2005, 8:52 PM
1)John Motson's commentary has to be the most biased you will ever find on tv.I have no problem with English commentators being partizan in an international which involves England. Its the same all over the world.

2)The England finds never fail to let themselves down and tonight was no exception. The may have acted like normal human beings by curbing their hooligan tendencies outside the ground, but when inside they let their vocal chords remind us of the moronic element that exists among them. Chants of "whats it like to lose a war?" and "you'll never get the Falklands" have no place in football stadiums. They then wonder why, on occasions, they are 'picked upon' by foreign police? If they keep spewing this kind of bile out of their mouths I hope the hard hand of a few German coppers come down on them again next summer.This is hardly new. Plus I've heard a lot worse, and its not like they ripped up the stadium!;) Do you not remember our 'fans' jeering Rangers players, just because they played for Rangers - that's sectarianism in my book.

If ever anybody could insight a dislike for EnglandIncite.


Why was the game played in Switzerland?

12/11/2005, 9:20 PM
Well obviously crc doesnt agree, can you spell check my post while your at it too..

I agree totally, I hate that motson guy.. "rooooooooonnnnnneyyy passes to becham", he makes me feel sick! I predict a few riots in Germany when Ingerland dont get past the 1st round.

12/11/2005, 10:59 PM
I predict a few riots in Germany when Ingerland dont get past the 1st round.
I wouldnt bet too much on that being the case. I have a feeling England are going to do well. Whether we like it or not they currently have players who on their day can be a match for anyone.

Green Tribe
13/11/2005, 12:26 AM
I wouldnt bet too much on that being the case. I have a feeling England are going to do well. Whether we like it or not they currently have players who on their day can be a match for anyone.

Hmmm, even Northern Ireland? ;) 1-0 1-0 :D

13/11/2005, 12:32 AM
I wouldnt bet too much on that being the case. I have a feeling England are going to do well. Whether we like it or not they currently have players who on their day can be a match for anyone.
But they always have and had the players, but time after time they believe there own hype and lose!

13/11/2005, 8:36 AM
Listening to the post match Euphoria on 6-0-6 I was struck by the feeling that they are deluding themselves. The fact that the Cricketers and Rugby team also won seemed to be the main thing. What the Americans would call a Three-0 or something like that, so English sport got a major filip yesterday.
Given the reaction you would think it was actually a World Cup final tournament game. It was only a friendly for pete's sake, and as one of the more sober commentators pointed out, England's defensive frailties were rescued by their strike force and Paul Robinson. Yes England could have scored more goals, but they also could have conceded a whole lot more.

The Stars
13/11/2005, 11:14 AM
what surprises me even more is that people watched england playing a friendly while the Derry Pats match was on........typical Irish barstoolers

13/11/2005, 11:35 AM
I chanel surfed between both and the quality and entertainment on offer in the international game was far superior I'm afraid. Simply watching something because it's on in Ireland doesn't appeal to me.

Motson was and continues to be an idiot who loves to laugh at his own jokes.

I thought the Argies were far superior to England and only lost it when they took their best player off. Still England upped their play a bit from the last few games and as ever we'll hear they'll win the World Cup on the basis of one good performance forgetting the dross that has gone before.

English fans abroad are for the most part yobs - most of the decent supporters don't follow the team abroad for that reason. I know because I've had the misfortune to "meet them" in Euro 88 and Italia 90.

Eriksson actually clapped the winning goal - that for him was a huge show of emotion.

13/11/2005, 2:13 PM
of course if the shoe was on the other foot and it had been us beating England 3-2 with a last minute winner there would be no euphoria on foot.ie. We'd all be here saying sure it was only a friendly - we'd be questioning what the hell are our fans doing celebrating that and calling in to the radio stations and as for our bench celebrating, Roy must be holding in the anger watching this.

(and to think of the hordes of Irish fans (some here!) who reckon Kerr should have kept his job based on his record being so good, thanks to, wait for it, victories in friendlies! If anyone is guilty of treating friendlies like major matches it's US! :rolleyes: )

ffs, these ridicuoulus rants against England after every game regardless of what happens is growing tiresome........when they win, they are lucky, when they lose they are ****e - change the record. :rolleyes:

can nobody have a decent debate on the ACTUAL football and leave whatever feelings they have for all the other ****e out of it....there is less and less actual sensible footie talk on foot.ie these days and thatmeans I check the site less and less.....:mad:

Conor H
13/11/2005, 2:57 PM
what surprises me even more is that people watched england playing a friendly while the Derry Pats match was on........typical Irish barstoolers
Ya me and a friend were watching the Derry-Pats game and when a couple of the premiership loving lads:rolleyes: came down they demanded we watch the Engerland game....we kindly told them to shut the **** up and go watch the muppets somewhere else.What a joke....England i mean FFS!!.Yet all these say they hate them....bull****!:mad:

Plastic Paddy
13/11/2005, 6:15 PM
Well obviously crc doesnt agree, can you spell check my post while you're at it too..

Ask and it shall be done... :p

I agree totally, I hate that motson guy.. "rooooooooonnnnnneyyy passes to becham", he makes me feel sick! I predict a few riots in Germany when Ingerland dont get past the 1st round.

Motty's losing the plot, no question. I don't like the English gorilla supporters either (but then we all have our eejits). I do have a real respect for the way they dug that victory out though. The question for them is whether they can harness that mental synergy next June. Last night counts for very little in consequence.

:ball: PP

13/11/2005, 7:03 PM
[QUOTE=crc] Plus I've heard a lot worse, and its not like they ripped up the stadium!;) Do you not remember our 'fans' jeering Rangers players, just because they played for Rangers - that's sectarianism in my book.

I doubt giving a bit of jeering to someone because they play for a certain Scottish club is in the same bracket as some of the carry on that they have done around europe.;)

13/11/2005, 9:59 PM
the key to england winning it is rooney . if he can stay fit there in with a shout , if he misses any game they ll really strugle , he turns them from a good side into a side that could beat any one really ,

13/11/2005, 10:13 PM
Why was the game played in Switzerland?[/QUOTE]

It's to do with the fact that Sky Sports have the rights to all the England home games so to get around that and allow the game to be shown on the BBC it was staged in Switzerland. Very good game as close to competition as could be. Don't fancy the Brits to win the WC though as I'm starting to lean towards the Italians myself.

14/11/2005, 1:01 AM
of course if the shoe was on the other foot and it had been us beating England 3-2 with a last minute winner there would be no euphoria on foot.ie. ...A team that got hammered 4-1 by a side that didn't make the play-offs in a friendly and Norn 'f*ckin' Iron in a real game. Cop your self on you eejit! :rolleyes:

I doubt giving a bit of jeering to someone because they play for a certain Scottish club is in the same bracket as some of the carry on that they have done around europe.What a sectarian bunch we are, hoss.:rolleyes: I'll send you the link to a thread on the Huddleboard Gandhi sent me about Protestants being the new Jews of Scotland, following their excessive arrest count last week. Most notable is the Martin Niemoller send up of it all: 'First they came for the right wing bigots/ But I was not a right wing bigot and did not speak out/ Then they came for the Freemasons/ I rolled up my trouser leg and did not speak/ Then they came for Prussian Blue/ But I hated neo-nazi girl bands so I stayed silent./Then they came for Alex Rae and I did not speak out because his elbow was in my face.':D

14/11/2005, 3:55 AM
Ask and it shall be done...

Try this instead of foot.ie, more your style i reckon... :D

14/11/2005, 7:59 AM
Why was the game played in Switzerland?

It's to do with the fact that Sky Sports have the rights to all the England home games so to get around that and allow the game to be shown on the BBC it was staged in Switzerland. Very good game as close to competition as could be. Don't fancy the Brits to win the WC though as I'm starting to lean towards the Italians myself.[/QUOTE]

are you sure i was under the impression that argentina had there europeen base in switzerland and since it was them that invited england to play they were the home side .so it was played in switzerland .

14/11/2005, 8:41 AM
good luck to every qualifying team especially ireland,scotland and wales,lol

Quite funny there :rolleyes:

Considering the p!ss easy group ye had it would have been disgraceful if ye didn't manage to qualify. I'd like to see ye have France, Switzerland and Israel in your group and try and qualify, not a hope.

Here's to England's world cup! Let's hope they crash and burn

Well considering we beat Switzerland 3-0 in the Euro's, and to be fair Poland are as good if not better then Israel and France are no better then us. I think your just jealous that Irleand are sh*t! lol Like to see you beat Argie's 3-2:D They think they are as good as France and Poland are better than Israel:rolleyes:.

14/11/2005, 9:02 AM
They do have a very good team of players and if they did play to their potential i believe they have the best squad of players apart from Brazil

Poor Student
14/11/2005, 11:11 AM
What a sectarian bunch we are, hoss.:rolleyes: I'll send you the link to a thread on the Huddleboard Gandhi sent me about Protestants being the new Jews of Scotland, following their excessive arrest count last week. Most notable is the Martin Niemoller send up of it all: 'First they came for the right wing bigots/ But I was not a right wing bigot and did not speak out/ Then they came for the Freemasons/ I rolled up my trouser leg and did not speak/ Then they came for Prussian Blue/ But I hated neo-nazi girl bands so I stayed silent./Then they came for Alex Rae and I did not speak out because his elbow was in my face.':D

Ok, you know the rules of this forum, or if you haven't read them. That goes for all of you, not just Lopez, stick purely to the football in here or don't post.

14/11/2005, 12:46 PM
A team that got hammered 4-1 by a side that didn't make the play-offs in a friendly and Norn 'f*ckin' Iron in a real game. Cop your self on you eejit! :rolleyes:

I'm the eejit! take it totally out of context to suit you! We are talking about a team beating their most hated rivals who they have a significant history with in this sport and they can't celebrate that based on the fact they got beat by Northern Ireland and lost a friendly. And as I said, you think I'm the eejit!!! :rolleyes:

Shoe on the other foot, we beat England in the last minute, it's a pleasure to know that you wouldn't enjoy it based on the fact we couldn't beat Israel and Switzterland in 'real' games........the mind boggles!!! :rolleyes:

There's a whole load of copping on required in this forum.

14/11/2005, 12:48 PM
have to agree with you there Karlos.

14/11/2005, 3:09 PM
...Shoe on the other foot, we beat England in the last minute, it's a pleasure to know that you wouldn't enjoy it based on the fact we couldn't beat Israel and Switzterland in 'real' games........the mind boggles!!! :rolleyes:

There's a whole load of copping on required in this forum.Of course I'd enjoy a last minute winner against the tans. I'd enjoy it a lot better if it was ten yards off side. And as a last minute winner versus the scum is often as early as the 26th minute before it's raining Stadium seats, I've even been there.

What I don't agree with is your statement: 'If anyone is guilty of treating friendlies like major matches it's US! :rolleyes: ' A victory over the tans is as good as sex - even better when you reside in England - but it hardly makes us hot favourites to win the next World Cup.

Hop tip to all you share speculators out there: Put your money on any British Bookmaker (including the one named after a former Black and Tan). You'll be raking it in after the World Cup from their huge profits.:D

14/11/2005, 3:28 PM
Why was the game played in Switzerland?

It's to do with the fact that Sky Sports have the rights to all the England home games so to get around that and allow the game to be shown on the BBC it was staged in Switzerland. Very good game as close to competition as could be. Don't fancy the Brits to win the WC though as I'm starting to lean towards the Italians myself.[/QUOTE]

Argentina asked England to play and not the other way around. As nearly all of the Agrentine squad are based in Europe there AFA based it in Europe, as they would not have been able to get Top European sides to travel to South America mid-season. Just as the Aussies did a few seasons back. Makes total sense to do it like that.....

P.S. - There English....... Britian don't have a football side yet.

14/11/2005, 5:56 PM
What I don't agree with is your statement: 'If anyone is guilty of treating friendlies like major matches it's US! :rolleyes: '

It's something I stand by completely. With the exception of posibly Celtic, I can't think of any other team whoose manager, fans and press treat results in friendlies like the most important games ever. I've listened to people
trawl out our record as reasons why managers should be kept, I've heard our fans sing we are going to world cups while we are winning 1-0 in a friendly and the press raving about our performances against weakened top 10 international teams.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with all this, on the contrary, i think you should want to win every game. But nobody and I mean nobody is more guilty than us of treating freindly games like world cup finals and it's laughable to hear us sneer at others for this reason...:)

I'm just wondering why there isn't a post ridiculing the Spanish and Dutch for example who also think they are going to win every tournanment they enter, have fans with dubious hooligan & racism records and a press that hype them up.......don't worry, I already know the answer to this one!

Poor Student
14/11/2005, 6:20 PM
Of course I'd enjoy a last minute winner against the tans. I'd enjoy it a lot better if it was ten yards off side. And as a last minute winner versus the scum is often as early as the 26th minute before it's raining Stadium seats, I've even been there.

What I don't agree with is your statement: 'If anyone is guilty of treating friendlies like major matches it's US! :rolleyes: ' A victory over the tans is as good as sex - even better when you reside in England - but it hardly makes us hot favourites to win the next World Cup.

Hop tip to all you share speculators out there: Put your money on any British Bookmaker (including the one named after a former Black and Tan). You'll be raking it in after the World Cup from their huge profits.:D

Lopez I warned you already, cop on. I don't want to see any mention of the Brits, "scum" or "the tans" (what year do you live in?:confused: ). Talk about the football or don't talk. Final warning.

The Stars
14/11/2005, 7:17 PM
why was the game played in Switzerland?

14/11/2005, 7:20 PM
why was the game played in Switzerland?
Argentina asked England to play and not the other way around. As nearly all of the Agrentine squad are based in Europe there AFA based it in Europe, as they would not have been able to get Top European sides to travel to South America mid-season. Just as the Aussies did a few seasons back. Makes total sense to do it like that..........

14/11/2005, 7:47 PM
It's something I stand by completely. With the exception of posibly Celtic, I can't think of any other team whoose manager, fans and press treat results in friendlies like the most important games ever...Well there are some that think Ireland shouldn't be at Germany because they didn't beat Switzerland. Like a God given right. Frankly I think you're exagerating.

Lopez I warned you already, cop on. I don't want to see any mention of the Brits, "scum" or "the tans" (what year do you live in?:confused:). Talk about the football or don't talk. Final warning.Sorry mate. I'm still in 1995. Suppose you weren't born then. :rolleyes:

Poor Student
14/11/2005, 7:50 PM
Sorry mate. I'm still in 1995. Suppose you weren't born then. :rolleyes:

No need to be like that, surely you know that isn't acceptable on foot.ie?

14/11/2005, 10:09 PM
No need to be like that, surely you know that isn't acceptable on foot.ie?PS: Nothing personal, and apologies for any out of order remarks :( , but you know who I'm - and indeed JoeSemi are - talking about here.

14/11/2005, 10:34 PM
Well there are some that think Ireland shouldn't be at Germany because they didn't beat Switzerland. Like a God given right. Frankly I think you're exagerating.

If I'm exagerating then that makes two of us. ;)

Of course not every Irish fan feels like this but my point was made on the basis that some people here were disgusted that Englands fans, players and management celebrated a last minute win in the manner they did. Fact is, had it been us, it would have been the same.....I've seen the eurphoria of friendly victories in the past - Germany and Holland away, Brazil at home etc etc......I don't feel we are in a position to sneer at anyone in this regard given the significance alot (not all) of irish people place on results in friendly internationals. :)