View Full Version : Shels Security Is A Disgrace

12/11/2005, 12:43 AM
How in gods name do they constantly get away with this sh!t
4 pitch incursions tonite DURING the game , as well as city players taking corners being showered with bottles,coins ,till rolls and fruit , and what went on afterwards was a joke - there was at least 30 to 40 scumbags standing on front of us givin the come on and the finger -

wonder will the "Authorities" be as hard on mountjoys favorite back passage and his crew as they have been with other clubs recently -

Just like they will be with the non issuing of tickets or receipts I s'pose -

just goes to show , there ARE two different sets of rules

12/11/2005, 12:50 AM
Spot on, though Cork fans were as bad, probably worse, after the match. But the security is a joke, the gaurds stand around and literally don't even look at the pitch even when there's people on it.

Of course, you go on a typical Cork whaffle at the end. We've been fined already a few times for this, and you don't have to give out tickets. Weed out the usual anti Shels bitter nonsense and you're correct though.

12/11/2005, 12:59 AM
there was at least 30 to 40 scumbags standing on front of us givin the come on and the finger

There were just as many from the Cork section doing the same to us.

As for the three little gits who ran on during the game, no amount of stewards around the pitch could stop those little feckers, and I'm sure two of them were caught. They were sitting up beside me in the new stand for the first 60 minutes, starting fights with people in the bar and breaking chairs.

The bottles etc... can't be excused, but they weren't coming from Shels fans, just from the usual scum that floats in off the roads for games like this.

12/11/2005, 12:16 PM
The main issue here is the Gardai, paid to stand there. Cork fans encroaching the pitch, and then give out about not being stopped. Excellent!

12/11/2005, 12:22 PM
As for the three little gits who ran on during the game, no amount of stewards around the pitch could stop those little feckers, and I'm sure two of them were caught.

It was an absolute shambles that one of those kids was let run the ENTIRE length of the pitch without even one steward bothering their lazy asses trying to stop him.

The security at Tolka is a disgrace and it won't ever change. The Stewards made no attempt whatsoever to stop those Cork ''fans'' from coming up to our end in the New Stand. They are totally inept and I lay the blame at Shelbourne FC for quite obviosuly not training these stewards to do their job. Again a big shout out to the few representatives of the corrupt institution that is the Garda Siochana for as per usual doing even less of their job than the stewards. Pathetic individuals.

I've emailed the club about the lack of proper security before, got nothing back as expected. I they won't listen to the strong possibility that some may get hurt at a match at Tolka well it will come back to haunt Ollie and co.

12/11/2005, 12:32 PM
The problem was caused initially by security allowing all the Shels fans on to the pitch. It happens at every game in Tolka. Why?? They know it's going to happen and yet they they can't stop it. City fans went onto the pitch in response to the Shels children giving us the fingers etc. Both groups of fans were on the pitch at the one time giving each other and both sets of fans the finger. There was potential for a serious row.

I don't understand how it's allowed to happen in Tolka when it's not allowed to happen anywhere else. The only other place that such a mass incursion took place this season was in Ballybofey when Harps played Derry. Harps event controller subsequently resigned.

Will any action be taken against Shelbourne. Will it fcuk?:mad: :mad:

12/11/2005, 12:35 PM
Ah, being the big hard men eh? Seeing a load of kids no more than 8 or 9 years of age, your "fans" flood onto the pitch. It was disgraceful, but so was the City fans behaviour. Can't cover that.

12/11/2005, 12:36 PM
Will any action be taken against Shelbourne. Will it fcuk?:mad: :mad:

It already has. ffs stop with the small town chip on the shoulder conspiracy mentality. You're otherwise correct.

12/11/2005, 12:46 PM
Spot on, though Cork fans were as bad, probably worse, after the match. But the security is a joke, the gaurds stand around and literally don't even look at the pitch even when there's people on it.

Of course, you go on a typical Cork whaffle at the end. We've been fined already a few times for this, and you don't have to give out tickets. Weed out the usual anti Shels bitter nonsense and you're correct though.
You don't have to give out tickets, but you are required to provide a receipt for any cash transaction if one is requested.
$hels are the ONLY team in the league that will not provide some form of record of the payment. Cassidy's waffling drivel about "UEFA turnstiles" is typical of the kind of sh*te that comes out of the $hels ofice.

I have to say that those "stewards" are a complete joke. They continuously and aggressively pushed and dragged fans away from the barrier at the side of the pitch, yet laughed when there were 3 separate pitch incursions during the game. NO ATTEMPT was made to apprehend any of those young gurriers, even when they ran off the pitch.

Shels DO NOT get fined for these pitch incursions. If they did, Oily would have had them stopped long ago. Nothing was done by the referee or the event controller about the missiles at corners, it's all just let go on and on and on, NOTHING is done.

I'm not blaming $hels fans for this, but it is a FACT that $hels are treated differently to all other clubs and get away with things other clubs do not.
This league will NEVER move forward while that situation remains.

Outside of that, it was an excellent game, and with the exception of the cowardly referee chickening out of the definite sending off for Heery, we can't complain about the result.

12/11/2005, 12:50 PM
Shels are and have been fined for pitch invasions this season. For the love of god, stop talking utter nonsense, it only dilutes the points your making.

12/11/2005, 12:51 PM
Ah, being the big hard men eh? Seeing a load of kids no more than 8 or 9 years of age, your "fans" flood onto the pitch. It was disgraceful, but so was the City fans behaviour. Can't cover that.

there wasn't that many city fans on the pitch.most of who i saw were just going up to city players.can't really comment on whether they were doing anything to rise Shels fans as i was looking at the Shels kids on the pitch.Couldn't believe the stewards weren't doing a thing.

12/11/2005, 12:51 PM
Shels are and have been fined for pitch invasions this season. For the love of god, stop talking utter nonsense, it only dilutes the points your making.
Have $hels been fined for EVERY SINGLE home game this season?
NO, yet there had been pitch invasions AT EVERY SINGLE HOME GAME.
So I can quite easily leave the "utter nonsense" to you.

12/11/2005, 12:53 PM
Have $hels been fined for EVERY SINGLE home game this season?
NO, yet there had been pitch invasions AT EVERY SINGLE HOME GAME.
So I can quite easily leave the "utter nonsense" to you.

You said they hadn't been fined. "Utter nonsense" if you will.

can't really comment on whether they were doing anything to rise Shels fans as i was looking at the Shels kids on the pitch

They were, walking halfway to the new stand, stopping and waving their arms like idiots. Both sets of fans on the pitch were as idiotic as the others.

12/11/2005, 2:17 PM
absoloutly love the way some of you numpties manage to make out that any shles fans on the pitch were 8 or 9 yet the few city fans that ran out are almost millwall firm status

There were four pitch invasions ,just like there ws last time we went there(and last time it was UNPUNISHED)-
At half time there was a bunch of little rats in black alowed to run the entire length of the stand giving the finger -funny yes ,but a possible fuse also - this happens at NO other ground in the country
At Full time there was a hell of a lot of shels fans on the pitch ,some were kids,some weren't -at that point 3 city fans ran out and over to danny murphy -at that point Shels security ,such as it is , visibly just didn't bother even with the token crap they were doing up to that point , and 20 or 30 other city fans ran on the pitch-while this ws going on ,the oh so wonderfull shels security took it upon themselves to stop people leaning over the barrier singing rather than stopping anyone gettin on the pitch -having a gang of little ****s ,40 or 50 in numbers giving the finger and spitting at city supporters is apotentially very dangerous situation- all the blase bull**** in the world from you lot as per normal doesn't answer the question as to why Tolka is the only place that this is allowed happen

I was at dalymount twice in recent weeks and there was nothing of the sort -for all yer lookin down yer noses on Rovers ,they don't allow that to happen - just you lot

And no ,Ye HAVE NOT been fined each time this happened -

12/11/2005, 3:01 PM
The stewards on our side had their hands full with the drunken scallys that came to support Cork City, encroaching over the barrier.

Full time was a bit of a joke, Shels & Cork smallies on the pitch. Shels smallies over taunting the City crowd and vice versa.

One thing that I was upset with last night was the state of the facilities in Tolka, they were an absolute disgrace.

The toilets had no light and were covered in pools of p*ss. It was worse than Cobh. Seats were broken (when we arrived) and bits of metal were protruding out, highly dangerous. Very disapoointed with the state of the place.
How could it have been even thought of for the Cup Final.

12/11/2005, 3:24 PM
I was at dalymount twice in recent weeks and there was nothing of the sort -for all yer lookin down yer noses on Rovers ,they don't allow that to happen - just you lot

And no ,Ye HAVE NOT been fined each time this happened -

You see all the usual supects on this forum from Tolka land automatically come on here and their own mb if a Rovers fan is on the pitch with their usual "they're all scum" waffle, but and when Shels fans, manager and officials are on the pitch every other week it's all the stewards fault. Priceless

12/11/2005, 6:18 PM
Oh look! Shels fans come on here and have the guts, balls and realism to criticise their own club for lack of security and guess what, some of bullsh!tters from Cork and Rovers take it upon themselves to take advantage of our honesty and realism to have yet another go at us. Pathetic.

Kids ran onto the pitch as per usual. It shouldn't happen but they are generally harmless. 20-30 Cork fans take it upon themselves to come onto our pitch (which IMO if Shels get fined Cork should get fined) and come up to the New Stand end giving middle finger taunts, and inciting signals to us to come onto pitch for a fight.

Now lets be honest guys (I know you guys won't) but who is of a more danger? A bunch of 9 year olds having a harmless laugh by running onto a pitch or a bunch of adults coming onto the pitch looking to incite violonce? It doesn't take much intelligence or cop to come to an answer on that one.

Oh yeah Shels get treated different to all of the other eL clubs. Yeah we never get fined unfairly. :rolleyes:

No wonder so many people ignore the eL when there's so many ''fans'' who post some of the sh!te I've read here.

12/11/2005, 6:47 PM
If inept security is to blame we're the ones who should be fined and inept security was to blame as per usual.

12/11/2005, 11:24 PM
If inept security is to blame we're the ones who should be fined and inept security was to blame as per usual.
True. No complaints or contensting that, its what should happen.

I also think the Gardai on duty should have their paychecks revoked. I mean, they got paid to stand there looking into space.

14/11/2005, 9:28 AM
The taunting by the kids was laughable as none of them older than 10-12.

I think the big problem at Tolka is there is no culture of staying off the pitch. No announcement over speakers & no effort made to catch people & throw them out of the ground. It is the stewards job & not the gardai to do that job.

I think there was maybe 10 stewards in the ground which is not enough for the large crowd in attendance.

The kids running on the pitch during the game makes the league look like a pub league & i don't think i've even seen it before.

14/11/2005, 10:24 AM
There is an announcement made over the speakers, but the sound system is diabolical.

14/11/2005, 10:39 AM
There is an announcement made over the speakers, but the sound system is diabolical.

I never heard it so seems back up your statement.

I wouldn't have a problem if ye tried to stop people on the pitch its just no effort made. I think the FAI finea are getting stupid now but suppose its a good way of forcing change on clubs.

14/11/2005, 11:15 AM
There is an announcement made over the speakers, but the sound system is diabolical.
I've heard the announcement alright but it's meaningless when nothing is done about it when it happens. Asking people to stay off the pitch loses any force it had when nothing is done when people ignore it.