View Full Version : Foot.ie Q&A Session - Stephen O'Brien

A face
08/11/2005, 11:07 AM
OK folks .... Its that time again, we have lined up another Q&A session....... We, the patrons of foot.ie are invited to compose questions on anything that ails us about our football league. If you have a who, a what, a where or a when about anything in Irish football then have been invited to pose such a question and have it answered by none other than Longford Towns goalkeeper, Mr. Stephen O'Brien.

Stephen 'Digger' O'Brien has stepped up to the plate and volunteered to shine some light where possible on some of the subjects of debate in Irish football, past, present and future. If you have a football query that keeps you awake at night, then a problem shared could be a problem answered. So get busy with that keyboard, as we’ll have a week to compile our questions and send them off to Stephen, who in turn will answer them and we’ll post up the answer in due course. The deadline for questions will be midnight 15st Nov.

All normal message board rules (http://foot.ie/info/rules.htm) apply, no abuse will be tolerated and this thread will be policed and not foul play will be permitted.

09/11/2005, 1:41 PM
Name you all-time eircom League X1 ? (in your playing career)

the 12 th man
09/11/2005, 1:57 PM
Can you settle the argument;) about where your nick-name originated from?.

09/11/2005, 2:12 PM
Who have been your favourite opposition fans for craic and why?

09/11/2005, 2:17 PM
Which EL ground has been your favourite to play in?

Who's been your biggest influence on your career?

09/11/2005, 2:38 PM
Are you small or far away? Honestly, how tall are you?

09/11/2005, 2:47 PM
What do you think about everyone slagging you off about your height? Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hooooooooooooooooo :D

09/11/2005, 3:26 PM
During your career have you seen a noteable improvement in the standard of play in Ireland?

How long will it take for an Irish side to get into the group stages of the Champions League?

Who has been the best opposition striker you have faced?

09/11/2005, 3:29 PM
Seriously can you touch the crossbar?:eek:

In your playing carrer, who is the greatest player you played with or againest?

09/11/2005, 3:30 PM
Do you think switching to summer soccer has improved the standard of Irish football?

09/11/2005, 4:12 PM
Given the perilous state of club finances throughout Ireland, do you believe that it is hypocritical of the PFAI to argue against the introduction of the salary cap, as proposed by the Genesis Report?

A face
09/11/2005, 6:31 PM
What do you think of the coaching standards and practices in our league ? (at all levels)

What needs to be done to improve the standards, by that i mean what do you think Irish players are missing, or do they fall down in just one area i.e. technical, fitness, management ?

Have you given any thought about coaching, have you any experience in it, are there certain aspects/areas that you would like to implement if you were to take up coaching.

What do you think of the training you got from schoolboys up to U21 ?

09/11/2005, 9:14 PM
What do you think of foot.ie and do you not think your name on there(Dirk) is a bit silly?:D

Anto McC
10/11/2005, 9:35 AM
Can you see yourself managing in the future?

Drumcondra Red
10/11/2005, 9:47 AM
Does my bum look big in this???

Why did Longford overreact and try to fence Rovers in??? As in putting fences up around the away supporters when Shamrock Rovers played there! And what was your personal view on this??? Be honest now!

10/11/2005, 10:04 AM
do you think the licence scheme has worked, or have deficiencies in clubs' applications merely been glossed over?

Internationally, who would be your top rated keepers?

What is your opinion on the genesis proposal for the EL?

KR's Post
10/11/2005, 10:23 AM
You're are a true character in this league!! Do you feel we need more guys like you, up for a laugh!?

I'm a Bray fan and once shouted at you in the Carlisle to go up for a corner and use your height! You responded by waving back and smiling! But have you ever considered going up to help the strikers out in the dying minutes of a game?

Can you remember the best goal scored against you and by whom!?

In your football career, what was the best and worst moments you've encountered?

Who is the most underated player you have played with or against in your Eircom League Career??

10/11/2005, 10:29 AM
what was the best goal that you have conceeded?

have you made any particular goalkeeping blunder that you are most embarressed at?

and likewise, is there a particular save that you are most proud of?

10/11/2005, 11:16 AM
What do you think the best way forward is for the league?

Raheny Red
10/11/2005, 11:23 AM
What are you for:

part-time or full-time football?

winter or summer soccer?

Also, how did you feel when Longford got T.N.S in the UEFA cup?
Do you feel LTFC under estimated their opponents from Wales?

Who should be the next Ireland manager in your opinion?

10/11/2005, 11:40 AM
Can you settle an argument between a few mates? I reckon you were sent off against Derry at the Brandywell when you were caught out 'playing left back' and halfed Gary Beckett. My mates say that wasn't you. Who is right? If it was you what was going through your head:D and how many times were you sent off in your career?

KR's Post
10/11/2005, 12:27 PM
Also, how did you feel when Longford got T.N.S in the UEFA cup?

When!!! Don't mean to go off topic, but wasn't it Camaerthan(incorrectly spelt) that they got?

10/11/2005, 1:20 PM
Has anyone ever spent an entire match trying to chip the ball over you?

Block G Raptor
10/11/2005, 3:31 PM
Where do you rate the eircom league in comparison with the eng s h i t game
and would you consider a move to a lower division over there ie. league 1/2

Raheny Red
10/11/2005, 4:51 PM
When!!! Don't mean to go off topic, but wasn't it Camaerthan(incorrectly spelt) that they got?

Cheers for that Tarzan. You may have saved my blushes on that one.

Stephen how did you feel before going into the 1st leg against Camaerthan Town and and did you feel after the 2nd leg??

10/11/2005, 6:35 PM
With which supporters did you have the best banter? Who were the funniest? Who were the cruelest?

Do you think the Oompa Loompa's in the recent Willy Wonka film were better than the original?

Stevo Da Gull
10/11/2005, 11:50 PM
Besides winning trophies what other memories will stick with you? Maybe little things like something a kid said to you when standing behind your goals or advice you got from a veteran (spelling:confused: ) keeper when you were younger or an inceident with a particular striker.

You seem to be able to have a good laugh on the pitch and still do your job very professionally, is it the same in the dressing room/training/etc- you know pranks played etc..... or is that stuff best left untold;) ?

Thank you for for your time:ball:

11/11/2005, 12:14 PM
Are you sitting on a telephone directory in order to see the computer?

NY Hoop
11/11/2005, 1:44 PM
Have you ever taken height pills?

Do you go momentarily blind when you pull up your socks?


11/11/2005, 9:33 PM
Any plans for what you're going to be doing after hanging up your boots?

You saved Tom Mohans penalty in the penalty shoot-out in the second leg of the 2001-2 Relegation Play-off that won Longford the game and ensured Harps had to another long season in Division One, when Tom joined you'se did he mention it to you?!

Any electric atmosphere's you have experienced in your career, and did any ever make you a little nervous?


14/11/2005, 3:54 PM
There was a Q&A session with Digger after the UCD on Saturday night and he answered a lot of the questions that are on here.It was a good laugh and a good insite into his personality.
My question to him would be " Who is the best player he has played with at LTFC?"

14/11/2005, 5:07 PM
Do you think the referee should stop the game if a second ball is on the pitch?:mad:

14/11/2005, 7:56 PM
Summer football or winter football?

Block G Raptor
15/11/2005, 11:31 AM
1.do you want the job of bohs mascot next season
who knows the way Matt Greg is playing you might even get a game

2. Whats the weather like down there

15/11/2005, 8:57 PM
Out of all the sub goalkeepers at longford down through the years since you've been between the posts, which one did you feel threatened your number one shirt the most? If any?

15/11/2005, 9:13 PM
What are your plans for next year*cough* Kilkenny City *cough*?:confused: :D

A face
16/11/2005, 9:35 PM
What do you think of the PFAI, are they under-resourced, are they professional and foward thinking, they you think they accomplish alot on the players behalf, what would you like to see happening with then in the future, short and long term.

What do you think should happen as regards a youth policy in this country ? What is your opinion on the current process/system of youth players being snapped up by English clubs, given the success rate of players integrating and excelling in the English leagues at that age? What do you think is the best way to implement a new blanket youth policy for football at all levels of the game? How should it be tackled ?

Thread closed.
Questions compiled and sent to Stephen. They should be ready in roughly a weeks time.