View Full Version : Texas Holdem (Poker)

03/11/2005, 11:31 PM
Can anyone recommend any good websites that you can play for free on. Loads of sites on the net claiming you can play for free but the minute you register their looking for credit card details off you!!!

03/11/2005, 11:43 PM
Loads of the big .com sites have free .net versions (for example partypoker.net is free)

04/11/2005, 12:13 AM
Cheers Dodge, will take a look, very addictive game aint it!!

04/11/2005, 1:07 AM
never played it online tbh, great game to play wth mates though

04/11/2005, 7:56 AM
Can't beat a texas hold'em night with the mates. The games tend to get richer with the more alcohol consumed.

04/11/2005, 8:19 AM
Can anyone recommend any good websites that you can play for free on. Loads of sites on the net claiming you can play for free but the minute you register their looking for credit card details off you!!!I like Victor Chandler (http://www.vcpoker.com/) meself. Just make sure you use a (valid) throwaway address when you register, it's impossible to get them to stop mailing.

I'm still waiting for a recommendation for a chip set (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?p=376995#post376995)...


The Stars
04/11/2005, 9:05 AM
Pacific poker is another one you can play for free on.

04/11/2005, 9:26 AM
Partypoker.com has free tables but its not the same as playing for money as nobody cares about losing and everyone goes all in and games can get messy , try the $1-$2 tables which are ok and don't cost too much and most sites give a joining bonus , with www.pokerroom.com you can also arrange private tables with your mates and play for real money oniline.

04/11/2005, 9:27 AM
Its poxy being the 1st one out though (when your with mates)

Why don't you have buy backs. We always do - makes it more interesting and adds more money to the pot.

05/11/2005, 10:32 AM
just go to pokerroom.com and play the tournaments, and thats where the fun is, the idea of going all in with **** hands is to draw idiots in with them :rolleyes:

05/11/2005, 10:43 AM
pokerworld.com is the best. Its free and has 7 freeroles a day and you can win real money

07/11/2005, 11:19 AM
We play with mates but we only have 3 euro buy ins with 3 euro buy backs. The pot gets to round 80 euro. Limits crazy losses and you dont feel too bad taking a mates money.

Drumcondra Red
07/11/2005, 8:46 PM
Nah, buy in originally for about €20, and then whatever goes, highest bet is double the pot though, although the gay €3 would have its advantages when you want to go home when you notice the sun rising!!!