View Full Version : Aren't the FAI lovely?

Sliogán Dóite
02/11/2005, 9:28 PM
The FAI have made great strides since John Delaney took over. You can see the marked improvement in the media coverage of the league and the league seems to be running smooth as possible with all administration work passing without any problems. I would like to thank John Delaney and the FAI for their kind work over the last few months in ensuring that the league grows and is being taken seriously.
FAI = Fair and In-my-opinion-a-very-nice-organisation-who-make-no-mistakes-and-have a lovely website.

A face
02/11/2005, 9:31 PM
Ahh .... well .... err ...... its like this .....ahhh ..... Is that the doorbell ?? ..... gotta run ... g'luck !!

02/11/2005, 10:02 PM
Are you employed by the FAIreland or perhaps related to Delaney?

Sliogán Dóite
02/11/2005, 10:07 PM
Or maybe I am Delaney?

03/11/2005, 9:33 AM
There's only one way of finding that out; how many pizzas did you eat while watching the united game last night ya fat cnut? :)

03/11/2005, 10:11 AM
Or maybe I am Delaney?

Mouwahahahaha!!! :D