View Full Version : 2006 eircom League Key Dates

02/11/2005, 2:38 PM
Not sure if anyone has this posted here already... my apologies if they have

The eircom League has decided upon a number of key dates in relation to the 2006 season:

The first transfer window will commence on December 1st and end on February 22nd. The eircom League Annual General Meeting will take place on January 28th, the 2006 league fixtures will be announced on February 13th and the eircom League 2006 season will commence on Friday, March 10th.

It was also agreed that there will be no fixtures from Friday 9th June to Sunday 18th June inclusive due to the staging of the World Cup 2006 Finals in Germany. The commencement of the season one week earlier than in the previous three seasons is in order to facilitate this break.

The second transfer window will run for the calendar month of July, i.e. from July 1st to 31st inclusive.

All 22 clubs have been invited to make submissions to the League in relation to the format of the 2006 eircom League season and have until November 14th to do so if they wish.

Finally, no friendly matches involving eircom League clubs will be approved for the period Friday 27th January 2006 to Sunday 29th January 2006 inclusive due to the Annual Referees Seminar taking place during those dates.

02/11/2005, 2:40 PM
Not sure if anyone has this posted here already... my apologies if they haveApology accepted (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=30836);) :p