View Full Version : FAI Cup Final Tickets - Ticketmaster

02/11/2005, 11:35 AM
I've heard a rumour that all FAI Cup Final tickets for Lansdowne Road will be put on sale through Toutmaster.
This has been implied by someone from the FAI, not an angry fan.

If it's true, I will not be surprised but will be totally disgusted!
Why can't the clubs be given an allocation, which could then be distributed to the fans at face value?

With Toutmaster, we will have to pay booking fees, handling fees, 'we're the only ones selling the tickets so you have to buy from us', fees. It's ridiculous!

How are they going to control who buys tickets for which section?
Are we all just going to be lumped in together?
What a joke!

Do eircom League fans carry signs saying, 'our trousers are down, do what you like to us'?

By the way, eircom suck as league sponsors and Carlsberg suck big time as Cup sponsors. What have either of them done other than getting their brands plastered across everything?

02/11/2005, 11:43 AM
Thats appauling, if true.

02/11/2005, 11:46 AM
By the way, eircom suck as league sponsors and Carlsberg suck big time as Cup sponsors. What have either of them done other than getting their brands plastered across everything?
Good question - do League clubs get reduced 'phone charges?

02/11/2005, 12:01 PM
Have heard that Peadar, there's a thread on our official site on the topic.

Latest seems to be that the clubs will be responsible for distribution, apparently Drogs are bringing in a ticketmaster printer, I guess so that they can print off huge blocks of tickets.

If it's true, hopefully the FAI will send each club enough tickets to cover a decent number of fans so that segregated blocks and an atmosphere is possible, and put the rest on general sale.

If they just go directly on general sale it'll be a monumental fcuk up on the part of the FAI, and there'll be a hell of a lot of angry fans

02/11/2005, 12:02 PM
This is another monumental fcuk up on behalf of the FAIlures in Merrion Square.

Despite a plea from Brian Lennox to keep ticketing prices reasonable, it seems that they're going to hand over the ticketing for the Blue ribbon event in Irish football to ticketmaster. Thereby forcing every man, woman and child to pay and extra €3 - €5 for the completely unneccessary 'privilege' of using their monopolistic computer system (and of course, saving the FAI themselves some printing money).

No offence to Drogs fans, the few I know are dead on, but I don't want to sit next to you at the Cup Final. I want to stand (let's be honest, I don't want to sit) shoulder to shoulder with the same people I've spent the season standing next to, cheering and chanting for our club. People I know who will share my passion, who will live every moment of that game with the same intensity I will.

How are the fans groups like Commandos 84, who put so much time and money into organising displays, going to help the colour and atmosphere on final day when they could be split up in the middle of a mixed group. It's a disgrace that the FAIlures are thinking of robbing them of the chance (for once) to make Lansdowne look like a proper football stadium.

What of the Family enclosure, so vibrant all season, lending so much to the atmosphere of the Donie Forde stand in recent times? How Dare the FAIlures rob the children of our club, the future of this nations football support, the unashamed joy of experiencing that same level of enjoyment where our international matches are played, at the 'home' of Irish football.

That colour and that noise is what will make this final a showcase of football support, putting the sorry International games in stark contrast. It's in the leagues interest to win over new fans in Cork and Drogheda, and to win over neutrals by showing them that our league is the best sporting experience in this country, second to none in terms of supporter passion and participation.

Finally, to Brian Lennox and the club, it looks like you'll be left down yet again by this shambolic excuse for an organisation, do your very best for the fans. Rico and the team deserve to walk out on the pitch in Landsdowne to a raptorous welcome, full of noise and colour from the same fans who stood in unison willing our club to the final in the dying moments of the semi against Derry.

Our players deserve it, our fans deserve it, our club deserve it.

Shame on you John Delaney, shame on your board.
You still can't spell failure without FAI!!!!!
This is as angry as I have ever been with this shower of muppets.

sfc red
02/11/2005, 12:05 PM
Spot on, selling the tickets for the Shels v Depor/Lille games on Ticketmaster somewhat soured the experiences for me as I ended up beside neutrals. If this is the case, it may be hard to get all the singing section together. While on this topic, any idea where I should get my ticket for as a neutral?

02/11/2005, 12:11 PM
apparently Drogs are bringing in a ticketmaster printer,

That was in todays Drogheda Independent

Bomb Landsdowne
02/11/2005, 12:30 PM
why cant both clubs get there allocation with the remaining left over tickets being sold by ticketmaster. Its a Common sense approach and everybodies happy. Surely the Fai wouldnt disapprove with that???

02/11/2005, 12:33 PM
Its a Common sense approach

...and therefore the FAI probably won't have considered it.

A face
02/11/2005, 12:37 PM

02/11/2005, 12:40 PM
In fairnness no club has confirmed anything yet so theres obviously talks going on behind the scenes. The only info we have is from the Drogheda Independent and a rumour from redgav on corks site.

If it was my decision I would have:

1. Split the east stand in 2 for both corkies and drogs - let them sell their allocation themselves (the money aspect doesnt bother me as i dont mind paying the extra couple of euro - tbh cant see why anyone would mind paying the extra couple of euro). Would look great on tv!!

2. Sell the west lower to neutrals and whoever was not lucky enough to get tickets for the east stand through the general ticketmaster

02/11/2005, 12:44 PM
1. Split the east stand in 2 for both corkies and drogs - let them sell their allocation themselves (the money aspect doesnt bother me as i dont mind paying the extra couple of euro - tbh cant see why anyone would mind paying the extra couple of euro). Would look great on tv!!

You should be upset about paying the extra couple of euro.
Ask what service is being provided for it?

02/11/2005, 12:46 PM
Will the terraces be open??
Would way prefer to be in the north terrace, all standin up and chanting for the whole game

02/11/2005, 12:57 PM
You should be upset about paying the extra couple of euro.
Ask what service is being provided for it?

I've waited all my life to see us get to the final, I couldn't be a**ed making a big deal about the couple of euro (i know i should, but the reality is id pay anything to be there on dec 4th :eek: !!)

Michealguineys, it wouldnt make any sense to open the terrace atmosphere wise - could be bad weather and you've no roof for atmosphere!!! Hopefully its shut and both clubs can put up their flags there.

Hopefully everyone sees sense and theres an unofficial standing/ atmosphere area in both cork and drogheda sections

02/11/2005, 12:59 PM
I've waited all my life to see us get to the final, I couldn't be a**ed making a big deal about the couple of euro (i know i should, but the reality is id pay anything to be there on dec 4th :eek: !!)

I understand all that Cosmo, I feel the same, i'm going no matter what.
But tickettout, c'mon, share my outrage :D

Block G Raptor
02/11/2005, 2:44 PM
Has this been Confirmed
if it has then it is the most disgusting decision the FAIlures have made in living memory, what the fcuk do they take us for
they cannot be allowed to get away with this any longer
I propose a march on merrion square by all eircom league fans in protest at the contempt the FAIlures have for our league

02/11/2005, 2:57 PM
Has this been Confirmed

Neither club has confirmed any arrangements yet afaik - all of it based on what was said in the drogheda independent today and rumours on the cork forum

02/11/2005, 3:08 PM
all of it based on what was said in the drogheda independent today and rumours on the cork forum

That's not strictly true.
I started this thread, based on what was implied in a communication from the FAI. I wont elaborate further.

Why don't you e-mail the FAI and ask them where you can get tickets for the final and see what they say?

monkey magic
02/11/2005, 3:14 PM
gents, in fairness the general jist that im gettin ere is that nothin has been confirmed. therefore, like the lansdowne/tolka arguement we need to settle down a bit till we have facts.

granted the FAIlure has done sweet fanny adams over the past few years to suggest they deserve some space on this issue, or that they simply wouldent do this to a potentially great cup final, but all the same we need to be working with facts before we go launching any more attacks

02/11/2005, 3:22 PM
That's not strictly true.
I started this thread, based on what was implied in a communication from the FAI. I wont elaborate further.

Why don't you e-mail the FAI and ask them where you can get tickets for the final and see what they say?

Wasn't doubting ye just saying that nothing was officially confirmed yet by either club or the FAI - though the Drogheda Independent is usually on the ball with their info

02/11/2005, 3:26 PM
this reminds me a bit of when the FAI sold the international rights to sky. how dare they etc. we want them to be professional and organised, yet go mental when they bring in the pro's to do something they know they cant do themselves.....
remeber delaney is a business man not a football type.

as for posts like this from some gypo: if it has then it is the most disgusting decision the FAIlures have made in living memory, what the fcuk do they take us for

yeah, right up there with encouraging kids to go overseas to become professional footballers, selling milltown, torpedoing eircom park, shafting kerr in the press and the litany of **** ups.

get real lads

02/11/2005, 3:31 PM
...yet go mental when they bring in the pro's to do something they know they cant do themselves...

There's nothing unprofessional about allocating tickets to the two clubs involved and allowing them to distribute them. It's done for most major cup finals. The FAI could sell the remainder via Toutmaster if they choose.

02/11/2005, 3:32 PM
this reminds me a bit of when the FAI sold the international rights to sky. how dare they etc. we want them to be professional and organised, yet go mental when they bring in the pro's to do something they know they cant do themselves.....
remeber delaney is a business man not a football type.

They're well capable of printing tickets and getting them to Cork and Drogheda!

02/11/2005, 3:39 PM
There's nothing unprofessional about allocating tickets to the two clubs involved and allowing them to distribute them. It's done for most major cup finals. The FAI could sell the remainder via Toutmaster if they choose.

when all is said and done we know the FAIlure will do that anyway.
its how internationals are done ffs?!?
have we nothing else to get upset about?

A face
02/11/2005, 3:42 PM
this reminds me a bit of when the FAI sold the international rights to sky. how dare they etc. we want them to be professional and organised, yet go mental when they bring in the pro's to do something they know they cant do themselves.....
remeber delaney is a business man not a football type.

Jebus H .... what is actually being asked of them .... in fairness .... How come City can organise tickets for all the Euro games without a hitch ??
In all fairness ..... there are no mad rockets or the moon involved. There will be 20,000 tickets .... have they any fúcking experience they can call on, anyway .... Drogs and City would be doing most of the work at the end of the day.

02/11/2005, 3:48 PM
its how internationals are done ffs?!?

It's only done for friendly games where the demand is low. All block booked tickets, etc. are issued by the FAI themselves.
They look very different from the Toutmaster issued tickets.
There isn't a handling fee, booking fee.
I just don't like giving money to Toutmaster for them to give me a ticket which my club could easily provide.
I don't want to be sitting in the middle of a lash of Drogs or neutrals.

I don't mind Toutmaster selling additional tickets to people like you who may want to go along but don't have links to the clubs involved.

02/11/2005, 3:55 PM
When they do it for internationals they have the extra 11,000 tickets to deal with that the terraces allow.

I don't mind Toutmaster selling additional tickets to people like you who may want to go along but don't have links to the clubs involved.

Which is where the problem arises, because the FAI won't be able to guarentee tickettout enough sales to make it worth their while if they sell only to neutrals.

Tickettout will only get into this if they'll have control of a huge number of tickets.

02/11/2005, 4:01 PM
When they do it for internationals they have the extra 11,000 tickets to deal with that the terraces allow.

Which is where the problem arises, because the FAI won't be able to guarentee tickettout enough sales to make it worth their while if they sell only to neutrals.

Tickettout will only get into this if they'll have control of a huge number of tickets.

I don't understand why the FAI wouldn't want to fill the stadium for their televised "Blue Ribband" occasion. €10/€5 for tickets and a bit of promotion would get a massive crowd into Lansdowne and benefit everyone.

Hang on - I do understand why. The FAI are a bunch of no-mark idiots who'd rather take huge salaries and do nothing but expect plaudits to roll in for the international team without them having to lift a finger because they are useless CÚNTS whose only concern is to preserve their own positions of power.

02/11/2005, 4:05 PM
I see no reason to distribute these tickets via Ticketmaster. Any neutrals will surely purchase their ticket on the day outside the ground? All the FAi have to do is distribute the allocations to the clubs themselves & ensure the clubs are responsible for deciding where to have ultra/tifo, family & VIP areas?

I have some ticketmaster forms at work if anyone needs one...although won't be in english :)

02/11/2005, 4:09 PM
you should all mail the FAI and ask them what the story is!!

02/11/2005, 6:25 PM
[EDIT: Quote and crap deleted. --adam]

i broadly agree, the clubs should get given x each and allow toutmaster sell the 'neutral' sections, my issue was the tone of the posts. its really not 'the most disgusting decision' the fai have taken, although its silly one, as someone said toutmaster only get interested if they get a monopoly. the fai website could have sold them just as easily. but it is how you sell tickets for events these days like it or not

A face
02/11/2005, 6:29 PM
but it is how you sell tickets for events these days like it or not

Ahh ... its not ??

Cork City FC for bigger matchs at the cross would get crowds of at least half of the cup final and we dont do it through ToutMaster .... or put it this way, the GAA, Munster Rugby, most English football games .... none of them are done through ToutMaster or similar !!

02/11/2005, 8:08 PM
Ahh ... its not ??

Cork City FC for bigger matchs at the cross would get crowds of at least half of the cup final and we dont do it through ToutMaster .... or put it this way, the GAA, Munster Rugby, most English football games .... none of them are done through ToutMaster or similar !!

thats not really true - loads of tickets for countless games in england and scotland on the tickettout website

what doesn't happen tho is the clubs don't give all the tickets to them,just the ones for the average joe
The club sorts out its own fans ,ticketmaster takes care of the bandwagoners and passing trade
GAA did the same - its how I got tickets for the lesser hurling matches -be sure there was no all ireland final tickets there tho

03/11/2005, 7:46 AM
From what I hear both clubs are getting an allocation of tickets and ticketmaster is getting an allocation to sell!

03/11/2005, 7:52 AM
Both clubs are getting an allocation of tickets and ticketmaster is getting an allocation to sell!

Where did ye hear this? Any more info?

03/11/2005, 7:55 AM
Both clubs are getting an allocation of tickets and ticketmaster is getting an allocation to sell!

Well that's something.
Let's hope the allocation to each club is sufficient

03/11/2005, 7:58 AM
Where did ye hear this? Any more info?
I know someone who has a contact in the FAI..

Well that's something.
Let's hope the allocation to each club is sufficient

Its lansdowne Road I'm sure clubs will get all the allocation they want

03/11/2005, 8:01 AM
Which is where the problem arises, because the FAI won't be able to guarentee tickettout enough sales to make it worth their while if they sell only to neutrals.

Tickettout will only get into this if they'll have control of a huge number of tickets.
Surely this is bull too though, considering some of the music and comedy venues they sell for?

btw for friendlies, the FAI sell the extra tickets through their own box office and ticket master.

Fans of both clubs should be organising their singing sections. Worked well for Town the last two years - tickets with your mates, sing away with no numpty part timers giving out, stand up at the back with no one behind telling you to sit down etc etc....

03/11/2005, 8:11 AM
Fans of both clubs should be organising their singing sections. Worked well for Town the last two years - tickets with your mates, sing away with no numpty part timers giving out, stand up at the back with no one behind telling you to sit down etc etc....

We're trying to get that sorted anyway but haven't heard anything back from the club yet :(

03/11/2005, 8:16 AM
Both clubs are getting an allocation of tickets and ticketmaster is getting an allocation to sell!

Hope this is true.
I don't expect an announcement any time soon though.

03/11/2005, 8:21 AM
They probably won't announce it as there's no change from previous years. Seems to be a bit of panicking over a rumour posted by some fool. There is absolutely NO WAY that clubs won't get an allocation.