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03/11/2005, 10:42 AM

Whatever was started, no matter how minor, was started by little scumbags from your side loitering in the alleys around your stadium waiting for City Fans on their own to walk by.

Do you expect people to lie on the ground and take a beating or do you expect them to defend themselves?

Exactly, if the BSC dish it out they've got to be able to take it when people defend themselves.

bohs til i die
03/11/2005, 11:43 AM

Whatever was started, no matter how minor, was started by little scumbags from your side loitering in the alleys around your stadium waiting for City Fans on their own to walk by.

Do you expect people to lie on the ground and take a beating or do you expect them to defend themselves?

thats not what I said.

Fro what I was told by a few people who were there, some Cork fans got involved when they shouldnt have. I am not making excuses for what our idiots did.

NY Hoop
03/11/2005, 12:02 PM
Why do these threads always get hijacked by Bohs v Rovers "discussions"?

A gypo started whinging:rolleyes: Another one then says that the Ultras are the troublemakers. Proof positive of their lack of knowledge.

Ask the Derry fans about how their flags were spat on when they were there last time and the stewards did nothing about it.

Hilarious too that they whinge and moan about having us as tenants but when we're gone next season they will miss our rent.

They have a new "Dalymount Trust" yet they couldn't be bothered cleaning up the mess that is the connaught st side:rolleyes:


03/11/2005, 12:34 PM
A gypo started whinging:rolleyes: Another one then says that the Ultras are the troublemakers. Proof positive of their lack of knowledge.

Whinging? :rolleyes: I was merely agreeing that stewards at Dalmount do a great job which meant an enjoyable afternoon of football (result apart) at Dalymount with a large number of visiting fans in the stand alongside 1500 Bohs fans. The only game where we have a problem is the Rovers fixture - equally to blame are the BSC and the Rovers casuals, which is a sad state of affairs that has ruined what should be the most fanatically supported Dublin derby.

Ask the Derry fans about how their flags were spat on when they were there last time and the stewards did nothing about it.

This is the first I've heard of it, but it's not like Bohs fans queue up to spit on flags at matches - there are a few idiots and we don't deny their presence but aren't happy with it. Derry fans generally seem OK with us and we with them so there's no need for this collective blame game bollócks. I've been spat on before and I take that a lot more seriously than the flag incident but this is the first time I've ever mentioned it in public.

Hilarious too that they whinge and moan about having us as tenants but when we're gone next season they will miss our rent.

What wrong with that? We hate you and you hate us. What club in Ireland doesn't need money?

They have a new "Dalymount Trust" yet they couldn't be bothered cleaning up the mess that is the connaught st side

Connaught St is only regularly used for one set of supporters and hopefully it will be replaced with a new stand... but who knows when that will happen - we're not exactly flush right now. What's the point of putting tens of thousands of Euros into a wreck with an uncertain future? The Dalymount Trust is maximising the potential of what Bohs have for the long term benefit of the club. Seriously, get over it :rolleyes:

NY Hoop
03/11/2005, 12:47 PM
Whinging? :rolleyes: I was merely agreeing that stewards at Dalmount do a great job which meant an enjoyable afternoon of football (result apart) at Dalymount with a large number of visiting fans in the stand alongside 1500 Bohs fans. The only game where we have a problem is the Rovers fixture - equally to blame are the BSC and the Rovers casuals, which is a sad state of affairs that has ruined what should be the most fanatically supported Dublin derby.

Here is your exact quote: "Funny how we can let Cork fans sing away without any problems long after the match had ended but Rovers are still crying about the time 50 or so kids were taunting them (at their home match) with "Bohs til I die", forcing them to cause a crowd crush and invade the pitch." That is whinging about a game that happened 5 months ago and has nothing to do with this thread.

Connaught St is only regularly used for one set of supporters and hopefully it will be replaced with a new stand... but who knows when that will happen - we're not exactly flush right now. What's the point of putting tens of thousands of Euros into a wreck with an uncertain future? The Dalymount Trust is maximising the potential of what Bohs have for the long term benefit of the club. Seriously, get over it :rolleyes:

Get over it?!:D

Tens of thousands? Dont think it would cost that much to clean it! You planning on using gold brushes or something?!


03/11/2005, 12:54 PM
we arent asking for a glorious stand, just lthe little things like lights and toilets. how did that stand ever pass the most basic licence application?

if its acceptible, why did you refuse to take it for our 'home' game? or allow us to switch it to tolka?

03/11/2005, 12:56 PM
you cannot charge people 3,000 people e15 to stand in an uncovered stand with 1 chip van and whine when they object.

i regularly pay €25 when I go and watch Conference North football over in England.

For that we generally get a 450 mile trip up to somewhere like Lancaster, Barrow or Workington to stand on an open terrace in the middle of winter, freezing our arses off and generally getting soaked - with no bar nearby, no toilets and no food - but we learn to put up with it because the club's cannot afford to upgrade their stadia at the moment.

We went to Grantham Town a few years back - they rent an Athletics Stadium.

The only food we could get - out of the one snackbar that was serving the whole ground was a Pot Noodle.

We learn to live with it - no use complaining - nothing can be done due to restriction of finances

03/11/2005, 1:08 PM
Here is your exact quote: "Funny how we can let Cork fans sing away without any problems long after the match had ended but Rovers are still crying about the time 50 or so kids were taunting them (at their home match) with "Bohs til I die", forcing them to cause a crowd crush and invade the pitch." That is whinging about a game that happened 5 months ago and has nothing to do with this thread.

OK - thanks for backing up my point. I picked one game that still gets more than its fair share of comments from both sides but highlights the problems faced at some matches which aren't factors for security at other matches, such as the Cork City game on Monday. Are you able to read anything posted by a "Gypo" without taking offence?

Get over it?!:D

Tens of thousands? Dont think it would cost that much to clean it! You planning on using gold brushes or something?!

If an independent group of Rovers fans had raised a considerable amount of money in a short space of time and wanted to use it productively would they spend it on cleaning an old terrace that's only used a couple of times a season and is practically condemned or would they concentrate on improving those facilties that bring more money into the club on a longer term basis?

The problem with football clubs in Ireland is that none of them have had any form of long term view to benefit the clubs. The hand to mouth (player's pocket) existence has resulted in the shambles we have today. I'm not a part of the Dalymount Trust but I'm glad they're thinking along the right lines for providing us with a future.

If a one stand Tallaght stadium opens in the near future, where will Bohs fans be housed? What basic faciltities will we have to endure? How will the game be stewarded?

Who is in charge of Rovers security these days anyway?

NY Hoop
03/11/2005, 1:21 PM
OK - thanks for backing up my point. I picked one game that still gets more than its fair share of comments from both sides but highlights the problems faced at some matches which aren't factors for security at other matches, such as the Cork City game on Monday. Are you able to read anything posted by a "Gypo" without taking offence?

If an independent group of Rovers fans had raised a considerable amount of money in a short space of time and wanted to use it productively would they spend it on cleaning an old terrace that's only used a couple of times a season and is practically condemned or would they concentrate on improving those facilties that bring more money into the club on a longer term basis?

The problem with football clubs in Ireland is that none of them have had any form of long term view to benefit the clubs. The hand to mouth (player's pocket) existence has resulted in the shambles we have today. I'm not a part of the Dalymount Trust but I'm glad they're thinking along the right lines for providing us with a future.

If a one stand Tallaght stadium opens in the near future, where will Bohs fans be housed? What basic faciltities will we have to endure? How will the game be stewarded?

Are you able to post something without referring to Rovers? Considerable amount of money?! To clean up the ground. Ever hear of a brush?

When we get to Tallaght we'll let you know then. As the ground will be built by the council ask them.


03/11/2005, 1:24 PM
So back to the original point. Cork fans are great and B.E.S.T are great. Good enough for me.

And I'm only a little bit feisty!

03/11/2005, 1:33 PM
Are you able to post something without referring to Rovers? Considerable amount of money?! To clean up the ground. Ever hear of a brush?

When we get to Tallaght we'll let you know then. As the ground will be built by the council ask them.

So what you're saying is that you have no point to make and you can't answer questions or respond to reason in a similar fashion.

You clown.

bohs til i die
03/11/2005, 2:01 PM
but do you? name one other club in this country that allowed a hooligan flag to fly and then on the clubs official website demanded it back? bear in mind you are a members club. bohs credibility on this is dubious to say the least. banned anyone recently?

i am not associated with the rovers hoolies, but the bsc flag getting lifted was hilarious. trophies come with the territory.

you are talking out of your arse

Who is in charge of Rovers security these days?

03/11/2005, 2:06 PM
Who is in charge of Rovers security these days?

These two are (http://gallery.meefo.com/images/2018.jpg)

03/11/2005, 2:09 PM
These two are

They lost the contract.
These boys (http://www.matthewbarr.co.uk/muppets/images/muppets.jpg) are in charge now...

03/11/2005, 2:10 PM
They lost the contract.
These boys (http://www.muppetcentral.com/_images/home/sections/collectibles_palisades_ss.jpg) are in charge now...

Ah yes - the "403 Forbidden" Brothers :D

03/11/2005, 2:16 PM
the "403 Forbidden" Brothers :D

Eh? :confused:

NY Hoop
03/11/2005, 2:16 PM
So what you're saying is that you have no point to make and you can't answer questions or respond to reason in a similar fashion.

You clown.

Respond to reason from you who started this nonsense?:rolleyes: I have answered your questions and was making a valid point re your ground but no you have to respond by name calling.

Next time you see me why dont you say that to my face?


bohs til i die
03/11/2005, 2:19 PM
we know our ground is a kip, but we are broke, we have absolutely no money to do anything.

Now, can any hoopp tell us who is in charge of the rovers match day security these days?

03/11/2005, 2:30 PM
*Rings up Jeremy Paxman*

"You doing anything at all this Friday night Jezza? We've got a question that we need you to ask for us..."

03/11/2005, 2:35 PM
we know our ground is a kip, but we are broke, we have absolutely no money to do anything.

Now, can any hoopp tell us who is in charge of the rovers match day security these days?

what is your obsession with our security? you want a job or something? repeating the question wont make it interesting.

we changed to goldcard (i think thats what they are called) around the time of the fans takeover. since then there have been 2 incidents involving our fans which have resulted in 10 bans.

what have your club done to curb the obvious increase in BSC activity this season? gone onto the web demanding their flag back. bohs credibility on this is less than zero.

03/11/2005, 3:10 PM
Respond to reason from you who started this nonsense?:rolleyes: I have answered your questions and was making a valid point re your ground but no you have to respond by name calling.

You haven't actually answered any questions and the "you clown" is a facetious response to your brush comment. Just for your information I've spent weekends in Dalymount power-hosing terracing and painting steps and exits. Connaught St needs structural improvements to bring it up to scratch and Bohs do not have the money to build new toilets and re-wire the stand and concourse. My point is that if it weren't for the actions of a few from both sides, Rovers fans could enjoy the same level of comfort afforded to supporters of other teams.

Next time you see me why dont you say that to my face?

Oh no, A thinly veiled threat! :rolleyes:

I'll gladly discuss all of this with you next time we meet. You might even have thought of something worth saying by then.

03/11/2005, 3:15 PM
what have your club done to curb the obvious increase in BSC activity this season? gone onto the web demanding their flag back. bohs credibility on this is less than zero.

The flag nonsense is already explained in earlier in the thread.

Bohs have bans in place on several individuals and these bans are enforced at both home and away matches. Bohs security team travels to all away matches to ensure those with bans do not get into the ground.

NY Hoop
03/11/2005, 3:20 PM
You haven't actually answered any questions and the "you clown" is a facetious response to your brush comment. Just for your information I've spent weekends in Dalymount power-hosing terracing and painting steps and exits. Connaught St needs structural improvements to bring it up to scratch and Bohs do not have the money to build new toilets and re-wire the stand and concourse. My point is that if it weren't for the actions of a few from both sides, Rovers fans could enjoy the same level of comfort afforded to supporters of other teams.

Oh no, A thinly veiled threat! :rolleyes:

I'll gladly discuss all of this with you next time we meet. You might even have thought of something worth saying by then.

I know being a gypo makes you slow but surely you could try reading my responses. You asked about Tallaght and I answered. Facetious is a big word for a gypo!

I'll see you at the next NLSA meeting then;) and if it's on in one of your bars you might use some of our rent money to turn on the heat this time!


03/11/2005, 3:22 PM
what is the capacity of the jodi?
what is the average attendance at the derby?
thats the reason we are in the connaught.
you are saying bohs cannot afford to put in toilets and lights in the second biggest stand? things must be worse than we thought.
and you havent explained why the OFFICIAL bohs website demanded the bsc flag back. why was it taken down if its all so innocent.

03/11/2005, 3:33 PM
...you havent explained why the OFFICIAL bohs website demanded the bsc flag back. why was it taken down if its all so innocent.

Does this not explain that?

The flag issue was put on the website because at the time it was thought Rovers broke into a locked area of Dalymount to get the flag - abuse of tennancy. That's now known not to be the case and no one really gives a shít.

03/11/2005, 3:38 PM
Does this not explain that?

was he not referring to gypoweb forum? thats what the link was to....

even if we accept that it still stinks of conivance between bohemians the club and bsc the hooligans.

so until that link is broken, asking questions about our security is laughable.

when was the last of the bans issued at bohs?

03/11/2005, 4:01 PM
was he not referring to gypoweb forum? thats what the
link was to....

Try this one for size...

The issue was the perceived abuse of trust by our tennents in stealing property from a secure area in Dalymount. This is also why the official website carried the story. As soon as it became clear that the flag was left lying around for anyone to find by some casual idiot the case was rightly dropped.

even if we accept that it still stinks of conivance between bohemians the club and bsc the hooligans.


when was the last of the bans issued at bohs?

Two bans were issued after the game against Pat's at Dalymount on 3rd October (I think that's the right match).

03/11/2005, 4:05 PM
Facetious is a big word for a gypo!

And "big" is a big word for a hoop.

I'll see you at the next NLSA meeting then;) and if it's on in one of your bars you might use some of our rent money to turn on the heat this time!

If you're cold next time, I'll sell you a scarf.

NY Hoop
03/11/2005, 4:12 PM
If you're cold next time, I'll sell you a scarf.[/QUOTE]

Tell you what I'll bring that flag that apparently went missing and together with the scarf we can have a nice bonfire...........


bohs til i die
03/11/2005, 4:31 PM
Philo, the bans were dished out after the 'pitch invasion' celebrating our goal against Derry back in mid september.

NY Hoop etc, The reason I ask about the Hoops security is that I witnessed an altercation at a recent hoops home game over who was and wasnt banned after you had a punch up amongst yourselves in the Brandywell and the security threatened to quit if the new hoops board didnt enforce the bans.

As for BSC activity, what they do outside Dalymount Park is no, never has been, and never will be the responsibility of Bohemian FC.

03/11/2005, 4:42 PM
Tell you what I'll bring that flag that apparently went missing and together with the scarf we can have a nice bonfire...........

That would be contrary to the ground regulations.

04/11/2005, 1:23 AM
That would be contrary to the ground regulations.

That's never stopped them before!

Remember, couple of years ago when they attacked a Bohs fan at Doyles Corner, robbed his scarf, burned it inside the ground and posted pictures of the "brave" hooped scum with the burning scarf.

That's why your over in Connaught St. like dogs in squalor!

NY Hoop
04/11/2005, 10:38 AM
That would be contrary to the ground regulations.

Cup game February 1994.

And bohs til you die thanks for coming to see the Hoops playing. Also how come the BSC scum are allowed to drink IN the dalymount bars on non match days?


bohs til i die
04/11/2005, 10:42 AM
Cup game February 1994.

And bohs til you die thanks for coming to see the Hoops playing. Also how come the BSC scum are allowed to drink IN the dalymount bars on non match days?


1. I wasnt there to watch the Hoops

2. If they drink in Dalyer, then i suggest you write to the club;s bar director or bar manager and ask them.

NY Hoop
04/11/2005, 10:48 AM
1. I wasnt there to watch the Hoops

2. If they drink in Dalyer, then i suggest you write to the club;s bar director or bar manager and ask them.

1. I believe you!

2. I'll get right on it:p


bohs til i die
04/11/2005, 10:51 AM
1. I believe you!

2. I'll get right on it:p


1. Brilliant. My life is complete now that you believe me

2. If Rovers ever get a ground of their own with a bar, will the Rovers casuals be banned from it? Will they even be banned from the ground?

NY Hoop
04/11/2005, 10:58 AM
1. Brilliant. My life is complete now that you believe me

2. If Rovers ever get a ground of their own with a bar, will the Rovers casuals be banned from it? Will they even be banned from the ground?

1. Good girl

2. The ground will never be ours. That is the previous boards fault. However it will be rent free and we will be able to fund our own bar. Can you define what a casual is? I'm going to Richmond tonight straight after work without colours. Should I be barred?

So you know the club has barred 10 individuals.


04/11/2005, 11:01 AM
1. Can we kill this thread?

2. now?

04/11/2005, 11:55 AM
Holy fúck, that's 15 minutes of my life that I can't get back. :mad:

A face
04/11/2005, 8:44 PM
Thread re-opened