View Full Version : FAI tightens licensing rules enforcement

28/10/2005, 3:03 PM
The FAI has warned that clubs who fail to gain an FAI club licence for next season will be kicked out of the league.

In the last two seasons, all 22 clubs have received their licences – the majority on appeal. Only Shamrock Rovers has had their licence revoked during the season.

Although the licensing rules stipulate that a club can be kicked out of the league if they lose their licence, Shamrock Rovers were given a points deduction instead.

Clubs have been warned that next season the rules will apply and failure to gain a licence will result in exclusion from the league.

From Breaking News (http://www.breakingnews.ie/2005/10/28/story227664.html)

Bald Student
28/10/2005, 3:11 PM
When will the rules be announced? If clubs are going to be thrown out of the league surley they should be given plenty of time to get their affairs in order. There's little point, for example, in giving a short deadline for infrastructure inprovements since it takes about a year to get something built.

28/10/2005, 3:17 PM
Will the rules not be the same as previous years ? Clubs know what they have to do and have had plenty of time to get everything in order.

28/10/2005, 5:00 PM
Clubs have been warned that next season the rules will apply and failure to gain a licence will result in exclusion from the league.

From Breaking News (http://www.breakingnews.ie/2005/10/28/story227664.html)

Yeah right - like that'll EVER happen... :rolleyes:

pineapple stu
30/10/2005, 6:53 PM
If they organise this the same way as last year, this wlil be an unmitigated disaster. Clubs should already know what needs to be done for next season - anyone able to confirm if they do? There should be two deadlines - an internal deadline when the FAI can inspect current standings and advise on what needs to be done, and then a final deadline, when licences are handed out. This is an improvement process, not a punishment process. God knows what'll really happen though...

Bald Student
30/10/2005, 7:01 PM
Will the rules not be the same as previous years ? Clubs know what they have to do and have had plenty of time to get everything in order.
The rules the previous two years were very different from each other so noone knows wheather or not they'll change again. Clubs have an idea of what they'll probably have to do but there's no certainty about anything. Legal and financial documents can be got in order in a month or two but infrastructural requirements need longer. A deadline of a few months to make changes to your stadium is too short.

A face
31/10/2005, 1:15 AM
Will the rules not be the same as previous years ?

Probably not ... they have been changing ever years since it started.

Clubs know what they have to do and have had plenty of time to get everything in order.

Ahh ... hello ..... one club failed last year because the wrong colour pen was used ... something that wasn't stated anywhere !!! :eek:

There is no guidance or clairifcation given during the whole process, if that improves then fair enough, but if not ..... then the powers that be has better start sharing some of the blame if the process doesn't work properly.

And this year ... i think clubs should tell the media early and not have the licence committee go to the papers and land a bomb in the clubs laps again !! kunts