View Full Version : Ground lease

fc hammer
28/10/2005, 10:35 AM
whats the story with the lease on Hogan Park? Nobody is saying anything about it.. Are we been taken for yet another ride !

The Stars
28/10/2005, 10:50 AM
who are ye renting it off anyway?Would ye not be better off just to buy it and develop the ground.

28/10/2005, 12:12 PM
I was surpirsed this took so long to appear here actually. We don't have a lease on the ground at the moment anyway which is a bit misleading compared to what we were told earlier in the year by some sources.

That said I don't think that the situation is anywhere near as desperate as the media would have us believe. I think it will resolved one way or the other pretty soon. Personally I hope we stay put.

The Stars
28/10/2005, 12:20 PM
in fairness,hogan park has some potential....plenty of space to biuld up a stand both sides of the pitch and another shed like stand behind the other goals

28/10/2005, 7:37 PM
Great potential, but lets be honest, what a sh!t hole! I mean it's a sad state of affairs when you have to be worrying about your car getting broken into/scratched/vandalised while you're at a game. A purpose built safe car park near the ground will have to be developed in the future if the club plans to stay put there. You can be sure that the ground itself will be broken into several more times in the future as well. Hogan Park has great potential if you open it up at the county side. Build a proper car park out there and a proper stand and it's a different prospect. Continuing with the current access through the housing estate just isn't going to work long term IMO.

28/10/2005, 10:57 PM
Don't have a clue about yer situation.
Never been to a match in Lim but where is yer proper ground?
Is it the one next to train station?

The Stars
29/10/2005, 12:04 PM
No its another one.The one at the train staition is used by local Junior teams

29/10/2005, 12:48 PM
Ah right. Looks like it was a decent ground at some stage.

LFC in Exile
01/11/2005, 8:07 AM
Great potential, but lets be honest, what a sh!t hole! I mean it's a sad state of affairs when you have to be worrying about your car getting broken into/scratched/vandalised while you're at a game. A purpose built safe car park near the ground will have to be developed in the future if the club plans to stay put there. You can be sure that the ground itself will be broken into several more times in the future as well. Hogan Park has great potential if you open it up at the county side. Build a proper car park out there and a proper stand and it's a different prospect. Continuing with the current access through the housing estate just isn't going to work long term IMO.

Absolutely. But I think the club know all these things and that is why they talk about potential for development at Rathbane. Nobody thinks the ground in its current state is anywhere near acceptable for the long term.:ball: