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27/10/2005, 7:54 PM
Lads its funny listening to all the fans of other clubs slating bohs and their new stand without knowing the history abt it.Its even funnier hearing that we sold off the land to build this poxy stand. That tramway end was sold abt8 -9 years ago all of it i might add by the old regime at the club.This money was used to build the jodi and that was that or so we thought. The developers ****ed up and didnt buy enough ground to access their develepment.This came to light a number of years ago.Since them different negotiations have taken place and the club got back from the builder the land you see that stand on together with the undertaking to build it at NO COST to the club. On top of this we have and still will recieve substantial compensation from the builder fairly big money and enough to increase its size to as btid said 800. So there you have it a deal was done years ago and on the back of it bohs have built the best stand in the league and will build another one with proper corporate facilities behind the goal. I suppose thats a lot to slag about when you think about it. Oh and for those who are woried about a reduced capacity we still have the connaught st side which will fall down or be demolished giving us the room to build anything from a 2000 to a 5000 capacity stand depending on the needs. No bother as you lot think its easy to do:)

A face
27/10/2005, 8:24 PM

First post .... and well made sir !! :)

27/10/2005, 8:27 PM
...Since them different negotiations have taken place and the club got back from the builder the land you see that stand on together with the undertaking to build it at NO COST to the club.

Have you seen the plans and not just the model? I have.

When they say we reclaimed some of the land sold I can only say I'm fúcking relieved at that - they originally sold part of the pitch! 25ft to be exact. This is not waste ground or crumbling terrace - the previous board sold everything PLUS 25ft of playing surface. 20ft has been reclaimed through negotiations, giving Bohs an overall loss of 5 feet of PITCH. What guarantee do we have that anything will be built at all? Property developers are well know bastions of honesty and fair play as everyone knows. This is an example of a league club and its supporters having the píss ripped from inside as well as outside.

anto eile
27/10/2005, 8:43 PM
Shelbourne F.C is one of the few progessive Eircom League clubs. We have plans for a new stadium. A proper stadium. Not the sheets of galvanise you muppets are throwing together.
haha :D you have plans.youre well sorted so! hilarious

anto eile
27/10/2005, 8:47 PM
Have you seen the plans and not just the model? I have.

When they say we reclaimed some of the land sold I can only say I'm fúcking relieved at that - they originally sold part of the pitch! 25ft to be exact. This is not waste ground or crumbling terrace - the previous board sold everything PLUS 25ft of playing surface. 20ft has been reclaimed through negotiations, giving Bohs an overall loss of 5 feet of PITCH. What guarantee do we have that anything will be built at all? Property developers are well know bastions of honesty and fair play as everyone knows. This is an example of a league club and its supporters having the píss ripped from inside as well as outside.
what do you mean when you say youve lost 5 feet of pitch?thats confusing what with this new stand being where the shopping centre end is. or is the new stand getting built right on the goalline or something

27/10/2005, 8:52 PM
Shelbourne F.C is one of the few progessive Eircom League clubs. We have plans for a new stadium. A proper stadium. Not the sheets of galvanise you muppets are throwing together.

As most clubs have plans for stadiums that could take years to build you will forgive me if I wait till you move into the thing before passing judgement.

As for being a progressive club, If Shels and their practices equals progression then progression is seriously over-rated

pineapple stu
27/10/2005, 11:26 PM
20ft has been reclaimed through negotiations, giving Bohs an overall loss of 5 feet of PITCH.
:confused: :eek:

to put in say 600 seats, rather than 400, wouldn't actually cost a whole lot more.
Who's paying for this stand - Bohs or the developers? If the latter - as I am led to believe it is - then the capacity is irrelevant. Bohs are getting a stand wihch looks better than the condemned end for free. They currently have no capacity problems anyway, so there are no problems...?

27/10/2005, 11:47 PM
Questioning the prudence of having such a small stand and corporate boxes at one end of a ground does not equate to an attack on Bohs. If my own club came up with a similar plan I'd be raising the same points. (cue rather predictable 'you don't even own your ground' retorts...)

Paranoia and/or cynicism does not alter the fact that the proposal seems to be of questionable sense to most poeople on this thread - incl a number of Bohs fans...

28/10/2005, 12:04 AM
well you have no say and it affects you in no way.
Glad to see your so concerned about the big club and the home of Irish football ;)

Student Mullet
28/10/2005, 1:38 AM
Glad to see your so concerned about the big club and the home of Irish football ;)That's the whole point. About 20 meters of the home of irish football is lost never to be gotten back. This development means that Dayler will never again be Irelands premier soccer ground and that Bohs are consolidating themselves as a smaller club.

bohs til i die
28/10/2005, 7:00 AM
That's the whole point. About 20 meters of the home of irish football is lost never to be gotten back. This development means that Dayler will never again be Irelands premier soccer ground and that Bohs are consolidating themselves as a smaller club.


The plans show the corporate boxes to be 3.7 metres wide by 17 metres long. I don’t believe the stand can extend the full width of the pitch because of floodlight positioning and also for access purposes. Access to it will only be from either the Connaught street side or the Jodi side. It may not be the 2000 seat stand we’d all like to see but we need a bit of realism on this.

Bohs sold the entire Shopping centre end in the mid 90’s, which was done to pay for the redevelopment of the main stand, the Jodi as it is known today. It seems that the current regime have reclaimed land as part of the 2nd deal.

Some land may be lost forever but I don’t think It is that big an issue. This happened almost 10 year ago. A stand with corporate facilities or a huge empty terrace that was condemned year ago? Which is better. It might not be a preferable solution but its better then having somebody’s kitchen overlooking the 6 yard box.

28/10/2005, 8:29 AM
its better then having somebody’s kitchen overlooking the 6 yard box.

Unless you happen to live there :D

28/10/2005, 9:07 AM
well you have no say and it affects you in no way.
Glad to see your so concerned about the big club and the home of Irish football ;)

Cheer up BohsFans and stop being so defensive.

It may surprise you to hear that you don't have to be a supporter of Bohemians to have a genuine interest in what happens to the club or Dalymount. Particularly so in my case - as I'd like to see Dalymount used for Cup Finals/neutral semis again in future.

28/10/2005, 10:09 AM

The plans show the corporate boxes to be 3.7 metres wide by 17 metres long. I don’t believe the stand can extend the full width of the pitch because of floodlight positioning and also for access purposes. Access to it will only be from either the Connaught street side or the Jodi side. It may not be the 2000 seat stand we’d all like to see but we need a bit of realism on this.

Bohs sold the entire Shopping centre end in the mid 90’s, which was done to pay for the redevelopment of the main stand, the Jodi as it is known today. It seems that the current regime have reclaimed land as part of the 2nd deal.

Some land may be lost forever but I don’t think It is that big an issue. This happened almost 10 year ago. A stand with corporate facilities or a huge empty terrace that was condemned year ago? Which is better. It might not be a preferable solution but its better then having somebody’s kitchen overlooking the 6 yard box.

I do not believe any kind of stand will be built until I see it with my own eyes. I also know we've had the wool pulled over our eyes several times already on this matter. 4 rows of seats and tiny corporate boxes behind a goal is a joke. How are facilities going to be provided for those boxes. What about the catering area that was originally talked about? Will there be facilities in the stand or will everyone have to walk to Connaught St for a slash in the dark? Will Burdock's set up a new outlet in the corner to feed the corprate guests? What about the well for the pitch? Just because it's marginally better than having a row of kitchen windows behind the goal doesn't make it ok. This whole sorry saga has gotten progressively worse for Dalymount as a football venue. If you plan small, you'll stay small.

bohs til i die
28/10/2005, 11:25 AM
I do not believe any kind of stand will be built until I see it with my own eyes. I also know we've had the wool pulled over our eyes several times already on this matter. 4 rows of seats and tiny corporate boxes behind a goal is a joke. How are facilities going to be provided for those boxes. What about the catering area that was originally talked about? Will there be facilities in the stand or will everyone have to walk to Connaught St for a slash in the dark? Will Burdock's set up a new outlet in the corner to feed the corprate guests? What about the well for the pitch? Just because it's marginally better than having a row of kitchen windows behind the goal doesn't make it ok. This whole sorry saga has gotten progressively worse for Dalymount as a football venue. If you plan small, you'll stay small.

But that plan shows what the builder will do. Any further plans are for the club to sort.

WHether it gets built or not is not the discussion. This is a plan that was submitted for planning permission.

We cannot plan anything bigger because we dont have the space to. We dont own the land.

28/10/2005, 12:13 PM
As far as I can tell "we" didn't plan anything - and that's what makes me mad. Just because the deal was done years ago doesn't mean I agree with what was done and what is going to be done. My belief is that inferior facilities are worse than no facilities when it comes to planning for a future.
I also don't believe what we're seeing is what will be built. Why can't floodlight pylons be incorporated into the stand? They are in may other grounds. I'm not saying anything can be changed now - the damage has already been done. Doesn't mean I'm happy about it. I just want to question the motives of successive regimes who've screwed their own club through either personal greed or total lack of backbone.

01/11/2005, 11:58 AM
I think all this means Dalymounts lomng term future is seriously in doubt. Even if the Connaught street side was redeveloped i would think there would be serious objections from residents so even a 3000 seater stand like the Jodi would be hard to get. The long term capcity of Dalymount seems to be around the 6000-7000 seater which isn't much.

Bohs for Blanchardstown?

pineapple stu
01/11/2005, 12:33 PM
When is any club going to be getting an average of anywhere near 7000? And don't blag Cork's 8000+ average gate... There's no point planning for expansion over 7000 unless your average crowd is at least 5000.

NY Hoop
01/11/2005, 12:35 PM
I think all this means Dalymounts lomng term future is seriously in doubt. Even if the Connaught street side was redeveloped i would think there would be serious objections from residents so even a 3000 seater stand like the Jodi would be hard to get. The long term capcity of Dalymount seems to be around the 6000-7000 seater which isn't much.

Bohs for Blanchardstown?

The connaught st side holds almost 4,000 seats now. There are just over 8,000 seats in the ground now.


01/11/2005, 12:52 PM
The connaught st side holds almost 4,000 seats now. There are just over 8,000 seats in the ground now.

Any redevloped connaught st side would be seriously reduced. just adding a roof would lower the capacity a lot as residents won't allow any higher than is now.

Student Mullet
01/11/2005, 1:57 PM
Any redevloped connaught st side would be seriously reduced. just adding a roof would lower the capacity a lot as residents won't allow any higher than is now.That's probably not correct as Dalymount is not the biggest building in the area.

It makes sence for Dalymount to be improved at some stage because a bigger ground will be needed in Dublin when Tolka is demolished.

Block G Raptor
01/11/2005, 2:42 PM
Like I said earlier It will be more esthetically pleasing but as we are struggling to fill the jodi as is an extra 400 free empty seats fcuk it why not
and if there is provision to extend it then all well and good but as outlined in the if you were marketing director....thread radical steps have to be taken if the league is ever to reach a stage where the club needs to/can afford to extend it

anto eile
01/11/2005, 6:51 PM
on the subject of dalyer capacity. theres 3750 seats on connacht st side.2742 in jodi,and about 1400 in the shed. its conceivabe that dalymount could be developed into a 10000 seater
2742 jodi
400 shooping centre
1500 in a renovated shed
5500 in redeveloped full-length connacht st stand;which would actually be lower in height than it currently is as the 3750 seats all run along just half of the pitch
unlikely to happen anytime soon but like i say,the rooms there for 10000 comfortable seats