View Full Version : Clive Clarke, Davey Connolly, Andy Reid

23/10/2005, 6:50 PM
Any idea on the whereabouts of Clive Clarke, Wavey Davey Connolly and Andy Reid?

23/10/2005, 6:52 PM
Andy Reid scored for Spur reserves yesterday!!

23/10/2005, 8:05 PM
do you think Jol rates Reid ?

23/10/2005, 8:35 PM
Hard to say. I think he's trying too hard to accomadate Carrick, Jenas and Davids but that doesn't explain why Ried's not even on the bench. He had a stormer last week for the reserves apparently. I would've thought that would gaurentee him a place on the bench at the very least.

23/10/2005, 10:13 PM
Reid needs to lose 2 stone & then maybe he can last for more than 60 minutes in top games.

24/10/2005, 2:21 AM
I knew, but he wasn't on the bench on Saturday so I was wondering had anyone heard anything behind it or was he just dropped.

24/10/2005, 7:56 AM
that guy lennon has taken reids place. and one can see why. he's a right little nipper.

24/10/2005, 8:39 AM
I posted here ages ago that Jol didn't rate Reid. Reid was signed by Frank Arneson, and forced on Jol. Now that Arneson has gone, expect Reid to be sold in January, along with Robbie Keane. Stephen Kelly like to be sold also to eithelr West Ham, Fulham or Charlton.

24/10/2005, 5:48 PM
I'd expect Reid to be taken up by another Premiership club if he is sold, he clearly has the quality.

I don't agree with this lack of fitness thing either, I've never seen him struggle to make the 90 minutes. He is just a stocky lad, and will always appear to be carrying a few pounds, but it doesn't affect his performance.


24/10/2005, 6:13 PM
Reid has to get in shape alright. he is very stagnent on the pitch and i think he is a bit over rated.

24/10/2005, 6:20 PM
I've never seen him struggle to make the 90 minutes.

In all the internationals in last 6 months he has great first half but after 60 minutes tires badly which leads to missed passes & lapses in concentration. He may be stocky but he is not fit enough for top class football.