View Full Version : Nolan's Gesture

Kerry Blue
21/10/2005, 10:50 PM
I was absolutely apalled by Jamie Nolan's behaviour tonight as he was being substituted against Sligo. To make such an obscene gesture towards the Limerick fans in the Shed was completely uncalled for and inexcusable. He was a disgrace to the Limerick jersey in the immature and disrespectful way he left the field after another terrible display by him on the field of play. I trust that NOC has the balls to ensure that Nolan never again dons the blue of Limerick and that our chairman will to see fit that Nolan leaves the club immediately. We can well do without a person like this in the squad.:mad:

Ps: I thought we should have won tonight. We certainly deserved to.

21/10/2005, 11:26 PM
Ok I wasn't at the game tonight, (btw thanks for doing us Ramblers a favour, hopefully we can take advantage) but cast your minds back to when we played you last month, I thought the cheering of the player in question when he was subbed was ott. I can understand a fans frustration if a player is deemed to not be pulling his weight. But remember there are very very few players that go out on to a pitch and deliberately perform badly, I can only imagine that Jamie Nolan is as frustrated as you the fans but perhaps his reaction is understandable because to an extent this is a very one sided argument as so many fans can hide behind one another and deliver verbal abuse to a player (yet many will never say it to a players face) and yet a lone players reaction to abuse from the crowd gets such a reaction??
Remember players are the same as us, they have work/relations/family/health problems and are still expected to perform?
I have the greatest of respect for any part time player in this league, I have no respect for many of the over paid, over rated prima donnas across the water.

22/10/2005, 12:02 AM
What did he do?

22/10/2005, 2:28 PM
Ok I wasn't at the game tonight, (btw thanks for doing us Ramblers a favour, hopefully we can take advantage) but cast your minds back to when we played you last month, I thought the cheering of the player in question when he was subbed was ott.

Ok thats harping back a bit too far and this has been dealt with.

I can only imagine that Jamie Nolan is as frustrated as you the fans but perhaps his reaction is understandable

ehhh no bloody way mate a player should never ever gesture to the fans especially as those fans pay his wages and when those fans were applading him off, and there were a few hundred kids in the shed too (which was great to see) now as you say you wernt there and you can only imagine but take it from us who were there and dont have to imagine!

What did he do?

He stuck his finger up to the fans in the shed (bout 250)as he was being subbed, even those who think he is good were apalled by him. Many fans showed their maturity in not responding to him. But the club saw it too and have dealt with it.
Good game i thought and the first 15 mins of the second half we could have hit 5, but good game and good vibe there too i thought.

22/10/2005, 2:55 PM
Good game i thought and the first 15 mins of the second half we could have hit 5, but good game and good vibe there too i thought.I heard we could have been 4-0 up in the first half, were we that good? and then sh!t in the second?:confused:

22/10/2005, 2:59 PM
I heard we could have been 4-0 up in the first half, were we that good? and then sh!t in the second?:confused:

no ye were good but a few of the sligo lads were there and they will post no doubt once they get back up to sligo. You see we only score into the shed so it was only a matter of time before we got better and ye worse.

22/10/2005, 3:43 PM
Did anybody see the spitting incident that occured just after his V sign..
this just shows a total lack of respect for managment / teammates and fans of Limerick FC.

His Petulant outburst proves that this young fool is well out of his dept in playing league of Ireland football.

Lets hope this is the last time we see this waster put on a Limerick shirt..let Chris Jones take over and let the goals flow.

22/10/2005, 5:41 PM
Well if he did that (wasn't at the game last night) he deserves to be boo'd everytime he plays from here on in. CP O'Brien was a waster as well, and look how that idiot ended up. Nolan has no future at Limerick because only the delusional at the club have any respect from him now. That probably includes Noel O'Connor though....:D

fc hammer
23/10/2005, 8:16 AM
I was absolutely apalled by Jamie Nolan's behaviour tonight as he was being substituted against Sligo. To make such an obscene gesture towards the Limerick fans in the Shed was completely uncalled for and inexcusable. He was a disgrace to the Limerick jersey in the immature and disrespectful way he left the field after another terrible display by him on the field of play. I trust that NOC has the balls to ensure that Nolan never again dons the blue of Limerick and that our chairman will to see fit that Nolan leaves the club immediately. We can well do without a person like this in the squad.:mad:

Ps: I thought we should have won tonight. We certainly deserved to.

Fair play to him!! pity he did'nt do a cantana??and jump the wall and give 1 or 2 of you a few slaps as well!!!

23/10/2005, 8:21 AM
Fair play to him!! pity he did'nt do a cantana??and jump the wall and give 1 or 2 of you a few slaps as well!!!I think you'll find it was "Cantona"..................Anyway couldn't make the game last night so has anyone got the official attendance for Fri. nights fixture, was it above / below or the usual crowd.

LFC in Exile
24/10/2005, 8:52 AM
As someone who has stuck up for Nolan at times I have to say I am disappointed but hardly surprised. I do not condone it but do understand why it happened.

On a general note - not just referring to Nolan incident - i think football supporters are funny they way they take umbrage at gestures by footballers. The same people that roar abuse (sometimes quite offensive stuff) often become like little old women so easily offended. A few hundred kids in the shed mentioned below - who presumably were deaf to the bad language and sheep sha gging comments earlier but were traumatised by one gesture. These are not full time footballers and, just like any of us, would get completely fed up at constant criticism.

That said he should not have done it - not so much because it was such a horrible thing to do but rather because he has provided more ammunition and he would have been better served by keeping his head.

24/10/2005, 9:17 AM
Fair play to him!! pity he did'nt do a cantana??and jump the wall and give 1 or 2 of you a few slaps as well!!!

Exactly!! The supporters have been giving him a hard time since he went to Limerick. And how come no mention of the 2 thugs who tried to jump the railings on the way to the dressing rooms so that they could get at him.

Lim till i die
24/10/2005, 9:38 AM
Exactly!! The supporters have been giving him a hard time since he went to Limerick. And how come no mention of the 2 thugs who tried to jump the railings on the way to the dressing rooms so that they could get at him.

Yawn....... what planet are some of you people on. I'm not going to start crying because some no mark stuck up their finger at me, I've had far worse insults from far better people. But the fact reamains, when Jamie Nolan stuck up his finger at a largely appreciative shed he showed a LACK OF RESPECT for the club, when Jamie Nolan spat at the fans by the dug out, he showed a LACK OF RESPECT for the club and when Jamie Nolan ripped off his Limerick jersey on his way to the dressing room he showed a LACK OF RESPECT for the club. If a player of such startling mediocrity carried on the same way to the shed below in his beloved Turner's Cross (I'm assuming hes homesick folks) his feet wouldn't touch the ground on the way out ;)

What Jamie Nolan needs to do now is try to understand that the Cobh incident was a culmination of a number of frustrations, it happened, it was regretable, we all tried to move on. What Jamie also needs to understand is that the minority which was the boo boys in the Shed Friday night are most likely the same clowns who give Noel Mooney constant and frankly baffling abuse. Why doesn't Noel (who would be far more justified) go off on one? He has a little thing called class Jamie ;)

What Jamie Nolan has to do now is apologise publicly to all of the people he has offended who are involved with this fine club that he disgraced Friday night. It might also be an idea for him to get himself and his fan clubs selective hearing checked out as their doesn't seem to be any foaming at the mouth posts on here when the real fans (believe it or not we exist :eek: ) praise him for effort

Of Course on the other hand I suppose he could just kung-fu kick everyone :rolleyes:

declan hide
24/10/2005, 9:43 AM
Exactly!! The supporters have been giving him a hard time since he went to Limerick. And how come no mention of the 2 thugs who tried to jump the railings on the way to the dressing rooms so that they could get at him.

gaidin...youre either danny or dannys pal or a friend of nolan.

i was right next to the railings and no-one tried to jump it. its phsyically impossible anyway. nolan spat in their direction as he left the field following his finger to the shed gesture. damien was among those fans he spat towards - is he limericks biggest supporter? did he deserve that?. 2 of the lads moved in the dirction of nolan to fcuk him out of it. then danny runs over and tells them to shut up or get the fcuk out. nice one danny. you sure know how to behave like a chairman. did danny go to the dressing room and fcuk nolan out of it? worse that anything poor mcgauley ever did.

the supporters have been giving him a hard time since he has given up putting the required effort in. and thats our right. but nolan has been hearing encouragement as giving out as well.

even NOC is coping onto him.

24/10/2005, 9:51 AM
damien was among those fans he spat towards - is he limericks biggest supporter? did he deserve that?.

Did say anything abusive to Nolan? If he didnt then NO. If he did then YES.

LFC in Exile
24/10/2005, 10:05 AM
I absolutely agree with Lim til I die. My post was not defending Nolan - I said he was wrong to do it. There is a double standard however and I always laugh when I hear of appalled and outraged football fans when a player does something when they just have to observe what goes on around them on the terrace to hear and see far worse. That's what I was responding to.

Nolan should publicly apologise, and if he refuses should be shown the door. I think most fans would accept an apology and accept that frustration played a huge part and the incident at the Cobh game (while we say its over move on - its more difficult I am sure for the target of the abuse to say its over, move on). there are a lot of Limerick supporters unwilling to forget and move on in relation to other incidents.

As regards the spitting. Doesn't matter what was said to him - spitting is beyond the pale IMO. And if Damien had said something to him that still doesn't justify spitting towards him. As Lim til I die says - no class. :ball:

24/10/2005, 10:06 AM
Was not at the match on Friday, but heres my twopence worth :

Any Player who spits or gives an abusive gesture at fans should never wear a Limerick Shirt again.That's an absolute disgrace. He was lucky to get out of the griound alive, I'd Say.

Anyway he is just plain useless :D so he would be no loss if he never plays again for us.


Lim till i die
24/10/2005, 11:59 AM
Any Player who spits or gives an abusive gesture at fans should never wear a Limerick Shirt again.That's an absolute disgrace. He was lucky to get out of the griound alive, I'd Say.


Now, now John I'd say you saw far worse watching the egg-chasers :D

Still, point taken

Lim Till I Die (Absolutely shocked at finding himself join LFCIE as the voice of reason) :eek: :)

declan hide
24/10/2005, 12:03 PM
the boo-ing the other night wasnt anywhere near as bad as the boo-ing he got the last night out. if he cant take stick then he should give the game up completely. even 5 a sides amongst friends.

nolan showed no fight on the pitch yet when he was taken off he decided he wanted to take all the supporters on.

i was thinking to myself what would damien richardson think of this? then i realised richardson probably doesnt even know who nolan is. i mean if steve o flynn couldnt get on at cork - nolan hasnt a snowballs chance in hell.

we played some good stuff it he second half and could have won it. but still...how the club let cosgrave, mcarthy and o'mahoney go is baffling.

declan hide
24/10/2005, 12:06 PM

do you still think nolan is doing the right thing on the pitch? surely not?

24/10/2005, 12:56 PM
I wasn't at the game on Friday night either and from the sound of it I picked a hell of a game to make my first home one to miss this year. Anyway, my tuppence worth...

As far as Nolan giving the finger... a bit silly and what have you but I wouldn't cry too hard over it. Totally agree with LFCIE, if people can dish it out they should be able to take it. Nolan would have been better off keeping his head down and ignoring things because this whole incident will hardly do him any favours with anybody but if that had been all that happened I'd have hardly considered it worth a thread.

Spitting at support though... especially when that support was far removed from the area where the booing seems to have started... that's not just silly and petulant, it doesn't say much about the way he was brought up in general. I'm aware that he's only 19 and lost his head in the heat of the moment but that action is going to have alienated a lot of people who would otherwise have been quite sympathetic to him.

End of story... there's only a few games left, he's on loan, I can't imagine that he's going to be going anywhere before the season ends but if he is brought back after this (coupled with the fact that he's been an ineffective luxury pretty much all year) I think that there'd be plenty eyebrows raised. Bring CP O'Brien back ultimately didn't work out and I think Nolan may have burned his bridge the other night.

I have no intention of booing him at any point between now and seasons end but I'd be hard pressed to offer much in the way of encouragement either. He'll return to Cork at season's end and if he does harness his undoubted talent and make it there I have no doubt he'll get a few digs in at Limerick's expense when he gets the opportunity. That would be acceptable, even understandable. Ditto for the frustrated one finger salute.

But spitting... I'd like to think he'd take it back if he could but either way it said a lot about him.

Roll on Dublin City anyone? :ball:

24/10/2005, 2:08 PM
Roll on Dublin City anyone? :ball:

i take it your asking me? :p when is the match on anyway?

Lim till i die
24/10/2005, 3:05 PM
i take it your asking me? :p when is the match on anyway?

According to Dublin Citys website its on Saturday with a 7.30 kick off. I assume this nugget of information has earned me the front seat in the car (SLK take note) :p :D

26/10/2005, 10:32 AM
Didn't go to the Sligo game, haven't been to any of the previous two before that, and probably won't go til the end of the season to be honest, or possibly even ever again as a proper Limerick supporter. This whole season has turned me off Limerick FC big time, in fairness I must mention that this was only my third season supporting the club. But the whole Danny Drew escapade that is still on-going, the Derek McCarthy thing, the Mike Kerley sacking, Noel's style of football, CP O'Brien, CP Mark 2 (thats you Nolan) and just the whole sourness and negative attitude of everyone involved with the club this year, from Danny to Jamie Nolan to myself really isn't in anyway entertaining for me. I mean when its a choice between watching Corrie or going to a home match, and there isn't much doubt in your mind that you'll be watching Danny Baldwin on a Friday night then I think you know its time to call it quits!

But as regards to Jamie Nolan, spitting in the direction, or in front of fans shows a complete lack of respect for ALL supporters, and Danny telling supporters to shut up or be kicked out shows a complete lack of respect for ALL supporters, end of story. How anyone can 100% endorse a club run by this farce of a human being is beyond me

LFC in Exile
26/10/2005, 11:52 AM
How anyone can 100% endorse a club run by this farce of a human being is beyond me

Thats the thing with being a football fan. Nobody endorses their club 100%. Its strange that this season has turned you off while the previous two didn't. But fair play for homesty I guess. :ball:

26/10/2005, 3:15 PM
I agree with jebus. I think the carry on at the club has been a joke this season. There was a honeymoon period at the start where things were promised, the squad was big and competition for places was rife, people were willing to give NOC a second chance and nobody really knew much about our new owner Danny Drew. Less than half way through the season things went sour, and now almost at the end the whole impression of the club is a shambles.

In that time we have learned that NOC hasn't changed one bit, still has a problem regarding personality clashes with players (and always the good ones), and can't manage for sh!t. As I said before, he doesn't know the difference between a tic-tac and a tactic. His football is utter rubbish. Absolutely useless. He's a butcher alright, that's for fcukin sure! :rolleyes: .

We have also learned that our chairman is a bit of a maverick, has no people skills and wouldn't know manners if they slapped him across the face. He may have business acumen and a nose for making money, but he needs to learn the ropes of running a football club by taking a back seat because he is out of his depth in football matters. His treatment of LFC supporters and certain players, especially Tom McGauley will not be forgotton. Him coming on these boards giving verbals, and then seeking the identities of posters at matches is both sad and pathetic and proves my point above perfectly. He'd do well now to disappear into the background and hand the chairmanship over to a real football man who knows his stuff, because otherwise attendances aren't going to get any better.

The whole Jamie Nolan thing has capped things off really. Fans have a right to jeer a player if they feel he is not putting in the effort. The player does not have a right to stick his fingers up at the fans and spit in their collective faces. The fans pay to watch Nolan and indirectly pay his wages. That's how football works. Nolan is paid to play, not to disrespect, insult or bite the hand that feeds him.

On the plus side I think Kieran Judge is one of the few people to come out with praise this season. He has done a fine job, and also assembled a very talanted U21 panel. He has also conducted himself very well throughout the season. It's guys like him that the club need. Bernard O'Neill has also improved the PR of the club, although it could be a lot better. But other than that, the whole thing stinks. I haven't been at the last few home games either, partly because I was away in Cyprus following Ireland, because of work, but also because like jebus I'm just turned off the whole thing. There are many more like me, so keep it up lads..... :rolleyes:

26/10/2005, 4:45 PM
what incident at the cobh game?

27/10/2005, 9:57 PM
hey 4tothefloor, you've already got my vote for post of the month..brilliant stuff..coulndn't agree with you more.enough said

31/10/2005, 2:22 AM
Ive read the Limerick posts all year........ive even been to a few of the games, and, until now I have refused to become a member and make comments ....... but never in my life have I seen such harsh treatment from fans to a player in all my years involved in the league of Ireland. Jamie Nolan is an extremely talented footballer, he has a very intelligent footballing brain and is technically sound.
The fact of the matter is, the majority of you dont understand the game properly. Jamie gets the ball knocked over his head every week....he shrugs his shoulders (because he knows no player has the ability to get the ball to his feet) and jogs on. This is what the first division is about, Jamie came from Cork City, where they actually emphasised to players the general concepts of the game, and played with technically good players who were at the same level as he was. In the first division you dont need to be technically sound to be successful, you only need a big physique and a big heart. Jamie Nolan doesn't have the heart to play in the first division......it is clear that he doesnt really want to play for Limerick F.C. The manager should have recognised this form the start and sent him home where he could of continued his education with cork city.......its the manager you should be booing not jamie.....the only thing jamie nolan is being educated on is how to chase a shadow for ninety minutes.
Futhermore; its obvious jamie has a lot to learn about football and the way he conducts himself on and off the pitch in relation to the game but you want to turn around and judge jamie as a person, as a human being, jamie is how old? 20? 21? he is playing in a shambolic league, with mediocre players, getting booed every week by the fans and has a manager who doesn't understand "ball" in the word football and you want to turn around and make judgements on him personally or on the way he was brought up? id give the finger too if I had to put up with that in my playing days.

31/10/2005, 1:59 PM
No offence neutral but to come on with a post like that as your first post I would think you are a) Jamie Nolan b) Danny Drew or c) started watching football this year, because anyone who says Jamie Nolan is an extremely talented footballer, he has a very intelligent footballing brain and is technically sound seriously hasn't got a clue about football in general, I doubt even the staunchest Nolan supporter would come out with a remark like that.

Its strange that this season has turned you off while the previous two didn't

I think the reason for that LFC In Exile is that last season and in the 2003 season there was more of a community feel I suppose to LFC. In general I don't go to Eircom League games for the flowing football or silky skills, its more to do with having a laugh at the games and supporting your team, I think thats the only way to get new supporters into the Eircom League itself. So when I started going in 2003, it was a laugh, I started getting behind the team, Mike Kerley had LFC playing as attractive as is possible at this level and there was a good community spirit about the team (despite the shoody running of the club by O'Sullivan and co.). It probably helped a lot that I started going at the same time that LFC had signed up players like Stephen O'Flynn and Brendan Sweeney and the like of Finny, Keating, Pat Purcell and John Healy (what can I say, I always liked the guy) were playing.

Then when 2004 became such a tragedy of a season money wise, it was still easy to go up for three simple reasons, I still had a laugh at the games, Mike Kerley was still trying to play attractive on the ground football and the players who were there were at least passionate about playing for the club (CP excluded obviously). The community spirit was still there, and if anything had become stronger because of the hard times Limerick Football Club were facing.

This year then got off to a bad start before a football had even been kicked in my opinion. I had heard enough about Noel O'Connor to realise that bringing him back to manage the club would be a disaster that everyone wanted to avoid, apart from Danny Drew. So when Drew sacked Kerley (who was, and still is, one of the better managerial options at this level in this country if you ask me) and brought in Noel it really set the tone of 'I'm right, if you don't like it then tough' attitude that the chairman has taken with the LFC support this year. If any of you can recall, myself and Nempton in particular were very vocal about this before the season had even begun, we were called moaners at the time, but that dedication to complaining :p seems to be the norm at this club these days.

All in all I think Danny has shattered that community spirit that surrounded the club in previous O'Connorless seasons, and has become something of a dictator at the club, which is why I voted that Danny had been a bad thing for the club some months ago, why I still think his takeover was a bad thing for the club, and why I no longer care about going to Limerick anymore

Kerry Blue
31/10/2005, 3:59 PM
Jamie Nolan is an extremely talented footballer, he has a very intelligent footballing brain and is technically sound.

:eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

31/10/2005, 5:53 PM
Jamie Nolan is an extremely talented footballer, he has a very intelligent footballing brain and is technically sound.
Being good at Pro-Evolution on the playstation doesn't count

LFC in Exile
01/11/2005, 8:43 AM
really set the tone of 'I'm right, if you don't like it then tough' attitude that the chairman has taken with the LFC support this year.

I must have been in the jacks when the previous committee members came around at half time asking everyone's opinion on club affairs.:rolleyes:

All in all I think Danny has shattered that community spirit that surrounded the club in previous O'Connorless seasons, and has become something of a dictator at the club, which is why I voted that Danny had been a bad thing for the club some months ago, why I still think his takeover was a bad thing for the club, and why I no longer care about going to Limerick anymore

Community spirit? Give me a break. If 50 people in a windy, exposed junior ground looking at a team rooted to the bottom of the league is a community then it is a community of the damned. You might go to matches for crack - don't we all - but I enjoy winning the odd game as well. I find that very enjoyable. There is one reason why the club is in the league right now - that reaosn is DD. Without him stepping in, as far as I am concerned, the club was gone. And as it limped from embarrassment to shame in the previous season at times I think people were thinking that it migth be best to put it out of its misery.

Now, DD may not be a nice guy - I don't know. He could be the divil himself. (I spoke to him once coming into the gorund at one home game to say thanks for taking on the club and wishing him well). The club is unrecognisable from the unqualified mess of last season though there are some things I wish were done at this stage.

However, I am struggling to think of anything positive about the club last season. I mean - we still have Damien. :)

01/11/2005, 6:10 PM
No offence taken jebus, a) I don’t think Jamie Nolan cares that much about Limerick F.C. to log on here, and try and defend himself, b) I don’t think Danny Drew would come on here and abuse his own manager, the person he is employing to manage the football side of Limerick F.C, and then stand by him during every game, and c) don’t make a daft comment to say that I only started watching football this year, my education in football goes far beyond the stands of eircom league soccer.
Furthermore; I am not a supporter of Jamie Nolan but the majority of you think he actually has no as ability or talent, I think sadloserkid was the only who mentioned that he had ability, and the fact is that he is quite a talented player and if you haven’t seen that in any of the games this season then it just reiterates my point that the majority of you people haven’t been educated in football.

declan hide
02/11/2005, 7:30 AM
No offence taken jebus, a) I don’t think Jamie Nolan cares that much about Limerick F.C. to log on here, and try and defend himself, b) I don’t think Danny Drew would come on here and abuse his own manager, the person he is employing to manage the football side of Limerick F.C, and then stand by him during every game, and c) don’t make a daft comment to say that I only started watching football this year, my education in football goes far beyond the stands of eircom league soccer.
Furthermore; I am not a supporter of Jamie Nolan but the majority of you think he actually has no as ability or talent, I think sadloserkid was the only who mentioned that he had ability, and the fact is that he is quite a talented player and if you haven’t seen that in any of the games this season then it just reiterates my point that the majority of you people haven’t been educated in football.

first off if nolan dosnt care that much about limerick he knows where the door is. most of us dont care much for him either.

the stands of eircom league soccer? the sheds more like.

nolan has shown ability when played on the right wing. after watching him countless times this season he has shown me very little ability at centre forward and obvisouly very little effort.

a few of us on this board know our football. its makes me squirm when some new poster comes on and tells us we dont. neutral whether you know football or not the fact is kost of us here have seen nolan play this season far more times than you and are callign what we see.

we're sick of talking about him. he put himself back in the topicof conversations with his gestures. pity he didnt do it with his football.

by the way anyone know if the club fined him or anything of the sort?

replace him with ebbie quigley. thats what the club should do. ebbie couldnt play but what heart for such a small fella!:D

04/11/2005, 11:23 AM
I think the whole Jamie Nolan affair is symbolic of whats happening at the club overall. The supporters and club seem to be odds with eachother all season, each giving the perverbial finger to the other at every opportunity. We have had players at this club, who neutral quite rightly points out, do not want to play for Limerick at all. Regardless of whether these players have an abundance of skill of a distinct lack of it is not important. If you do not want to play for the club then you are not welcome to be a part of the club.
The supporters are aqutely aware of this while the club itself appears indifferent to this lack of commitment. Yes nuetral, the quality of "football" in the first division has at times been appauling. however it can never improve if it is saturated with players indifferent to improving it. Having heart alone is not sufficent but having none at all is unacceptable.
As for the club; a internal review of the season should be enough for any reasonable mind to digest what NOT to do when you own a club. Progress has walked hand in hand with unprofessionalism and mismanagement all season long. Unless this changes expect more of the same soap operas next season and dwindling crowds to boot. Bah humbug!

04/11/2005, 11:34 AM
what incident at the cobh game?

once again

04/11/2005, 12:28 PM
once again

Well I wasn't even at the game but here's what I picked up in the course of my snooping about.

1. Jamie Nolan was subbed. On the way off he gave a middle finger salute to the Limerick shed in response to something (booing, heckling, I'm not really sure).

2. When a couple of people criticised this as he was making his way slowly off the field (everything Jamie Nolan does is done slowly) he decided it was time for more direct action and spat at some of the people standing nearby. In keeping with the season he's been having... Mr.Nolan missed his intended target...

3. At this point people got a little more agitated with him so in what I presume was a misguided attempt to calm the situation down he decided to tear off his shirt and throw it to the ground before stalking into the dressing room.

Anybody who was there and feels like contradicting my version of events feel free... this is all second-hand at best but as nobody else was gonna help out poor Nismo I thought I'd oblige.

declan hide
04/11/2005, 1:52 PM
thats not the cobh incident. that happeed against sligo.

LFC in Exile
04/11/2005, 4:35 PM
The Cobh incident was where Nolan was substituted to loud cheers and chants of cheerio from Limerick FC supporters. He did not respond at all to that. :ball:

05/11/2005, 4:35 PM
b) I don’t think Danny Drew would come on here and abuse his own manager, the person he is employing to manage the football side of Limerick F.C, and then stand by him during every game.

You'd be surprised what Mr.Drew would do on here

c) don’t make a daft comment to say that I only started watching football this year, my education in football goes far beyond the stands of eircom league soccer.

Odd thing to take offence too, being that you are the poster who stated in the same post that a majority of people on here are ignorant in football. Oh and if you re-read your first post you'll find the line 'Jamie Nolan is an extremely talented footballer, he has a very intelligent footballing brain and is technically sound', which I think you'll find is checkmate in regards to whether you have a clue about football or not. :p

Do you know I can't remember a time when I came on here to post about actual football matters.......

07/11/2005, 1:02 AM
if you re -read my posts you wil find i never used the word ignorant......i said the majority of you didnt understand the game properly (if you think that jamie nolan has no footballing ability);therefore, i stand by what i said about jamie nolan. he is a talented footballer, he does have an intelligent footballing brain and he is technically sound. if you cant see that then in my opinion you dont really understand the game properly....this is simply my opinion, and I respect your opinion that you dont believe i have a clue about football thats your opinion, your entitled to it....please respect mine.