View Full Version : Peter Taylor for Ireland Job?

21/10/2005, 2:01 PM
I was wondering what people would think of Peter Taylor for Ireland Manager. He's done a pretty good job with England U-21's and Hull. Not great at Leicester but still might be a good shout.

21/10/2005, 2:29 PM
not great at leicester? bit of an understatement there closter,the contracts he gave out were still financially shafting the club as recently as last season and the financial meltdown he induced is evident today by the clubs current lowly position,this all brought about by his chronic inability to judge,coach,train,motivate or manage players at club football level.

u21's is one thing but we should be looking for someone who has done the business at club level at the very least.

we had a man in charge recently who had excelled at underage level to a greater extent than P.T. ever has, and did is do him any good in the senior set up?

21/10/2005, 2:32 PM
his chronic inability to judge,coach,train,motivate or manage players
Yeah but apart from that he should be OK though.

21/10/2005, 2:50 PM
Yeah but apart from that he should be OK though.

and dont think i didnt see that one coming from you either ;) :)

P.T. in charge of us?! i think id have my eyes stapled shut!

21/10/2005, 2:56 PM
not great at leicester? bit of an understatement there closter,the contracts he gave out were still financially shafting the club as recently as last season and the financial meltdown he induced is evident today by the clubs current lowly position,this all brought about by his chronic inability to judge,coach,train,motivate or manage players at club football level.

u21's is one thing but we should be looking for someone who has done the business at club level at the very least.

we had a man in charge recently who had excelled at underage level to a greater extent than P.T. ever has, and did is do him any good in the senior set up?

He was employed as the manager not a accountant/financial adviser. You can't blame him for the financial state of the club.
He's done good things at both Hull and England U21s. I don't very much we are going to get someone who hasn't had a blip in their career.

21/10/2005, 2:59 PM
I reckon there are potentials on the list with a better track record, much more likey to be on FAI shortlist....don't think they'll "headhunt" Taylor...

21/10/2005, 3:07 PM
I reckon there are potentials on the list with a better track record, much more likey to be on FAI shortlist....don't think they'll "headhunt" Taylor...

Maybe not. Outside O'Neill I don't think there are many outstanding candidates. Taylor would know the English game especially the younger players better than most of the candidates.
It would probably not cost the FAI that much to get him. Remember they may have to compensate a club so they are mostly looking at managers out of a job, those whose contract is expiring, or at smaller clubs.
If you take that into consideration then Taylor may be a good option.

21/10/2005, 3:08 PM
I was wondering what people would think of Peter Taylor for Ireland Manager. He's done a pretty good job with England U-21's and Hull. Not great at Leicester but still might be a good shout.

its all irrelevant who we get imo until we get a quinn / cascarino / stapleton target-man type player in our team again. like it or not its when we've always been at our best and always will be. ok... maybe a little extreme but i think its been one of our biggest problems ever since summer '02

21/10/2005, 3:14 PM
its all irrelevant imo until we get a quinn / cascarino / stapleton target-man type player in our team again. like it or not its when we've always been at our best and always will be

We came pretty close the last 2 campaigns without one with most of the players not playing as well as they can. If we get a decent manager then I think we'll do well again with or without a bean-pole.
Having said that it's a pity Sadlier had to retire through injury.

Noelys Guitar
21/10/2005, 4:05 PM
I'd prefer Liz Taylor. If O'Neill turns down the job which is highly likely lets list the candidates who are interested and available. Troussier, Aldridge, Kinnear, Moran, Le Geun, Daglish, Kidd, Venables (List according to various media).

21/10/2005, 4:11 PM
id rather Peter Taylor than Aldridge Moran and Kidd anyway thats for sure!
Le Guen is interesting one though i must say.

21/10/2005, 4:11 PM
I'd prefer Graham Taylor.:rolleyes: Afterall, he did a good job managing the celebrities!

21/10/2005, 4:15 PM
I'd prefer Liz Taylor. If O'Neill turns down the job which is highly likely lets list the candidates who are interested and available. Troussier, Aldridge, Kinnear, Moran, Le Geun, Daglish, Kidd, Venables (List according to various media).

Aldridge + Moran have done nothing in management. Taylor would be far more qualified than them.
Troussier I'm not sure about. He's had some fallings out with players and is not well like but fans of previous teams.
Le Guen I doubt would take it.
Daglish + Venables haven't done anything in football for a while and the last jobs they had were not too successful.
Brian Kidd is AFAIK recovering from cancer and didn't do well at Blckburn.

Here's a profile of Taylor and an interview.


Noelys Guitar
21/10/2005, 4:36 PM
Take your point colster and you could be right but I can't see the FAI appointing him. Le Geun has stated he is interested. I'm really looking at who the FAI is likely to appoint and not my own choice. After O'Neill turns it down then Troussier will have a real shout. Aldridge again has no chance. Moran probably the same. Its a pity he didn't go into management as brilliant motivator. Daglish big name crap manager. Troussier would be ahead of Le Guen as they know more about him. Of those who say there not interested then O'Leary would be top. But will only take job if fired from Villa. Brady, Stapleton,Whelan, Kinnear no real chance. Who will the FAI realistically will appoint?

21/10/2005, 4:39 PM
An interesting option that I thought of myself is Tony Mowbray at Hibs. I haven't seen him mentioned anywhere so I'm not quoting anyone on this. He's done remarkably well at Hibs given his resources and they play a good brand of football.

Just thought seeing as random names are being bandied about I might mention him.

21/10/2005, 4:58 PM
Take your point colster and you could be right but I can't see the FAI appointing him. Le Geun has stated he is interested. I'm really looking at who the FAI is likely to appoint and not my own choice. After O'Neill turns it down then Troussier will have a real shout. Aldridge again has no chance. Moran probably the same. Its a pity he didn't go into management as brilliant motivator. Daglish big name crap manager. Troussier would be ahead of Le Guen as they know more about him. Of those who say there not interested then O'Leary would be top. But will only take job if fired from Villa. Brady, Stapleton,Whelan, Kinnear no real chance. Who will the FAI realistically will appoint?

I think you're underestimating the FAI and Delaney. I think Delaney might be using Ferguson or someone else to recommend a manager. Ferguson did somethinng similar for the Scottish FA and is a friend of the Delaney's.
So it may not be too far fetched. The manager we get may not be an obvious name.

21/10/2005, 6:05 PM
if Le Guen is interested he would be my first choice

21/10/2005, 6:28 PM
Whatever happened to Wim Jansen? Has he managed anyone since his one season miracle at Celtic? Those Dutch coaches are so mysterious, but gifted.

21/10/2005, 6:33 PM
What's Jack Charlton being doing with his time lately?

21/10/2005, 6:34 PM
Peter Taylor? Sure why not throw John Gregory in to the mix altogether, he'd really go down well with the Irish media....

Paul Le Guen would be a great appointment. My preferences are as follows:

1. Martin O'Neill - He's Irish and we need a good motivator cos the talent is lacking
1. Gus Hiddink - Super coach, neck and neck as my first choice with O'Neill. We need Australia to fall on their arse though.
3. Troussier - Good coach, always delivers results on the international stage. And he wants the job.
4. Paul Le Guen - Good coach, plays lovely brand of football but do we have to technical players to carry it off? No we don't unfortunately.
5. Aldridge - His heart would be in the right place, but you're looking at another rebuilding period. Inexperienced manager + relatively inexperienced team = not good.
6. Dalglish - The idea as nice but Dalglish is past it. Instead of thinking King Kenny at Liverpool, think Kenny at Newcastle and Celtic.......
7. Liz Taylor - Lacks international experience. Could clash with Clinton Morrisson in the bling bling stakes.

21/10/2005, 7:02 PM
if Le Guen is interested he would be my first choice
He was offered the Monaco job a couple of weeks ago, I suppose that he did not take it as he is being mentioned for our job.
He did say after he left Lyon that he wanted to stay in France but was open to offers from other countries.

21/10/2005, 7:33 PM
Looks like Le Guen is settling for Monaco. He coulda been a contender.

Monaco in hunt for Le Guen
Paul Le Guen is set to be installed as Monaco coach if press reports from France are to be believed.
According to the French daily Le parisien dimanche, negotiations between the former Lyon coach and Monaco's directors are heating up.
A contract of three-and-a-half years has been proposed by the Principality club but Le Guen, who led Lyon to three French Ligue 1 titles, has asked for more time to reflect on the deal.

22/10/2005, 11:20 PM
A managers abillity to get the best out of average players, which is all we have, is the most important thing in my eyes, not neceesarily their record of trophies etc if you know what I mean. The thing is though the abscence of a physical presence up front will make it very difficult for allot of managers that have made a career out of getting the best results out of average players because they tend to resort to bread and butter tactics.

I'd be a bit sceptical of the foreign coaches because they're used to dealing with players that allthough pound for pound might not be as good, they generally have more technical abbillity than the majority of our 'Brittish type' squad. I don't envy who ever gets it