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View Full Version : Sysprep Troubleshooting

14/10/2005, 9:11 AM
Does anyone have experience in troubleshooting Sysprep IDE to IDE images?
I've a pain in my swiss roll from changing the sysprep.inf and re-imaging.
Using Ghost and Sysprep 1.1 on Win2K Pro clients.
Multiple vendors, multiple formats, all X86 and all IDE.
Have used the [SysprepMassStorage] with the default list of controllers from the Win2K CD.

It gets to the black screen with the white line saying, "Starting Windows" and then just hangs. The image will run a mini install on the master machine no problem.

This isn't something I have to do often but I need an image I can push out with Radia. I'm in a Pre-Production lab so I have room for error. Just a bit short on time. Any help would be appreciated.


14/10/2005, 9:51 AM
It's alright, I've figured it out.