View Full Version : Adaptability

13/10/2005, 9:33 AM
I was watching the game last night and I noticed one thing that was very clear. The Swiss players could play the ref well. From early on, it was clear light physical contact would draw a free from the ref. Yet still the irish lads went in and a hand on a shoulder would get a free awarded. The Swiss players are mainly playing on the Continent and are clearly use to this but surely when a ref has given 10 frees due to mild physical contact, players learn and adapt? Instead, Morrisson consistantly fouled. Why do we have no guile on the pitch?

13/10/2005, 10:12 AM
Spot on. Doherty sat for 80 minutes watching this. Came on, first ball to him, he 'fouls' his man

13/10/2005, 10:14 AM
Morrison's fouling last night was a disgrace and every time he protested. He wasn't the only one but a huge element of this game is about discipline, the Swiss had it we didn't.

13/10/2005, 10:27 AM
The ref was German. Bloody disgraceful for such an important game.

13/10/2005, 10:42 AM
confused please explain:confused: :confused:

13/10/2005, 10:48 AM
I am the only one who thought Morrison tried his best last night?
I normally agree with Dunphy, but he slated Clinto in the analysis..

As for Robbie Keane, quit the stupid attempted flicks over the defenders heads and control the ball and have a shot or play someone else in.

Keep it simple...

13/10/2005, 1:09 PM
No arguments about where the ref was from, as if the ref was english I'd of made little comment on that either. I don't like the ref personally. I feel he focuses on small niggly things whilst giving bad calls on more serious things. I however do not go and attribute our loss to the ref in any way and Clinton Morrisson's constant "effort" mainly led to a free out. That is "effort" alright, akin to a player that is not doing his job and that is beating the defender and setting up attacks. Complaining to a ref is the most futile of exercises. Never in my 26 years have I heard a ref change his mind after a player called him a "pr*ck" for a decision.

13/10/2005, 1:17 PM
the ref was really going by the letter of the law and came down hard on irelands physical game but when reid got hacked down and then jumped up he didnt book the switzerland player.

Irrelevent really but just shows how out of touch this irish team were with ref's