View Full Version : the soccer magazine

11/10/2005, 7:46 PM
i have some past issues of "the soccer magazine" will anyone be interested? i will exchange the 'zines for el jerseys or for a small fee. you pay for shipping or something like that. if no one wants them then they will go in the rubbish. they are in good condition. i will let you know what issued i have if you are interested

A face
11/10/2005, 9:30 PM
You should try and contact the guys involved in the programme fair .... i couldn't tell you where to look but i do know they would definitely be interested !!

12/10/2005, 10:23 AM
I'd be very interested in taking you up on this Sean, to fill the gaps I have in my collection. I'd have most of the issues from about 1986/7 onwards - with a few exceptions from when I moved to England. Let me know what issues you have and I'll sort something out for you for any that I need.

As for the Irish Programme Fair boys - they'll only take them off your hands and then flog them on to people like me at greatly inflated prices....! :eek: :mad: