View Full Version : There's always hope!

11/10/2005, 10:36 AM
"For what's done is done and what's won is won
and what's lost is lost and gone forever..."

Tomorrow we have a chance to progress to the play-off's.
All the poor performances, all the dropped points, all the ifs and buts are consigned to history. Tomorrow we can play our hearts out and we can get the win we need.

As fans we've got to focus on that and make the Swiss know they're about as welcome as Avian Flu. I felt let down by the team on Saturday, but I'm not one to bare a grudge. Life goes on and there's still hope.

Lets start being positive for a change and get behind Brian and the lads. One big push to get us up to second.
Come on Ireland!

12/10/2005, 7:33 AM
"For what's done is done and what's won is won
and what's lost is lost and gone forever..."

Tomorrow we have a chance to progress to the play-off's.
All the poor performances, all the dropped points, all the ifs and buts are consigned to history. Tomorrow we can play our hearts out and we can get the win we need.

As fans we've got to focus on that and make the Swiss know they're about as welcome as Avian Flu. I felt let down by the team on Saturday, but I'm not one to bare a grudge. Life goes on and there's still hope.

Lets start being positive for a change and get behind Brian and the lads. One big push to get us up to second.
Come on Ireland!
Been saying this all week buddy :D of course we're going to do it!

Plastic Paddy
12/10/2005, 7:36 AM
but I'm not one to bear a grudge

Unless it's against unionised workers in a pay dispute who are asserting their right to withdraw their labour, eh Peadar? :rolleyes: But I digress...

Been saying this all week buddy :D of course we're going to do it!

I'm going to start calling you Mr Sheen from now on. (I'd refer to you as the Pledge, only I know you've taken that already... ;) )

:ball: PP

12/10/2005, 8:15 AM
Unless it's against unionised workers in a pay dispute who are asserting their right to withdraw their labour, eh Peadar? :rolleyes:

Can't possibly see how that's a grudge since the story only broke yesterday and I've expressed an opinion.

I'll thank you to not bring any more negative attitude into my thread.

Come on Ireland!

12/10/2005, 8:28 AM
Ireland to win, Cyprus to win. We qualify first. Isreal get second. In the finals we get Israel in first round, losing 1-0 with two minutes to go we get two late goal (the winner being an OG from their keeper)

12/10/2005, 8:31 AM
Ireland to win, Cyprus to win.

I'd take us to win and Cyprus to draw.
It's not that I don't want Israel to qualify but I can't see Cyprus getting all 3 points.

12/10/2005, 8:57 AM
Well obviously I'd take that but stop being so negative...

12/10/2005, 10:08 AM
been listening to the old World Cup songs this morning.. great memories


Plastic Paddy
12/10/2005, 10:17 AM
Well obviously I'd take that but stop being so negative...


Well done Dodge. Touché Peadar. :p

:ball: PP

12/10/2005, 10:18 AM
stop being so negative...

There's a difference between negativity and realism.
I'm the most positive person you're likely to meet.

Plastic Paddy
12/10/2005, 10:24 AM
Pessimists are the happiest people. Ninety per cent of the time they're correct and ten per cent of the time they're pleasantly surprised. ;)

:ball: PP

12/10/2005, 11:20 AM
lads we have this one tonight i can feel it in my bones the ol put 'em under pressure and all that.

Let's roar our heads off and make sure we give the choccy makers one we owe them big time!!

Come on the lads:D