View Full Version : Indo not invited?

11/10/2005, 9:00 AM
I was watching Setanta's talk show yesterday and they had interviews with Gerry McDermott of the Indo and Emmett Malone of The Irish Times. McDermott was really annoyed that they were told that yesterday's press conference was cancelled. Since the press conference seemed fairly packed, was it only the Indo that were told this?

11/10/2005, 9:02 AM
serves them right...

11/10/2005, 10:41 AM
Indo is a rag & McDermottalways has an agenda. No loss really.

11/10/2005, 10:51 AM
Really don't like the Sports coverage in the Indo/Herald. I especially find dislike in many of their "Bootroom" and "Comment" sections were journo's have pot shots at people they dislike. With today's one on Kerr and previosu ones about the terrible violence in the eircom league etc you got to wonder about the editor.

11/10/2005, 10:55 AM
Yeah no great loss not inviting the Indo. They seem to only want to disrupt Irelands preperations at the moment.

11/10/2005, 11:35 AM
I agree completely with Gareth about the Hearld and the Indo. Im delighted Mc Dermott was snubbed.

11/10/2005, 11:36 AM
There was an article in the Indo during the week with reference to new appointments to the Sports section. all three were from the Herald. Said it all to me. I like the Indo but its going downhill.

11/10/2005, 11:48 AM
I won't hear a word siad against the Independent (providing it's the same Independent as in Britain your talking about)!

Today they published a free map for every reader with Burma printed as Burma not "Myanmar", Rangoon as Rangoon not "Yangon" and Tibet as Tibet and not just left as part of China.
Every map and reference to these two countries demonstrates how the paper neither recognises the legality or legitmacy of the Burmese Junta or the Chinese in the respective countries.

11/10/2005, 11:48 AM
There was an article in the Indo during the week with reference to new appointments to the Sports section. all three were from the Herald. Said it all to me. I like the Indo but its going downhill.

The Indo's new editor is Gerry O'Regan who came from the Herald and has brought some of his buddies with him. Expect the Indo to go way down market. O'Regan was brought in to counteract the threat of the Irish Daily Mail which will be launched in the new year.

the Independent Group (Indo, Sindo, Herald) are scum and as much as I hate Associated (Mail, Ireland on Sunday, Metro) I hope they wipe the floor with O'Reilly's rags.


Lionel Ritchie
11/10/2005, 12:02 PM
The Indo's new editor is Gerry O'Regan who came from the Herald and has brought some of his buddies with him. Expect the Indo to go way down market. O'Regan was brought in to counteract the threat of the Irish Daily Mail which will be launched in the new year.

the Independent Group (Indo, Sindo, Herald) are scum and as much as I hate Associated (Mail, Ireland on Sunday, Metro) I hope they wipe the floor with O'Reilly's rags.


Wow -I did not know that. So I can expect to read even more about what's going on in Dublin, what footpaths in suburbs of dublin are being resurfaced, what was said at last night Dublins city council meeting, what was said at last nights Fingal county council meeting, why Dubin GAA is "in crisis", who was seen out and about in Dublin, and read more and more property ads for Dublin then.

The fcuk I will. :cool:

11/10/2005, 12:04 PM
I boycott the herald but it looks like I may also have to boycott the indo too now

11/10/2005, 12:25 PM
Hopefully people will refuse to take a copy of the new Herald Am that's been handed out all over the city this week.

11/10/2005, 12:57 PM
Won't be long before the (Anti)Irish Independent print a map of Ireland with no border, that seems to be what they want EXCEPT Ireland would be in red white and blue with our new leader Gruppenfuhrer McDowell.

BOYCOTT THESE RAGS - Conor Cruise O'Brien and Ruth Duley Edwards as columnists says enough.


Good man, you have my vote!


11/10/2005, 1:10 PM
Expect the Indo to go way down market.Wouldn't exactly be a new thing!

11/10/2005, 10:44 PM
So the Times is the biggest selling daily paper in Ireland i gather as the Sun,Mirror,Star, hearld and Indo are all rags. Interesting.:confused:

11/10/2005, 11:04 PM
QUOTE]So the Times is the biggest selling daily paper in Ireland i gather as the Sun,Mirror,Star, hearld and Indo are all rags. Interesting[/QUOTE]

dont think it is Farbeag but it is without doubt the best. The indo has really turned into a trashy newspaper in the last while, would have no interest in reading it. As for the hearld, I think enough has been said on foot.ie about this paper already, no need to make any comment.

12/10/2005, 8:09 AM
So the Times is the biggest selling daily paper in Ireland i gather as the Sun,Mirror,Star, hearld and Indo are all rags. Interesting.:confused:
Well the herald has a monopoly in the evening so its obviously going to be the top seller.

The tabloid's attraction is their ceap and trashiness. Nothing wrong with it per se. Their sports coverage is usually top notch and for a 20 minute coffee break you'll get what you want out of it.

The indo on the other side has(or at least had) pretentions of being a proper, quality newspaper. It fails badly. Its too stiff to be a tabloid and too LCD driven to be a quality read. Personally I don't like any of their columnists either but that’s a preference

tayto repairman
12/10/2005, 8:17 AM
you guys must be loaded.

i live in london and go back to galway usually two or three times a year. the price of a newspaper in ireland these days is shocking. why bother with the rubbish?

12/10/2005, 8:24 AM
We'll have to stick with the Examiner so, i don't find Mackey too bad to be honest.

12/10/2005, 8:43 AM
Interestingly enough, the only decent comments on the last week I heard were from David Kelly of the Independent (I know, I know) on Newstalk (I know, I know ...) last night. His main point was to link the wider issue of Irish soccer with the fortunes of the Irish team. He's in favour of Kerr staying, which I wouldn't necessarily agree with myself, but said a high profile manager that visits Ireland 6 or 7 times a year isn't what's needed to develop Irish soccer.
This is of course in direct opposition to the 1st Genesis report, where the fortunes of the senior (men's) team is about the only thing that matters ...
