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View Full Version : Genesis Reporter Issue 3

10/10/2005, 4:15 PM
The next issue of the Genesis Reporter will be on sale at the Ireland game next Wednesday.

Featured in it will be:

Keane's Next Move
Kerr and the Media
How It All Came Down To This: Group 4 Review
Player Profile: Kevin Moran
Round Up Of All The Other Qualification Groups
Eircom League
Review of Irish Teams In Europe This Year
Spotlight on Stephen Kenny
The eL Genesis Report
See who John Deleney's Look-a-like is!
Swiss-Roll of Honour
Swiss Tony Tells It Like It Is
Advert for the new FAI Reality Show

Copies will be available around Lansdowne from around 5:30

We still need people to sell the fanzines though, so if you have a spare hour, email genesisreporter@yahoo.com

11/10/2005, 12:55 PM
Here's (http://foot.ie/attachment.php?attachmentid=196&d=1129035058) the front cover of the Genesis Reporter Issue 3, with Shay making that save against Cyprus.

We're still looking for more people to help out on the day btw.:)

11/10/2005, 5:54 PM
The song on the front cover was made up by myself in Paris before the match. Was shortly afterwards posted on this very website in the "songs that you sing thread" (which I can no longer find) & submitted to the Given worship site http://www.shay-given.com/chants-shay-given.html. Though completely uncopyrighted/ uncopyrightable & the fact that the lines on the cover are really a hybrid of my original composition, I'm sure the necessary credits are contained within the fanzine & eagerly await the sight of my name inside....:cool: Oh and I also hope Don Givens is in for a bit more stick.

12/10/2005, 9:44 AM
The song on the front cover was made up by myself in Paris before the match.

I don't know you you want to be taking credit for that...

12/10/2005, 12:11 PM
I'll be around to help sell a few if Don Givens is looking for me :)

oh and by the way....bump!

12/10/2005, 1:28 PM
I'll be around to help sell a few if Don Givens is looking for me :)

I'll be selling a few as well, and I'll give some stick about his substitution policies!


Bald Student
14/10/2005, 11:33 AM
Your going to have to up the quality of look-a-likes for future issues. Delaney looks nothing like Donald Trump.