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09/10/2005, 9:02 AM
Kerr is either completely retarded or has a good sense of humour

Eircom upset by Kerr’s smart charity gesture

Faith, hope or charity are clearly in short supply in Merrion Square these days. Delaney is believed to have had words with Kerr last week after the manager posed for a photograph for a charity in a St Patrick’s Athletic jersey. Eircom, a major sponsor of the FAI, were livid as St Pat’s main sponsor is their rival, Smart Telecom. They are believed to have complained to Delaney, who passed on their comments in no uncertain terms. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2093-1817708,00.html

Like I said elsewhere, Richardson was naive. Doyle is much better potential that this fella Henderson. Why cant the league sell players for their actual value:mad: We need a single contract type for the league.

Five into one doesn’t go for league clubs
A few weeks after Reading bought Kevin Doyle from Cork City for €116,000, Watford purchased a striker called Darius Henderson for £450,000 from Gillingham. Henderson is 24 years old, has never played for England at any level, and has yet to start 100 first team games despite knocking around five clubs.

Maybe somebody somewhere can explain why Gillingham got five times as much money for this guy as City got for Doyle. At the time of his own move, Doyle had scored four times in ten appearances for the Irish U-21s, performed heroics at the World Youths Cup and enjoyed a prolific Eircom League career. You don’t have to be a mathematician to work out that either Irish clubs are selling themselves short or something about this move doesn’t add up.

Gooid man kav' though :)

Expletives undeleted in Kavanagh-Yakin encounter

The absence from the Swiss team of their midfield playmaker Hakan Yakin will come as a severe disappointment to Ireland midfielder Graham Kavanagh, who was less than impressed with Hakan Yakin’s gamesmanship during the course of last September’s game against Switzerland in Basel. He made his feelings abundantly clear to Yakin in person, but his comments were picked up by television microphones and the ‘w’ word was much in attendance. Kavanagh was on the receiving end of the same sort of abuse from a group of youths while out for a jog on the beach on a recent visit back to Dublin. Kavanagh turned on his heels and challenged the heckler to come forward. Wisely the young man in question demurred and Kavanagh continued on his way.:ball: :ball:

09/10/2005, 10:48 AM
In fairness to Kerr, wasnt it an old st pats jersey he wore which had the old sponsor on the jersey

09/10/2005, 1:22 PM
Doyle buy out clause was written into his contract, why isn't anyone tearing into the manager that signed it in the first place??

09/10/2005, 2:03 PM
no one has yet answered why we dont have a template for a contract which clubs can follow with a few minor changes to suit the clubs.

09/10/2005, 4:40 PM
In fairness to Kerr, wasnt it an old st pats jersey he wore which had the old sponsor on the jersey

No saw the picture it was the Smart Telecom one.

09/10/2005, 5:05 PM
Isn't it amazing that you have to read an article about Doyle in the UK media & no one in the irish media focuses on the price differences.

09/10/2005, 8:45 PM
Isn't it amazing that you have to read an article about Doyle in the UK media & no one in the irish media focuses on the price differences.
It was in saturday's independent as well